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| 共计 389 道试题
1 . 听音,在横线上填入所缺的字母组合。

I had a very nice w__kend, because I had great fun with my family and friends. On Saturday morning, I finished all my homew__k. So in the aftern__n, I went to the p__k to have a picnic with my family. On Sunday, I s__ a film with my friends. We were all very happy.

2024-01-13更新 | 57次组卷 | 1卷引用:(小升初分班考试)2023年小升初英语(新初一)名校入学分班考试检测卷二(人教PEP版)(含听力音频)
2 . 听录音,根据所听到的内容,填入所缺的单词,完成短文。

It was ______ in the morning. My mother and I ______ to the zoo by bike. We ______ many interesting parrots. Then the weather became ______ and ______. We ______ kites high in the ______. It was time for lunch. We ate some bread and drank some ______. In the afternoon, It ______. We ______ sad. What a day!

2024-01-11更新 | 11次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022-2023学年江苏省盐城市盐都区实验小学译林版(三起)六年级上册期中测试英语试卷(含听力音频)
3 . 阅读并选择方框内合适的选项,完成句子。填序号。
A. wood   B. sadly   C. laugh   D. saw   E. make
1. You shouldn’t ______ at other people.
2. They are going to ______ jiaozi for Chinese New Year.
3. We use ______ to make tables.
4. We ______ Aunt Alice last Chinese New Year’s Eve.
5. Listen! The girl is crying ______.
2023-12-28更新 | 28次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022-2023学年江苏省徐州市新沂市译林版(三起)六年级上册期末练习英语试卷(含听力音频)
4 . 听录音,完成短文,将所缺单词填写在横线上。

Two days ______, Li Lin and I ______ to the zoo by bike. There ______ a lot of people in the park, because there ______ a puppet ______.

We ______ some interesting puppets. They ______ dance beautifully, but they couldn’t ______. Then we ______ some nice puppets.

2023-12-28更新 | 46次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022-2023学年江苏省徐州市睢宁县译林版(三起)六年级上册期末测试英语试卷 (含听力音频)
5 . The day before yesterday, I ________ with my father. (        )
A.saw a filmB.see a filmC.seeing a film
2023-12-24更新 | 55次组卷 | 2卷引用:2022-2023学年湖北省咸宁市人教PEP版六年级下册期末质量检测英语试卷
填空题-用正确形式填空 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . They ______ (see) lots of animals in the zoo yesterday.
2023-12-22更新 | 29次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022-2023学年河南省周口市沈丘县李老庄乡蒋桥小学外研版(三起)六年级下册5月月考英语试卷
补全对话/短文-填内容补全(约50词) | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 根据图意,填写合适的单词,完成句子。

It was     1     in the morning. Yang Ling and her friends went to the park by     2    . In the park, they     3     some interesting parrots and     4     kites. They brought some food there, but they didn’t eat. Because there were some ants and bees on the food. Then, the weather     5     rainy. They were hungry and wet.

2023-12-17更新 | 25次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023-2024学年江苏省南京市江宁区译林版(三起)六年级上册期中练习英语试卷
8 . I _________ some birds yesterday. (        )
2023-12-16更新 | 16次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022-2023学年湖北省黄冈市浠水县浠水县兰溪镇第二小学外研版(三起)四年级下册期末质量检测英语试卷
选择题-单选题 | 较易(0.85) |
9 . Last week, I went into a shop. I _________ some apples and ate two. (     )
2023-12-14更新 | 23次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022-2023学年辽宁省大连市甘井子区外研版(一起)四年级下学期7月期末英语试卷
10 . 听录音,补全下列短文。

It was a spring morning. A small black cat ______ near a river. Just then he ______ a big fish swimming in the river. The cat ______ to catch the fish, so he ______ into the river. The fish swam away quickly and the cat was all ______ and caught nothing.

2023-11-17更新 | 20次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023-2024学年江苏省常州市新北区三井实验小学译林版(三起)六年级上学期11月期中英语试卷(含听力音频)
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