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河南 高二 阶段练习 2022-04-07 87次 整体难度: 适中 考查范围: 主题、语篇范围

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You can either travel or read, but either your body or soul must be on the way. Traveling, just like reading, is a refreshing journey, a temporary rest from the busy world. Here are 3 books we recommend that you take on your trip.

1. Destination: US

Recommended book: On the Road, 1957, by Jack Kerouac

The book is a globally popular spiritual guide book about youth. The main character in the book drives across the US continent with several young people and finally reaches Mexico. After the tiring and exciting trip, the characters in the book begin to realize the meaning of life.

The book can be a good partner accompanying you to explore the United States.

2. Destination: Sahara Desert, North Africa

Recommended book: The Stories of the Sahara, 1976, by Sanmao

The book tells us the author's simple but adventurous life in the Sahara Desert, which seems a wild and dull place. The natural scenery and life there will inspire you to explore the land.

Reading the book is like having with the author, who is sincere and humorous.

3. Destination: Japan

Recommended book: The Chrysanthemum (菊) and the Sword, 1986, by Ruth Benedict

The chrysanthemum is in the heraldry (纹章图案) of the Japanese royal family. And the sword is a symbol of Japanese warrior (武士) culture. The book is regarded as an introduction to learning about Japan and a must-read classic to get to know Japan, with its deep analysis of Japanese cultural tradition and national characteristics.

1. Which book is suggested to him if your friend wants to travel around the America?
A.On the Road.B.The Stories of the Sahara.
C.The Chrysanthemum and the Sword.D.Life is Elsewhere.
2. What do we know about the book The Chrysanthemum and the Sword?
A.It introduces the relations between chrysanthemum and sword.
B.It helps readers to learn something about Japan.
C.It was written by a Japanese writer.
D.It is a book that Japanese must read.
3. What's the author's purpose in writing the text?
A.To advertise three travel guidebooks.
B.To arouse readers' interests in reading books.
C.To recommend three books you can take on your trip.
D.To introduce three novels.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65)

Malala yousafzai, the youngest-ever Nobel Prize winner, is a Pakistani activist for female education.

Malala Yousafzai was born on July 12, 1997, in Mingora, the largest city in the Swat Valley. At a very young age, Malala developed a thirst for knowledge. For years her father, a passionate education advocate himself, ran a learning institution in the city, and school was a big part of Malala's family.

In 2007, when Malala was ten years old, the situation in the Swat Valley rapidly changed for her family and community. The Taliban began to control the Swat Valley and quickly became the dominant socio-political force throughout much of northwestern Pakistan. Girls were banned from attending school, and cultural activities like dancing and watching television were prohibited.

Determined to go to school and with a firm belief in her right to an education, in early 2009, Malala, through writing blogs on BBC, delivering speeches and many other international movements, appealed to global attention to female rights.

But, not everyone supported and welcomed her campaign to bring about change in Swat. On the morning of October 9, 2012, 15-year-old Malala Yousafzai was shot by the Taliban.

Although Malala was seriously attacked by Taliban, she refused to compromise her principles. Malala's bravery against inequality did inspire people to fight for their own rights, and Malala was supported both physically and mentally by people all around the world.

In October 2014, Malala, along with Indian children's rights activist Kailash Satyarthi, was named a Nobel Peace Prize winner. At age 17, she became the youngest person to receive this prize. Accepting the award, Malala reaffirmed that “This award is not just for me. It is for those forgotten children who want education. It is for those frightened children who want peace. It is for those voiceless children who want change.”

4. What can we learn from the second paragraph?
A.Malala was tired of learning.B.Malala thought little of learning.
C.Malala was keen on learning.D.Malala's father didn't support education.
5. What can we learn about Malaya after her being shot by the Taliban?
A.She felt depressed.
B.She decided to stop her ambitions.
C.She was devoted to removing child labor.
D.She continued to fight for women's right.
6. Which words can best describe Malala according to the passage?
A.Sensitive and stubborn.B.Devoted and brave.
C.Ambitious and optimistic.D.Creative and considerate.
7. What can be inferred from what Malala said while accepting the award?
A.She has a caring attitude.
B.She is satisfied with her education.
C.She feels powerless to change the world.
D.She will have more supporters in the coming year
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中(0.65)

Putting cash in the hands of mothers can help shape the brains of their babies, according to a study in the United States.

Family income has been linked to child development numerous times in the past in observational studies, but this is the first time researchers have found direct experimental evidence of how poverty drives such changes.

The findings come from an ongoing study known as Baby’s First Year, which is attempting to assess how poverty reduction can impact the cognitive and emotional growth of very young children. “We have known for many years that growing up in poverty puts children at risk for lower school achievement, reduced earnings, and poorer health,” explains neuroscientist Kimberly Noble from Columbia University. “However, until now, we haven’t been able to say whether poverty itself causes differences in child development, or whether growing up in poverty is simply associated with other factors that cause those differences.”

A thousand low-income mothers in the US were recruited (招募) for the study shortly after their babies were born. These parents, who came from either New York City, New Orleans, Omaha or Minneapolis/St. Paul, were then randomly offered either $333 a month in unconditional cash payments or $20 a month in unconditional cash payments for the first four years of their baby's life—no strings attached.

The data show that giving low-income mothers financial support can directly change infant brain activity in the first year of life. Infants (婴儿) whose mothers had received the higher cash payments, for instance, had higher frequency brain activity than those infants whose mothers had received less.

Further research is needed to see whether these changes in brain activity last or whether they translate to improved cognitive development, but there’s good reason to suspect they might.

8. How is the current study different from previous ones?
A.It didn’t get expectant result.B.Its result is obtained by observing.
C.There is no evidence to support it.D.Its result is based on direct experiment.
9. What’s the purpose of the current study?
A.To find other factors that impact young children.
B.To find if poverty has negative effects on child development.
C.To prove if relieving poverty contributes to child brain development.
D.To prove family income has nothing to do with child development.
10. What can you infer from paragraph 4?
A.The cash was offered without conscious decision.
B.The study gave away money to low-income mothers.
C.Thousands of low-income mothers were involved in the study.
D.Low-income mothers received cash payments for four years.
11. What is the passage probably going to talk about next?
A.Why further research is needed.
B.Studies contrary to the current findings.
C.Whether these changes in brain activity last.
D.Other similar studies that support the current findings.
2022-04-05更新 | 189次组卷 | 4卷引用:河南省南阳市六校2021-2022学年高二下学期三月份联考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65)

As one of the greatest threats to our existence and to the future of our planet, climate change doesn’t just affect one place, but the whole world.

Thus, at the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, which just ended, China has again demonstrated its capability and determination to tackle the global challenge of climate change through putting in place innovative and green technologies to protect the environment.

To achieve this great milestone, China engaged about 300 million Chinese in the planning process, activating the spirit of the Olympic motto of “Faster, Higher, Stronger—Together”. Knowing that preparations for the event, such as the construction of venues, roads and other facilities, could lead to an increase in energy use and carbon emissions, the Beijing 2022 organizing committee was determined to carry out carbon reduction measures such as low-carbon venues, energy use and transportation.

First, regarding low-carbon venues (比赛场馆) and infrastructure (基础设施), a total of 550 kilometers of streets along Beijing’s rivers and lakes were rearranged for use by cyclists and pedestrians. Also, a waterfront pathway running 28. 5 kilometers from the capital’s downtown to its Tongzhou district was opened to the public in 2021.

Second, regarding low-carbon energy use, for the first time in Olympics history, 100 percent of the conventional electricity demand of all venues was supplied by renewable energy. The venues relied on the newly built Zhangbei renewable energy flexible direct current power grid in Zhangjiakou and the cross-regional green power trading mechanism.

Third, a low-carbon transportation system was used. The transportation system within the overall Beijing Games zone mainly relied on electric and natural-gas-powered vehicles. In the Yanqing district zone and the Zhangjiakou zone, hydrogen (氢)-fueled vehicles were used. According to the organizers, a total of about 1, 807 hybrid vehicles, over 800 hydrogen-fueled vehicles, nearly 500 natural gas-fueled vehicles and 370 pure electric vehicles were used.

China has showed the world its commitment to giving top priority to ecological conservation. Indeed, the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics provided sustainable initiatives to ensure ecological protection and carbon-neutral Games.

12. What’s the purpose of the first paragraph?
A.To offer background information.
B.To lead to the topic of the text.
C.To show the severity of climate change.
D.To call on people to protect our planet.
13. What does the underlined word “tackle” mean in paragraph 2?
14. What made Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics distinguish itself from other Olympic games?
A.Low-carbon transportation system.
B.Low-carbon venues and infrastructure.
C.100% use of renewable energy for all venues.
D.Hydrogen-fueled and natural gas-fueled vehicles.
15. What’s the best title of the passage?
A.Climate change is getting worse
B.China fulfills promise of green Games
C.Beijing successfully held 2022 Winter Olympics
D.China is determined to protect the environment
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