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浙江 高二 期末 2023-03-08 329次 整体难度: 适中 考查范围: 主题、语篇范围

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Travelers are always looking for inspiration to guide their trips. Coming up with a list of places to visit can be challenging when you’re staring at a globe. What are the top tourist attractions in the world? Here comes our list.

.The Acropolis, Athens

Follow in the footsteps of ancients as you walk up the same steps that have been walked on since 438 BC. Views out over the city are incredible as you walk between the well-restored old buildings. Near the end of the day, you’ll want to stay and watch the sunset from the stairs near the entrance. This is a ritual (仪式) in Athens.

. The Taj Mahal, India

India is-filled with incredible cities and fabulous places to visit, but the 17th-century

Taj Mahal is the one place that says you’ve been to India. This mausoleum (陵墓),commissioned by the Shah Jahan for his wife, is known internationally as a symbol of love. This fantastic structure, made with precious stones, has to be visited to be fully appreciated.

. Petra, Jordan

You may have an Indiana Jones feeling as you walk through a 1.2-kilometer-long narrow crack in the sandstone hills and emerge, into a hidden city. First built over 2,000 years ago and lost to the outside world for 600 years, the city was only discovered in 1812. Impressive buildings are carved directly into the red rock walls and are wonderfully preserved, just begging to be explored and photographed.

.Grand Canyon, USA

The greatest natural attraction in the United States, the Grand Canyon is a key sight for all travelers planning their lifetime of adventures. Standing on the edge of the Grand Canyon, looking out over the carved landscape, will awaken your senses. Several hikes in the canyon and along the edge offer unique perspectives. For even more adventure plan a rafting trip down the Colorado River through the canyon.

1. What do the Acropolis and Petra have in common?
A.Fantastic sunset.
B.Red rock walls.
C.Exciting rafting trip.
D.Ancient buildings.
2. Which place best suits people who want an adventurous trip?
A.Petra, Jordan.
B.Grand Canyon, USA.
C.The Taj Mahal, India.
D.The Acropolis, Athens.
3. Where is the text probably taken from?
A.A research paper.
B.A science fiction.
C.A travel brochure.
D.A geography textbook.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中(0.65)
文章大意:本文是一篇新闻报道,文章讲述了Tom Turcich成为第十个环游世界的人,在七年多的时间里,他和他的狗萨凡纳走过了4.8万公里,横跨六大洲和38个国家。

On May 21, 2022, Tom Turcich of New Jersey became the 10th person to walk around the world. Over seven years, he walked 48,000 kilometers across six continents and 38 countries - most of it with his dog Savannah.

Speaking to CNN, Turcich explained that, after a friend died in an accident at age 17 he started to look at life differently, and decided to go on a journey around the world. It took over eight years of saving and planning before Turcich finally left his home on April 2, 2015 - just before his 26th birthday - on his way to Panama. He had a stroller to carry his hiking equipment, a sleeping bag, a laptop, a camera and a box of food.

About four months into the journey, Turcich adopted Savannah from, an animal shelter in Texas. She joined him for the rest of the trip, becoming the first dog to walk around the world. The pair walked around 30-40 kilometers a day, spending most nights camping. Some parts could not be done on foot, however - such as when Turcich and Savannah took a boat from Uruguay to Antarctica. In late 2017, Turcich had to return home to recover from an illness he got while traveling through Ireland and the UK.

He and Savannah started walking again in May 2018, going through Europe, North Africa and Turkey before getting stuck in Azerbaijan for six months because of the COVID-19 pandemic. They were able to travel to Kyrgyzstan before taking a plane to Seattle. From there, he and Savannah walked back to New Jersey.

Turcich said the most difficult place to walk through was “desolate“ Wyoming. Now that he’s back home, Turcich says he wants to stay in one place for a while - and write a book about his trip.

4. What led to Turcich’s decision to walk around the world?
A.His thoughtful plan before a birthday.
B.His different attitude towards travelling.
C.The death of his friend at an early age.
D.The adoption of Savannah from a shelter.
5. What can we know about the Turcich and Savannah according to the text?
A.They spent most of nights in hotels during the trip.
B.Their journey has been recorded in Turcich’s book.
C.Their trip was once interrupted due to Turcich’s illness.
D.The most challenging place for them to walk through was Azerbaijan.
6. What kind of person is Turcich according to the text?
A.Creative and curious.
B.Brave and determined.
C.Caring and intelligent.
D.Humorous and cautious.
7. What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?
A.To persuade people to travel with a reliable animal.
B.To motivate young people to take a worldwide walking trip.
C.To emphasize the importance of an unforgettable travel experience.
D.To share a story about a man and a dog’s walking around the world.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65)

Animal populations across the world have been reduced by 69% in less than 50 years, according to a new scientific report. The report’s authors are calling for urgent action to restore the natural world.

The Living Planet Report (LPR) is produced every two years by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and the Zoological Society of London. The most recent report, released on October 13, 2022, shows that almost 70% of the world’s monitored wildlife was lost between 1970 and 2018. The report is based on research from 195 countries around the world. Data was collected from almost 32,000 populations of 5,230 species.

Although the average global loss of wildlife is 69%, the rate is greater in the global south. Latin America and the Caribbean in particular have seen the sharpest fall, having lost 94% of their wildlife since 1970. Across the world, the biggest drop was in freshwater populations of wildlife — including almost 1,400 species of mammals, birds, fish, amphibians and reptiles — which have decreased by 83%.

The report identifies several causes for wildlife loss, including hunting, farming, the loss of forests, pollution and climate change. However, the report also promotes solutions, such as designing less destructive food production systems, urgently protecting the Amazon rainforest, limiting the use of fossil fuels, and creating new laws to protect our natural environment.

Commenting on the report, Marco Lambertini, director general of WWF International, called the figures “terrifying”, and said “we need to restore nature and not simply halt its loss.” In December 2022, world leaders are meeting in Montreal for the 15th UN Biodiversity Conference, also known as COP 15. The authors of the LPR say that this is an opportunity for a global plan to deal with wildlife loss and restore nature. “Government leaders must step up at COP 15,” said Lambertini. “The world is watching.”

8. What does the author mainly want to show by listing the numbers in the first three paragraphs?
A.The causes of the urgent situation.
B.The detailed process of the research.
C.The severity of wildlife loss worldwide.
D.The drop in freshwater populations of wildlife?
9. According to the report, what is a possible solution to population decline of wildlife?
A.Stop hunting and farming.
B.Ban the production of wildlife food.
C.Offer legal protection of natural environment.
D.Replace the fossil fuels with renewable energy
10. What does the underlined word “halt” mean in the last paragraph?
11. What is Lambertini’s attitude towards wildlife loss?
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65)

Next time you consider striking up a conversation with a stranger in line at the grocery store or while waiting at the laundry, keep in mind that it might be beneficial for your well-being. A recent study by a group of researchers found that there is a link between happiness and a term that the researchers coined called “relational diversity.”

Using public data from sources like the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the World Health Organization, the researchers analyzed data sets and survey responses from people who had shared their daily habits, schedules and interactions. They noticed a clear relationship between relational diversity and overall levels of satisfaction.

Hanne Collins, a Harvard Business School doctoral student who co-authored the study, says that relational diversity is composed of two elements: richness and evenness. Richness measures relationship categories, or how many kinds of people you interact with in a day. That could be your romantic partner, a family member, a neighbor or a stranger. “The more relationship categories they talk to in a day and the more even their conversations are across those categories, the happier they are. And we find this in a large sample across many countries,” Collins said. Evenness relates to the distribution of conversations among those different relationship categories. Some people may find themselves interacting with colleagues at work more than, say, their family members. “If you have a few conversations with colleagues, a few with friends, a few with a romantic partner or a couple chats with strangers, that’s going to be more even across these categories,” Collins explained.

Ultimately, Collins says, the study gives insight to the idea that humans are social creatures at heart. Having a support system is important, but it goes beyond your inner circle. “It’s about this mix. It’s about connecting with people who are close to you, who are maybe less close to you, who connect you with other people, who provide different kinds of support,” she said. “Essentially, the idea is that the more diverse your social portfolio, the happier you are and the higher your well-being.”

12. What is paragraph 2 mainly about?
A.The research method.
B.The supporting evidence.
C.The analysis of the research data.
D.The application of the research findings.
13. How does Collins explain the findings in paragraph 3?
A.By illustrating concepts.
B.By presenting questions.
C.By using an expert’s word.
D.By referring to another study.
14. What does Collins suggest people do in the last paragraph?
A.Live a more active life.
B.Expand the inner circle.
C.Gain as much support as possible.
D.Connect with all kinds of people.
15. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.Humans, social creatures at heart
B.Finding support benefits your well-being
C.The more you interact, the better you will be
D.Talking to strangers might make you happier
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