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河南 高三 阶段练习 2018-04-03 66次 整体难度: 适中 考查范围: 主题、语篇范围、其他

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These hotels don’t have all the necessary facilities but each of them offers something different.   Don’t miss them if you travel to Canada.

Sleep on a train at the Train Station Inn. This hotel is in an old train station in Nova Scotia. The owners, James and Shelley Le Fresne, use the station and the train as rooms. There are seven old cars and there is also a restaurant in the dining car, Prices are from S 89 to $ 169 per room or traincar.

Sleep in a jail in the Canadian capital, Ottawa. Here, you can sleep in the old downtown Ottawa Jail Hostel. There are group or private bedrooms. There are still bars on the doors! Prices are from $25 to $65. Don’t worry, there aren’t any criminals there !

Sleep in a tepee (a tent of the American Indians) at a UNESCO World Heritage site in Alberta. At this hotel, there are guided tours and lessons in local culture. The best part: sleeping in a real tepee outside. The price is around $300, or $620 for a full package.

Sleep in a lighthouse at the Quirpon Lighthouse Inn. This hotel is on Newfoundland’s Quirpon Island. There are great views of the ocean from the windows. There are 11private rooms in total. Prices are from $ 225 for a single to $ 350 for a suite. Meals are included in the restaurant. The hotel has the traditional look and feel of the lighthouse, so there is no Internet, TV or telephones in the rooms. There are tours available, and boat tours to the island are included.

1. What can you do if you choose the Train Station Inn?
A.Shop in the old train cars.
B.Learn how to drive the train.
C.Have meals in the dining car.
D.Enjoy a rail tour of Nova Scotia.
2. In what way is staying in a tepee in Alberta special?
A.It serves local food to diners.
B.You can sleep in the open air.
C.You can tour Alberta for free.
D.It offers lessons on making tepees.
3. Which is unavailable at the Quirpon Lighthouse Inn?
A.Private rooms.
B.Guided tours.
C.Daily meals.
D.The Internet.
4. You’ll pay the least if you choose to sleep_
A.in the Ottawa Jail Hostel
B.at the Train Station Inn
C.in a tepee in Alberta
D.at the Quirpon Lighthouse Inn
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65)

Earlier this month, two rock climbers achieved what many thought impossible: They climbed up the 3,000-foot-high Dawn Wall in Yosemite National Park without specialized equipment. Climbing without this equipment is called “free-climbing.” Until now, no one had free-climbed to the top of the rock face, which is a part of the mountain EI Capitan.

EI Capitan, which means “the captain” or “the chief” in Spanish, has always presented a challenge to climbers. But the Dawn Wall, on the mountain’s southeast face, is a particularly difficult route to the summit (顶峰). It is a rock formation that is both steep and relatively smooth. This makes free-climbing the rock face seem almost impossible.

About seven years ago, professional climber Tommy Caldwell spotted a possible route up the wall. It took years of planning and preparation, but this month, Caldwell, 36, and his friend Kevin Jorgeson, 30, finally made the climb.

Free climbers do use ropes and other basic safety equipment to catch them if they fall—and Caldwell and Jorgeson fell often. Before starting their climb, they broke down their route into 32 sections. Each section was based on a rope length called a “pitch.” The rope was secured into the rock face to catch the climbers if they fell.

Caldwell and Jorgeson’s goal was to climb the Dawn Wall without returning to the ground. If they fell, they had to start that pitch all over again. The two men started climbing on December 27. They slept in hanging tents, and a team of friends brought them food each day.

The men had spent years rehearsing (排练) the movements it would take to get through each pitch. They made it through the first half of the climb relatively easily. But halfway up, Jorgeson ran into trouble. In one difficult spot, he fell each time he attempted to climb. After 10 days of trying, Jorgeson finally made it to the next pitch.

Getting through that troublesome pitch gave both climbers renewed energy. They finished the rest of the climb five days later, on January 14.

5. What does Paragraph 2 mainly explain?
A.Why the Dawn Wall is a hard challenge.
B.Why people prefer climbing EI Capitan.
C.How to free-climb the Dawn Wall.
D.How EI Capitan got its name.
6. To climb Yosemite’s Dawn Wall, what did Caldwell and Jorgeson do?
A.They received one year’s training
B.They chose the nearest route
C.They made thoughtful preparations
D.They used special equipment
7. What can we learn about this world’s toughest climb?
A.It includes 32 different routes.
B.It is also the world’s highest climb.
C.It was once completed by Caldwell 7 years ago.
D.It took the two climbers 19 days to get to the top.
2018-04-03更新 | 53次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省南阳市第一中学2018届高三第十次考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65)

Researchers have found that being grateful isn’t just a nice personal quality that leads to good manners. I also leads to a great payoff. By being truly thankful for all that life provides, a child has more chance of being emotionally, and socially Successful.

“Gratitude opens your mind and lets you recognize the goodness in your life,” says Froh, a psychology professor who has conducted eight studios on gratitude over the past three years. According to Froh, a grateful child feels more connected and loved. After all, if he’s able to understand that many others care enough to make an effort for him, his life is improved. When older children aged 14 to 19 are able to acknowledge their good fortune, they’re more likely to be happy and experience lower levels of depression, envy and selfness.

For the past decade, experts like Froh have been conducting “gratitude interventions(干预)”, in which kids are encouraged to do a series of exercises, from writing a thank-you note to reciting it to make a gratitude journal, Overall, the results have been encouraging: Just in comparison with adults, it seems that children become more grateful.

Yet there remains much to be learned about children and gratitude. There’s some evidence suggesting that girls are more grateful than boys, Also, Froh says that while there’s not yet any hard data, there’s possibility that a child’s ability to be grateful depends on his or her age. One study looked at gratitude and life satisfaction in kids aged 3 to 9 and found that only 7 to 9-year-olds followed the example set by their parents in their ability to feel true gratitude. Most 3 to 6-year-olds don’t have the emotional development to see outside themselves enough to be truly grateful.

So how do people apply these newfound scientific findings? Froh encourages parents not to command children to express their thanks, but to let them show gratitude in whatever way is most comfortable. As Froh points out, children learn best when grown-ups model the very behavior they’d like to see in their kids.

8. What can we know about children who are grateful?
A.They are less likely to feel depressed.
B.They seem to be more thoughtful.
C.They feel proud of others’ good fortune.
D.They attach importance to selfness.
9. How do the experts conduct gratitude interventions?
A.By asking kids to do hard work.
B.By comparing kids with adults.
C.By guiding kids to follow good examples.
D.By encouraging kids to express their thanks.
10. What does Froh advise parents to do?
A.Show kids true gratitude.
B.Set a good example to kids.
C.Provide a comfortable life for kids.
D.Tell kids how to express gratitude.
11. What may be the best title for the text?
A.A New Scientific Finding
B.The Power of Gratitude
C.Children and Gratitude
D.How to Express Gratitude
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中(0.65)

When you meet someone for the first time, do you put across a good impression? And what do we mean by “good” in the context? According to Presence, a new book by Harvard Business School professor Amy Cuddy, people assess you on two main criteria when they first meet you:1. Can I trust this person? 2. Can I respect this person?

Your level of trustworthiness, or warmth, is the most important factor in how people initially admire you, Cuddy says—yet many mistakenly believe that the second factor, characterized as competence, is more important. “From an evolutionary aspect,” Cuddy writes, “it is more important to our survival to know whether a person deserves our trust.”

While displaying competence is certainly beneficial, particularly in a work setting, Cuddy warns that focusing on winning people’s respect, while failing to win their trust, can backfire—a common problem for young professionals attempting to make a good impression early on in their careers.

“If someone you’re trying to influence doesn’t trust you, you’re not going to get very far”, Cuddy says, “A warm, trustworthy person who is also strong elicits(博得) admiration, but only after you’ve established trust does your strength become a gift rather than a threat.”

In Cuddy’s book she also explains some of the science that can help you spot a liar.

When a person is lying there is likely to be differences between what they are saying and what they are doing,

“Lying is hard work,” she writes, “We’re telling one story while suppressing(压制)another, and most of us are experiencing psychological guilt about doing this, which we’re also try ring suppress. We just don’t have the brainpower to manage it all without letting something go—without ‘leaking’.”

“It’s about how well or poorly our multiple channels of communications—facial expressions, posture, movement, vocal qualities, speech-co-operate,” she adds.

“When we’re consciously looking for signs of cheat or truth, we pay too much attention to words and not enough to the external body language,” the professor adds. “Truth reveals itself more clearly through actions than it does through our words.”

12. According to Amy Cuddy, which is most significant in putting across a good impression?
A.Level of knowledge.
B.Level of reliability.
C.Level of competence.
D.Level of flexibility.
13. What is the meaning of the underlined word “backfire” in the passage?
A.Cause something unpleasant to happen.
B.Add more fuel to make a bigger fire.
C.Have an unexpected and undesired effect.
D.Walk backwards and make a fire.
14. Which of the following is NOT true of Professor Cuddy’s concepts?
A.Trust is more important than respect to win a good impression in meeting people for the first time.
B.Young people tend to win people’s respect instead of winning people’s trust early in their careers.
C.How far away a person goes depends on whether he or she establishes trust among people around.
D.Liars are unlikely to be identified in that their words match their actions well.
15. What can be learned according to the passage?
A.Some people tend to think displaying competence to gain respect makes a good impression.
B.A liar always experiences a feeling of guilt when a lie is leaked.
C.When multiple channels of communication co-operate poorly, a liar can hardly be spotted.
D.Words and actions are equally significant in deciding whether a person is trustworthy.
2018-04-03更新 | 62次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省南阳市第一中学2018届高三第十次考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 较难(0.4)

Different Cultures

The cultures of the East and the West really distinguish each other a lot.     16    .

The origin of the Eastern culture is mainly from two countries: China and India. Both of the two cultures are developed by rivers—the Yellow River in China and the Hindu River in India.     17    .

When the two mother rivers gave birth to the Eastern culture, another famous culture was brought up on the Mesopotamian Plain—the Mesopotamian Civilization. This civilization later on developed into the cultures of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome.     18    Like the Chinese culture, the European culture also crossed waters. When the British settled down in America, their culture went with them over the Atlanta Ocean. So the American culture doesn’t distinguish from the European culture a lot.

At the same time, some other differences add to the cultural differences. Take the language system for example. In the East, most languages belong to the pictographic language while the Western languages are mostly based on the Latin system. Other causes like human race differences count as well. But what’s more, due to the far distance and the steep areas between the East and the West, the two cultures seldom communicate until recent centuries.     19    

The differences are everywhere.     20    But different cultures make the world of 21st century more colorful. The cultural gap should not be the obstacle to the civilization of human being. It ought to be the motivation of our going farther.

A.Let us work together to keep a variety of cultures.
B.And these two are well- known as the base of the European culture.
C.One important thing is to learn about other cultures.
D.This is because the culture systems are two separate systems on the whole.
E.They are obvious and affect people’s ways of thinking and their views of the world.
F.They helped the two cultures develop for centuries and form their own styles.
G.So they grew up totally in their own ways with almost no interference from the other.
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