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河南 高二 阶段练习 2018-10-09 67次 整体难度: 适中 考查范围: 主题、语篇范围

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Over 27-hundred volunteers, dubbed(授予称号)the“New Generation at the Bird’s Nest”, are activated among different posts at the IAAF Championships.

Xie Junyan heads a group of 72 volunteers. His team is dealing with security. “Our volunteers are here as an important force to ensure people’s safety and security. If there were no volunteers, there wouldn’t be enough security, which would allow people to come in without tickets. It could be chaos without us. ”

Others, including Wang Sijia, a volunteer from China University of Mining and Technology, are less concerned about safety, and more about making those at the event feel welcome.

“I’m a girl who loves smiling. Being able to convey happiness to others makes me feel great. ”

Wang Sijia’s fellow volunteer, Deng Yupei, is hoping to gain a little bit more practical experience from his time at the event.

“I’ve never had an experience like this before. Coming to such a big event, I’m really excited because it’s a whole new experience to me. I also think my time here has helped me improve my English. I’ve also made a lot of friends here. ”

Two-in-five of the volunteers at the IAAF event have been put there specifically to help the international delegations. Chinese visitors to this year’s event say the volunteers are just as helpful.

“They are very considerate. We didn’t know where our seats were when we first arrived. They directed us to the seats. They’re very good. ”

Outgoing IAAF President Lamine Diack has taken time to pay tribute to the volunteers, calling them“the true spirit of athletics”.

1. Which of the following is TRUE?
A.All volunteers were dubbed the“New Generation at the Bird’s Nest”.
B.Wang Sijia works to ensure people’s safety and security.
C.Being a volunteer helps Deng Yupei gain more practical experience.
D.Xie Junyan can allow people to come in without tickets.
2. What’s the meaning of the underlined phrase?
3. What can be inferred from the last but one paragraph?
A.Chinese visitors are very considerate.
B.Visitors are pleased with the work of volunteers at the IAAF event.
C.Visitors didn’t know where their seats were.
D.Visitors offer some suggestions to volunteers.
2018-10-09更新 | 36次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南郸城一高2015-2016学年高二上学期月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 较易(0.85)

There are some places in the world that one wants to return again and again. After my first visit to Boracay, a small island in the Philippines, in March of last year, I knew that I would return soon. I was there again in April this year.

It was on the island that I first tried kite-surfing. The Bulabog Beach on the eastern side of Boracay has many wind-surfing and kite-surfing sports centers. I randomly chose a center, which happened to be an affiliation(附属机构)of International Kiteboarding Organization.

The organization has training centers around the world, and some of its courses are tailored for beginners like me. The center on Boracay has different courses, from recreational to professional. In the recreational category, trainees have to do the“discovery”level before they go on to more advanced levels.

My instructor Brian, who was from the United States, adhered(坚持, 遵守)strictly to the center’s rules about levels, and began the training by asking me to set up the kite on the sand, which was the very first step at the ground level of the“discovery”course. I had a teammate, and we both couldn’t wait to have the feeling of riding with the wind on the surface of the water.

But we had to practice at length the various skills for assessing the direction of the wind and the movements of our bodies. I was there in March, which was still the windy season on the island. Because of the winds, the Philippines were important on the ancient maritime trade route. They call the wind Amihan, or trade winds.

From September to May the year before, the hills on the northern and southern ends of the island channel the Amihan wind from the east onshore, and onto the Bulabog Beach on the eastern coast of the island.

4. Which of the following is NOT true about Boracay?
A.It belongs to the Philippines.
B.An affiliation of International Kiteboarding Organization lies there.
C.It has many wind-surfing and kite-surfing sports centers.
D.It only offers visitors training of   kite-surfing.
5. What can we know about Brian?
A.He is a Philippine.
B.He is a strict but professional instructor.
C.He received education in the United States.
D.His training is flexible.
6. Which word can best describe the author’s feeling in the training?
7. The best title of the passage is   .
A.Boracay—a Beautiful Island
B.Kite-surfing Training Program
C.My Experience of Kite-surfing Training
D.My First Visit to Boracay
2018-10-09更新 | 34次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南郸城一高2015-2016学年高二上学期月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中(0.64)
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Smoking not only can wrinkle(起皱纹) the face and turn it yellow -- it can do the same to the whole body, researchers reported on Monday.
The study, published in the Archives of Dermatology, shows that smoking affects the skin all over the body -- even skin protected from the sun.
"We examined non-facial skin that was protected from the sun, and found that the total number of packs of cigarettes smoked per day and the total years a person has smoked were linked with the amount of skin damage a person experienced," Dr. Yolanda Helfrich of the University of Michigan, who led the study, said in a statement.
"In participants older than 65 years, smokers had significantly more fine wrinkling than nonsmokers. Similar findings were seen in participants aged 45 to 65 years," Helfrich's team added in their report.
The researchers tested 82 people, smokers and nonsmokers, taking pictures of the inner right arms. They ranged in age from 22 to 91 and half were smokers. Independent judges decided how wrinkled each person's skin was.
When skin is exposed to sunlight, notably(尤其)the face, it becomes coarse, wrinkled and discolored with a pale yellow tint, Helfrich's team wrote.
Several previous studies have found that cigarette smoking contributes to premature(过早的)skin aging as measured by facial wrinkles, the study said, but little has been done to measure the aging of skin not exposed to light.
The report did not discuss the mechanism involved but previous research has found that cigarette smoke, among other things, causes blood vessels(血管)beneath the skin to constrict(紧缩), reducing blood supply to the skin.
Smoking can also damage the connective tissue (组织)that supports both the skin and the internal organs.
8. The best title for this passage would be_______.
A.The danger of smokingB.Smoking causes skin aging
C.Quit smoking for healthD.A survey of smokers
9. It can be inferred from the study _______ .
A.smoking won’t make skin protected from the sun
B.smoking will do damage to skin rather than other organs
C.smokers over 65 usually won’t worry about their skin
D.the age of smokers is not connected with the result of the test
10. From the passage smoking results in skin aging mainly because_____.
A.it will lower blood supply to skinB.it can make you feel tired
C.it can make skin come offD.it can make blood run faster
11. The main purpose of the passage is to ______.
A.inform people about the result of the study
B.advise people how to protect skin
C.warn people not to smoke again
D.introduce a new way of avoiding skin aging
2013-06-06更新 | 1004次组卷 | 2卷引用:2013届甘肃省武威六中高三第五次诊断考试英语卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 较易(0.85)
          Not too big, not too small.   Not too hot, not too cold.   A newly discovered planet looks just right for life as we know it, according to an international group of astronomers.

Circling a star about 500 light years away, the planet called Kepler-186f is about the same size as Earth.   It goes round its star at the right distance for liquid water on the surface.   That is a necessary condition for life.   But it is not exactly like Earth, it’s more of an Earth’s cousin.   It’s not an Earth’s twin.   It shares the same characteristics as Earth, but their parent stars are very different.

Kepler-186f circles a star that is smaller and cooler than our sun.   But the planet appears to be a closer relative than most of the hundreds of others discovered so far.   Some are huge gas-covered giants with thick atmospheres.   Others circle too closely to their stars and are too hot for life.   For the first time, we can actually say we now have a planet that is both Earth-sized and circles in its star’s livable zone.

The next step would be to look for signs of life in the atmospheres of these distant world.   That would take a more advanced telescope.   But budget cuts threaten that task, says University of California at Los Angeles astrophysicist Ben.

“In theory, we could do this in the next couple of decades.   But in practice, because there’s no money, it’s not going to happen.   It’s not going to happen in my lifetime, for example, ”said Ben.   However, NASA’s Elisa Quintana believes that when the next-generation space telescope is used, it will find that we are not alone in the universe.   In the meantime, the search continues for other worlds where life may find a home. 。

12. What do we know about the newly discovered planet?
A.It was discovered by chance.
B.It has some form of life on it.
C.It has suitable conditions for life.
D.It is an ordinary planet like others.
13. The difference between Earth and Kepler-186f is that   .
A.they circle different parent stars
B.they came into being at different times
C.they move in space at a different speed
D.they orbit their stars at a different distance
14. The discovery of Kepler-186f is remarkable because   .
A.man has discovered a new home
B.it caused people’s interest in the universe
C.man has found a familiar planet like Earth
D.it can help man know more about Earth
15. What does Ben worry about in the future research?
A.Lack of money.B.No cooperation.
C.His coming old age.D.His weak influence.
2018-10-09更新 | 68次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南郸城一高2015-2016学年高二上学期月考英语试题
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