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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:32 题号:10236076

Treating a bloody nose incorrectly can make things worse.     1     Still, nosebleed causes could be anything from allergies to the common cold. Here's what you need to know about how to stop a nosebleed.

Know how to stop a nosebleed.

People commonly catch the bridge of their nose and lean back to stop a nosebleed, but this is quite wrong. The right way to stop nosebleeds is to lower your head forward, so the blood doesn't drip back and into your windpipe.     2    

The best way is to put a cotton ball inside the nose and press the areas of the nose where air comes in and out when you breathe.     3     To get the pressure right, you have to press on the soft part of the nose.

Know when to call the doctor.

If you've tried how to stop a nosebleed two or three times without luck, it's time to call your doctor. This is especially true if the blood is bright red and flowing quickly.     4     People should also see a doctor if they experience reoccurring nosebleeds, too, as they might be warning signs of other serious conditions. Runny noses, on the other hand, are a different story.


You don't have to worry about how to stop a nosebleed if you avoid them in the first place. The ideal way to prevent nosebleeds is by keeping your nose moist. Blood vessels that come too close to the surface and crack cause the bleeding which usually happens when the nose is dry. Salt water spray is a great convenient option. Humidifiers (加湿器)are another option, too.

A.Know how to prevent nosebleeds.
B.Know what to do to cure nosebleeds.
C.It s important to understand the origin of the bleed.
D.An icepack on the bridge of your nose can help, too.
E.The most common causes are dry air and nose picking.
F.The truth is that many people lack common sense of nosebleeds.
G.However, most people do this incorrectly by pressing on the nasal bone.
【知识点】 方法/策略


阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】It can be hard to be enthusiastic about your job after you’ve been at it for a while.     1     There are so many different things you can try to help make your old job feel a little more exciting.

Change your routine. One of the first steps toward shaking things up is to look at your routine.     2     Do you think you really need to do so? Is there a reason why teams always meet at a certain time? Start by questioning assumptions about the way you’ve gotten used to doing things. Then, change it up a bit.

    3     It’s important to take your work seriously, but that doesn’t mean you have to take yourself too seriously. Happiness matters. And, it’s important to have fun at work. So, allow yourself to have some laughs and some fun with friends at work from time to time.

Take a vacation. Just because you feel bored at work, that doesn’t mean you aren’t also super busy and maybe even stressed. Routine tasks can be both dull and stressful. Maybe a vacation would do you some good .Stress and tension can affect mood.     4    

Learn something new every day. A really effective way to add a little freshness to your life is to devote yourself to learning something new every day.     5     You could just watch a Ted Talk video about a topic that interests you, for example. It doesn’t even have to relate directly to your job. Just learning one new thing each day should help bring a little excitement to your routine.

A.Don’t be serious with yourself.
B.Make more friends while working hard.
C.This doesn’t necessarily mean you need a new job.
D.It doesn’t have to be something big, or something hard.
E.You don’t have to quit your old job to learn something difficult.
F.The first thing in the morning for you to do is to check your emails.
G.Maybe you’d feel less bored at work after having a bit of time to relax yourself.
2021-03-20更新 | 141次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Sending your children on a flight by themselves can seem like a troublesome experience, but millions of children fly alone safely each year. Children between the ages of 5 and 14 who travel by air without a guardian (监护人)are known as unaccompanied minors(UMs).     1    

Keep flight arrangements as simple as possible. Some airlines will not allow a UM to travel on connecting flights. Most airlines that do allow a UM to travel on a connecting flight will charge a fee.

    2     Even so, it isn't an ideal situation. A nonstop flight will be the best choice.

    3     Most airlines consider a child of 12 or over to be a young adult, and don't assist the child on the flight unless you specifically request the assistance and pay the fee. If you don't make such arrangements, the airline expects your child to be responsible for making their own plans when a flight is canceled, delayed, or redirected.

Arrange for your child's meals. If food will be served during the flight, reserve a meal for your child, especially if your child has special needs. If there is no meal service, be sure to pack a meal for your child.     4    

Request e-tickets. Having electronic tickets stored in the airline's computer means your child won't have to worry about losing a paper ticket.     5     Therefore, reserve e-tickets for your child.

A.It will help make the trip for your child trouble-free.
B.If possible, arrange for your child to fly in the morning.
C.Make sure your food and drinks meet the airline's rules.
D.Try to book a nonstop flight, or a direct “through" flight.
E.The airline staff will assist your child in changing planes.
F.Be very clear about the airline carrier's policy on young adult passengers.
G.Take the time to prepare for your children so that their trip will be safe and enjoyable.
2021-03-27更新 | 87次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Do you usually feel you’re working hard but still can’t reach your study goals? Here are some quick tips to help you study better.

◆ Study with a partner or in groups

Rather than living in a cave with your nose in the books all day, grab a friend from your class and study with him.     1    Actively engaging the information with someone else not only helps you to learn, but makes studying more enjoyable.

◆ Step into your teacher’s shoes

Ask yourself “If I were the teacher, what would I put on the test?” If in doubt, by all means, ask your teachers.     2    Remember, teachers don’t expect you to memorize every single detail, just the ones they feel are important. It’s your job to figure out what that is.

◆ Paint bigger pictures

    3    It’s harder to remember each piece of a puzzle individually than it is to recall the completed picture.

Try this exercise: memorize these numbers in order 6...2...9...1...3...8...4...0...5.

Now try to memorize these numbers 629....138....405.

The bottom is easier right? It is the same order of numbers, but put into the context of bigger numbers. Creating context gives information meaning and also turns learning into an experience rather than simple absorption.


A hungry brain is an ineffective one. Your brain needs the proper nutrients to keep it going. Because of this, what you eat and drink also plays a huge role in how sharp your brain is. Healthy foods provide nutrients to your brain cells to keep them energized.

◆ Take breaks to relax your brain

Your brain is like a muscle.     5    But it can also tire if you overwork it. If you divide studying into 15 to 30 minutes blocks with quick breaks in between, your brain will feel refreshed, grateful and ready for the next challenge you throw at it.

A.Feed your brain.
B.It needs exercise to make it stronger.
C.Relax your brain by eating and drinking.
D.Learn from them for the coming test.
E.You have probably experienced a lot of tests and quizzes by now.
F.Find ways to connect what you are learning to real life or to other concepts.
G.Group studying helps you to engage and process the information more deeply.
2022-01-29更新 | 101次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般