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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:53 题号:10464501

My whole career is about clothes – but I have no interest in fashion. What I love doing with clothes is using them to tell a story. That’s what costume design is all about. I wasn’t one of those little girls always dressing up dolls. My parents were musicians, so there was never any money, but our household was artistic.

As a child in the 1950s there was no TV, so we drew, painted and made things out of cardboard boxes. My parents encouraged me and my younger sister to be creative – making a mess was fine, and we were even allowed to draw on one of the walls at our home in Kensington, west London. After school I studied at Central Saint Martins School of Art, where I learned how to draw patterns and cut fabric. Back then it was set design, not costumes, that most interested me.

Thanks to a childhood friend, Nick Young, I was offered some unpaid work on early Merchant Ivory film productions. For a 1978 movie called Hullabaloo Over Georgie And Bonnie’s Pictures, I was asked to put together clothes for its star, Dame Peggy Ashcroft, to wear in India. After a meeting with her, Peggy took me aside. ‘My dear, we’re getting on quite well,’ she said. ‘They’ve given me a first-class ticket to India, now if I change it for two economy flights, will you come with me?’ Of course I said yes! No question.

It was before The Jewel In The Crown and A Passage To India, and Peggy had never been to India. At 70, she was a little nervous, but great fun. We shared a room and I looked after her in every possible way. At night we sat up in our little beds, having a brandy or whisky and discussing our day. After the shoot we went on holiday to Goa together. Peggy rode around on the back of my motorbike!

I became part of the Merchant Ivory team and went on to work on many other period films, including 1996’s Sense And Sensibility. I’ve known Emma Thompson for 30 years and she’s hilarious and wonderful.

I had won an Oscar before, in 1987 for A Room With A View, and have been nominated a further eight times. I keep my Oscars on a desk that belonged to my mother in my study, so they are very much on display but off the beaten track. Not in the living room and certainly not in the downstairs loo!

For a career I somehow fell into, it’s provided me with a wonderful life, really.

1. Why did Peggy and the author make friends with each other?
A.They were of the same age.B.They worked in the same theater.
C.They were both good actors.D.They got along very well.
2. Which of the following works’ location was not mentioned?
A.The Jewel In The Crown.
B.A Room With A View.
C.Hullabaloo Over Georgie And Bonnie’s Pictures.
D.A Passage To India.
3. Why did the author mention her parents when she was a child?
A.To show she was not talented in designing clothes.
B.To amuse the readers with a funny story.
C.To show her parents inspired her creativity.
D.To share a precious memory in her childhood.
4. Which of the following best describes the author as a designer?
【知识点】 职业内容 记叙文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】One day Howard had to go to New York for a meeting. He flew to New York and called a taxi. He told the driver the address of the hotel and sat in the back seat. Then the driver turned around to speak to him.

“Congratulations!” he said. “You’re my first passenger and this is my first day as a taxi driver, but you don’t have to worry. In my job I had lots of driving experience and I know the city very well. “That’s good,” said Howard, “I’m sure you’ll be a good driver.”

“Thank you,” said the driver. He started driving towards the hotel.

Howard looked at his watch and noticed that he was early for his meeting. He decided to ask the driver to take him to a bookstore. He leaned(靠)forward and tapped him on the shoulder.

The driver screamed and made the taxi go suddenly across the road. It almost hit a bus and another car. Then it almost hit a pedestrian(行人)crossing the street, who screamed and jumped out of the way.

Howard was afraid. He shouted at the taxi driver. “Be careful!”

The driver screamed again, and the taxi went suddenly to the other side of the road and almost hit a truck. The truck driver shook his fist angrily. Then the taxi went into the sidewalk, just missing two more pedestrians. Then it crashed into a store window with glass falling over it.

The driver looked at Howard. Then slowly he began to laugh, He laughed and laughed.

“It’s not funny,” said Howard. “You could have killed somebody!”

“I’m sorry”, said the driver when he stopped laughing. “I thought I was still in my old job. When you tap me on the shoulder and talked to me, I got really scared.”

“What was your old job” asked Howard. “Didn’t I tell you?” said the driver. “I used to drive a car that carried dead bodies to funerals(葬礼).”

1. It was the first time for the driver to________.
A.Pick up someone at a hotelB.Meet with a car crash
C.Carry a coffin to a funeralD.Do the taxi driver job
2. What’s Howard’s attitude towards the driver at first?
3. Why did the driver scream?
A.Because Howard creamed at him.
B.Because he thought a dead body came alive.
C.Because he didn’t know the way to the bookstore.
D.Because he was excited about his new job.
4. This passage can possibly be taken from________.
A.A magazineB.A research paper
C.A travel guideD.An advertisement
2022-02-12更新 | 63次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Research among 2,000 adults showed that about four out of five find small talk with colleagues in the office annoying, especially if it involves football or children. Talking about the weather, or asking someone how their weekend was, was also listed among annoying subjects, according to the study by Hyper Recruitment Solutions.

Most of those surveyed said they had experienced rudeness at work, including being reprimanded(训斥)in front of colleagues or personal remarks about their clothes or possessions.

Half of those asked admitted to avoiding making coffee for themselves at work so they didn’t have to make one for colleagues. A report said, “While employees are direct on some issues, they’d rather avoid the situation completely than feel it is a duty to make coffee for others.”

The report also suggested most employees found that physical contact in the workplace was acceptable, including a kiss on the cheek, high fives or hugs. Ricky Martin, founder of Hyper Recruitment Solutions, said, “We often hear and read in the media how physical contact at work isn’t acceptable, yet the results suggest otherwise. Of course, physical contact isn’t always appropriate or well received, so I would advise it should be essential to be aware of factors such as personality, religion and culture.”

What might be regarded as friendly in one culture may be considered as deeply offensive in another. However, as the results suggest, should the relationship be there and requited(回报), it shouldn’t be frowned upon(反对)for colleagues to hug, give high fives or give one another a pat on the back.

1. Among 2,000 adults, how many are unwilling to make small talk?
A.About 1,600.B.About 2,000.
C.About half of them.D.About one third of them.
2. Which may be a reason why people avoid making coffee in the office?
A.They find it is meaningless.
B.They are not warmhearted enough.
C.They have some unpleasant experiences.
D.They want to defend themselves from any risk.
3. What can we infer from the report mentioned in the text?
A.It shows people are always straightforward.
B.It indicates peoples rude behavior in the office.
C.It suggests peoples relationship always gets no return.
D.It shows physical contact isn’t always favorable.
4. What should we do with the relationship in the office?
A.Continue to avoid it.
B.Hug the colleagues.
C.Accept it regardless of the results.
D.Learn to accept it lightheartedly.
2022-05-01更新 | 219次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】A couple of years ago I graduated from art school. After graduation I was unsure of what to do with my degree. I had majored in Illustration(插图) and loved it, but didn’t really feel interested in doing illustrations for any companies. This left me with few options other than freelance(自由作家) and a nannying(保姆) job.

I spent two years working as a nanny doing freelance illustration on the side. It just wasn’t quite enough to pay rent, but I loved it, so I worked well over 50 hours a week trying to keep up with both.

Just under a year ago I went to a friend’s wedding. I couldn’t think of a gift for them and really didn’t have a lot of money to spare so I used my talents to create a portrait for them. It wasn’t much, and I hoped it would be a good gift. When I handed the portrait to them and they unwrapped it the looks on their faces was something I did not expect. There were joyful tears in their eyes as they cried, “That’s us! This is so beautiful!”

It’s funny because when I was in art school portraits were always my least favorite assignment. I hated drawing people and was always so much more interested in drawing little furry creatures. Once I saw the looks on my friends’ faces after giving them their portrait it was all over. I suddenly loved portraits and wanted to do more.

I now take portraits to every wedding I go to and have given them as gifts to the families I nannied for. Every time the reaction makes all of the hard work and time I put into them so worth it.

I’ve just started offering couple, family and pet portraits as an item on my etsy shop.
1. After graduation, the author chose to ________.
A.do illustrations for a companyB.draw portraits
C.work as a nanny&a freelanceD.draw furry creatures
2. Why did the author decide to draw a portrait for her friends as a wedding present?
A.Her friends requested her to do so.
B.She thought it was meaningful.
C.She hadn’t enough money available to buy one.
D.She was fond of drawing people best.
3. How did the customers feel when they received their portrait?
4. What may be the best title of the passage?
A.Your major is your future career
B.I gave a gift and it turned into a career
C.I sacrificed a lot for my job
D.You are to do what you desire to do
2017-03-15更新 | 199次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般