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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:92 题号:11798543

You want to be loved, respected, and live a happy life. And so do I.     1     However, we aren't taught how to get this. There is no happiness class at school and everyone's definition (定义)of happiness is different. However, there are several key habits that you can develop to be happy people.

    2     If happy people are with their kids, they are fully enjoying that moment in time. They aren't thinking about what they will make for dinner or how they will pay for their children's schooling.

They hang out with other happy people. It’s true that happiness is contagious (会传染的).     3     If you hang out with people that are sad and angry, you're likely to become those people as well. Make sure you surround yourself with happy, positive people that choose to look at the bright side of things.

They exercise regularly. Exercise is good for health, both physical and mental health. You don't need to spend two hours in the gym. Just a thirty-minute walk can be of great benefit   to your mental health.     4    

They don't seek happiness in things. They know a pair of new shoes or a new car isn't what’s going to make them happier.     5     A weekend at the beach with good friends means more to them than a new cellphone.

A.They live in the moment.
B.We all want the same thing.
C.But sadness and anger are contagious too.
D.They don't compare themselves to others,
E.Most of the time, happiness isn't something we just walk into.
F.Instead, happy people value experiences and people above things.
G.To get the most out of a workout, simply pick an activity you enjoy.
【知识点】 方法/策略


阅读理解-七选五(约300词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】How to Write a Travel Blog

A travel blog produces interest in people for visiting the new places.     1     A blog owner might identify a place, such as travel locations within a small region of a country, or broaden the scope to include countries across the globe. Writing a travel blog requires recording notes and observations, taking pictures and talking to local people while traveling. Here are a few tips for writing a travel blog.

First of all, you must visit various places so that you can teach your visitors about these locations. Visitors of your site want such an eye-catching text that they feel as if they were at the place you' re describing.

    2     Protect the reliability of your travel blog by proving all facts. Write down directions as you travel to various locations so that you can provide accurate information to readers. Provide the correct spelling of towns, people, restaurants and streets. Call phone numbers and visit website links before publishing to verify accuracy.

    3     As you travel, write down your impressions. After a memorable dining experience, for example, write down the name of the restaurant, the dish you ordered, its ingredients and the details of the decor and music.

    4     The scent of rare flowers, the beautiful view from a mountain top, the feel of soft towels in a high end hotel, and the sound of a waterfall are examples of descriptions that help people to connect immediately with a place or experience.

Take pictures. To help people see things with their own eyes, take pictures of all locations about which you wish to write. Local cuisines, landmarks, traditional clothing and scenic locations are possible examples.     5    

Respond to readers' comments. Blogs typically allow you to accept or disable comments. Allowing comments is an opportunity to build rapport with readers and answer questions.

A.Keep a travel journal.
B.Record events on videos.
C.Provide correct facts.
D.Ask for submissions from other travelers.
E.Visiting gives mental satisfaction to all people.
F.Use the senses when writing about locations.
G.Take photos, posting the clearest and most bright pictures.
2022-01-15更新 | 114次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Developing a reading habit is an excellent way to improve your knowledge, expand your vocabulary and reduce stress.     1     Here are some tips on how to start a reading habit and stick to it.

One of the best ways to start a reading habit is to begin with short reading sessions. You can start by setting aside 10-15 minutes a day to read. Gradually increase the duration (持续时间) of your reading sessions.     2     Eventually, you might find it hard to put the book down and 15 minutes won't seem like enough time.

Setting a reading goal is an excellent way to motivate you to read more and make reading a habit. You can set a goal of reading a certain number of books per month or per year. Additionally, you can set a goal of reading for a specific amount of time each day.     3    

To make reading a habit, it is essential to choose books that interest you. If you don't enjoy the book you are reading, it will be difficult to stay motivated.     4    This will make reading more enjoyable and help you get into the habit.

    5    This means setting aside a specific period of the day to read. You can choose to read in the morning, during your lunch break or before going to bed. Find a time that works for you and make it a regular part of your daily routine.

A.Focus on the quality of your reading experience.
B.Find a quiet and comfortable space without disturbance.
C.To develop a reading habit, you need to make time for it.
D.Make sure you are passionate about the topics of the books.
E.However, it can be challenging if you seldom read regularly.
F.Whatever goal you choose, make sure it is realistic and achievable.
G.Starting small will make it easier to include reading in your daily routine.
2024-04-08更新 | 45次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Travelling can be a very enjoyable experience. If you're planning a vacation abroad, these simple and easy steps can make your trip a truly wonderful experience.

    1    It is important to know why you want to travel. Is it for some adventure, relaxation, or to experience new things? Once you understand the reason for your travel, you will be able to move onto the next step.

Budget for the trip, including making savings. Once you've decided where you want to go, the next most important thing is to check your budget. Do you think you've got enough money in your pocket that you can travel to your chosen place?    2     This can also help you decide when you want to start your trip - because you will only be able to arrange your trip once you've saved enough.

Decide the destination. Once you know why you want to travel and have the budget in hand, you can have a better idea about the type of destination you want to visit.    3    Depending on your interests, you can choose a destination.

    4    Even if you know you've saved enough, you still want to travel as cheaply as possible. You can look for cheap travel deals across the internet. And you'll surely find a deal and an experience that suits your budget. Some deals even include hotel accommodation, transport, city tours, and so on.

Make and save your memories. Travelling is all about experiencing new things, enjoying your trip and living in the moment.    5    This will make your trip worthwhile.

A.Look for cheap travel deals.
B.Ask yourself the reason for travel.
C.Just remember that you're on a trip to enjoy.
D.If not, it's time to start saving now with a positive attitude.
E.Make sure you take lots of photographs and make some cheerful memories while travelling.
F.Book flights as early as possible for discounts.
G.Are you interested in historic sites? Beaches? Night life? Mountains?
2021-02-03更新 | 70次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般