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Britain is famous around the world for its rainy, weather, but many parts of the country this June are experiencing much more rain than before.

Heavy rains have caused rivers to burst     1     banks,roads have been closed and many people have been removed     2     their homes because of the floods.The worst hit area seems to be the north of England.There have even been deaths as people got stuck in the rain         3     were washed away by the floodwaters.Early     4    (warn)have been issued in many parts of the UK and it is said that over a month's worth of rain has fallen     5     just the last couple of days.

The rain has also caused troubles at some of Britain's famous June events.The Glastonbury festival is a four﹣day﹣long outdoor music festival and while it is traditionally quite     6    (rain)and muddy there,this year was     7    (particular)bad.It rained throughout     8     festival and with more than 170,000 people     9    (walk)around and camping on the ground;it didn't take long for the site to turn into a mud bath.

People can only hope     10     the rain will stop soon and the sun will come out, so they can eventually start to enjoy a nicer summer.

【知识点】 描绘天气


语法填空-短文语填(约210词) | 适中 (0.65)

Shuang Jiang or The Frost’s Descent is the     1    (eighteen) of 24 solar terms in the Chinese lunar calendar. It is the last solar term of autumn,     2     the weather becomes much colder     3     before and frost begins to appear ,and marks the transition from autumn to winter. It means that the winter is about     4    (enter). The Frost’s Descent usually     5    (fall) on October 23 or 24, but this year it begins on October 23. The solar term, ”Shaung Jiang”, reflects the large change in temperature between day and night and at     6    same time the weather is getting colder. The moisture in the air is also beginning to turn to frost. The autumn harvest is also coming to a close, and the year’s worth of hard work     7    (final) sees reward.

As Frost’s Descent comes, the world     8    (fill) with the atmosphere of late autumn. At this time, most of the harvesting work is already completed in northern China and     9    (farmer) are finally able to rest. Even the most cold-resistant crops can no longer grow, thus it is time to stock up for winter. Although in the south, the harvest is still continuing. As     10    (record) in ancient Chinese books, the Frost’s Descent refers to the time of year when frost starts to creep across China, dew becoming icy thanks to plummeting temperatures.

2021-11-17更新 | 219次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约130词) | 适中 (0.65)

A report shows China experienced more heavy rainfalls and high temperatures,     1    (warn) of increasing climate risks. Temperatures in China    2    (increase) faster than the global average over the past few decades, with extreme weather-related     3    (event) becoming more frequent.

Officials said the country was witnessing     4    (high) daytime temperatures — this July was hotter than previous years and the second-hottest since 1961 — while precipitation(降水量) nationwide in July increased by 3.2%    5    (compare) with previous years. The report comes less than a month after     6    (dead) floods in Henan killed over 300 people and affected millions more. During the extreme weather event, the provincial capital of Zhengzhou recorded a year’s worth of rainfall in    7     day.

This year’s floods have resulted     8    economic losses worth 123 billion yuan ($19 billion) in China.     9    , those losses are 22% lower than the average over the same period in the past five years, according a    10    (office) data.

2021-11-17更新 | 183次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约170词) | 适中 (0.65)

China's national observatory on Monday issued a yellow alert for sandstorms in the northern part of the country. “    1    (start)from Monday to 8 a. m. Tuesday, affected by cold fronts and heavy winds, floating sand and dust       2    (expect)to sweep parts of several northern provinces and the city of Beijing,”     3    (forecast)the NMC.

Some regions in Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Shaanxi and Shanxi were hit by strong sandstorms. The capital Beijing was enveloped in yellow dust     4     Monday morning with visibility at less than 1 km,     5     followed an official yellow warning for the sandstorm. The sandstorm is the strongest and the most sweeping     6     in nearly a decade. Remote sensing images of dust in northern China show the dust from Mongolia     7    (gradual)traveled south with the airflow.

This wave of sandstorms is a result of the combined       8    (effect)of cold air and cyclones from Mongolia. “The combined action of the Mongolian cyclone and the cold high     9    (press)provided a strong impetus(动力)for the sandstorm,” said Zhang Bihui,     10     senior engineer with the NMC.

2021-04-22更新 | 84次组卷
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