组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 单词辨析 > A > access
题型:选词填空-单句选词填空 难度:0.65 引用次数:71 题号:12555950
keep sb. company, be convenient for, now (that), no matter,keep one’s distance from,
making sure, go through, so…that…, has free access to, benefit…from …
1. As we know,books are the source of knowledge. I ______ a great deal ________ reading.
2. However, after the stations were set up, we could make long-term connections with the villages, ____________ our efforts brought positive changes.
3. Her father advised her to __________ that fellow.
4. Every student _______ free ________ the library everywhere to decide what is the best balance of social principles.
5. He ________ many difficulties before he succeeded.
6. We had ________ little time __________ we couldn’t finish the work on time.
7. ___________ you have mentioned it,I’ ll keep it in mind.
8. ____________ what/Whatever you say,I won’ t believe you any longer.
9. You can stay here and __________,or I will feel lonely.
10. It will ___________ more __________ people to do some shopping online.
20-21高一下·全国·课时练习 查看更多[1]


选词填空-单句选词填空 | 适中 (0.65)
view as; in defence of; regardless of; make a restriction on; have no access to;
show special favor to; lose one’s edge; in the minority
1. Daydreaming is usually _________ a waste of time or rather considered an unhealthy escape from real life and its duties.
2. As a teacher, I should avoid   _________ any student.
3. He says what he thinks,   _________ other people's feelings, making his parents terribly upset.
4. The test of courage comes when we are   _________; the test of tolerance comes when we are in the majority.
5. Our monitor spoke up   _________ the view that PE lessons should be regularly carried out.
6. What a sad picture it is that many people in the world _________ clean water!
7. It is really a good idea for teenagers to   _________ the amount of time spent playing computer games.
8. Even though I'm the best student in English, I’ll _________ if I don't keep practicing.
2019-07-27更新 | 30次组卷
选词填空-单句选词填空 | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐2】Complete each sentence with the right form of the phrases chosen from the box below.

1. I would_____________recommend him for the job, because his qualification is so satisfactory.
2. Thanks to the________________at which he stood, he could just see the sunset.
3. The database allows you________________the sales figures in a number of ways.
4. Would you________________some of your salary for more holiday time?
5. People gain valuable work experience and, ________________, employers can afford to employ them.
6. Although the area has certainly improved, much_______________to be accomplished.
2019-08-17更新 | 85次组卷
选词填空-单句选词填空 | 适中 (0.65)
access       abstract       expectation       assign       sharp       remarkable
vivid       inspire       innovation       quote       aim at       pay off
1. Unless something ________ happens, I will see you tomorrow.
2. I can still ________ remember my grandfather teaching me to play cards.
3. ________ words from Shakespeare’s work made his passage more impressive.
4. To better communicate with foreigners, John set out ________ his skills in oral English.
5. To get the certificate, you will need to complete three written ________ per semester.
6. The man was thought to be one of the most creative and ________ engineers of his generation.
7. Today, technological advances have led to a combination of art and technology, making art ________ to us than ever before.
8. Dreams can be a rich source of ________ for an artist, so an artist often goes to sleep if he has no idea of his works.
9. The basket, made by attaching a piece of plastic to a telephone pole, was so simple that only shots perfectly ________ its center went into it.
10. ________ the main points from the argument, she made it easy for us to get the presenter’s idea.
2023-11-16更新 | 108次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般