组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 环境 > 自然灾害与防范
题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.65 引用次数:117 题号:12718998
Directions: After reading the passage below. Jill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word. fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word: for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

Landslide Injures at least 10 in Norwegian Town of Ask

A landslide (山体滑坡) has smashed into a residential area near the Norwegian capital at midnight on Dec. 30. injuring at least 10 people, leaving 21 unaccounted for and     1    (destroy) several homes, authorities said.

About 700 people have been brought to safety for fear of further landslides.

The landslide cut across a road, leaving a deep gap that cars     2    not pass. Video footage showed dramatic scenes including one house falling into the gap. Photographs showed at least eight destroyed homes.

Rescue workers continued to search the area for children and adults     3    (believe) to have been caught in mud and debris (废墟), police said. "We're still looking for survivors? police spokesman Roger Pettersen told a news conference.

Pettersen said there were no reports of missing people, but officials could not rule out the possibility     4     there might be survivors in collapsed buildings. He said 21 people registered as living in the area are unaccounted for.

One of the injured was seriously hurt, while nine had     5    (light) injuries. Weather at the time was reported to be challenging, with snowstorm sweeping the village of Ask,     6    about 5,000 people inhabited.

Norway's King Harald said the landslide had made a deep impression on him. "My thoughts are with all those who are affected, injured or have lost their homes and those who now live in fear and uncertainty of     7     damage the disaster has caused,” he said in a statement released by the royal palace.

The area in which Ask     8    (locate) is known to have a lot of quick clay, which can change from solid to liquid from. Previous landslides have been reported in the region.

Helicopters continued to circle over the area as night fell     9     (lower) rescuers towards the debris of collapsed houses.

"There could be people trapped ... but at the same time we can't be sure       10     it is the new year’s holiday, which means people could be elsewhere,” Ema Solberg, the Norwegian Prime Minister, told reporters after visiting the site.

【知识点】 自然灾害与防范


语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 适中 (0.65)

The main structure of the Datengxia water resources management facility in Southwest China has been completed four months ahead     1     schedule, the Ministry of Water Resources said on Saturday.

The project,     2     is located in the Xijiang River, has eight power generation     3     (unit), each with an installed capacity of 200,000 kilowatts (千瓦). It can     4     (annual) generate more than 6 billion kilowatt hours of electricity.

In cooperation with other reservoirs (水库), the project can help Wuzhou, a city with     5     population of over 2.8 million in Guangxi, deal with once-in-a-hundred-year floods. Previously, the city was only able to hold floods that occur once every 50 years. The project also enables some cities in the Pearl River Delta     6     (resist) floods that happen once every two centuries.

The ministry said the Datengxia facility will also provide strong support for rural development, offering irrigation (灌溉) water to 80,000 hectares of farmland and     7     (address) drinking water shortage for almost 1.4 million people in Guangxi.

The project has already played     8     (significance) roles in the past three years when it was put into trial operation. For example, in June last year, it helped prevent     9     store about 700 million cubic meters of floodwater when the Xijiang River     10     (hit) by a flood. In the peak, it reduced water flow by 3,500 cubic meters per second.

2024-03-21更新 | 444次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约130词) | 适中 (0.65)

Earthquakes are quite common. In fact, thousands of earthquakes     1    (happen) almost at every moment.     2    , most of them are too weak to feel. During a big earthquake, there is often a big noise first. Then the earth shakes     3     (terrible) and many houses fall down.

As one of the most deadly natural disasters in the world, the earthquake often result    4    many people being injured or killed. In 2008, a severe earthquake hit China's Sichuan Province,     5    (kill) more than 80,000 people there.

Besides the great damage and     6    (death) caused by the earthquake, other accidents such     7    fires often follow. More buildings may be damaged and more     8    (injury) may be caused. For centuries, people have been making studies of earthquakes. About 2,000 years ago, for example, a Chinese scientist     9    (name) Zhang Heng invented a machine which could find out the direction    10     the earthquake waves came.

2018-11-25更新 | 232次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐3】Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

Most of us know to stay low to the floor if we are caught in a fire, or head to the basement if a tornado’s coming, or board up the window in a hurricane. But, the massive earthquake that hit Haiti this month was a reminder that we are far     1     (expert) in what to do when the ground below us shakes. If we are in a house or building, for example, our first impulse might be to run outside— but, counter-intuitive (违反直觉的)     2     it might sound, experts warn against that since people are too often killed by falling debris as they try to escape.

Given how many of us travel in quake-prone regions today, even folks     3     don’t reside in California should know how to survive an earthquake. But there are two different and     4     (compete) schools of thought on the matter, both of which are considered valid but perhaps not always in the same situations.

The most conventional and widely accepted by the disaster-response community, is the “drop, cover and hold on” approach,     5     urges people to take cover beneath something like a heavy table     6     (avoid) falling objects. The second, newer method is known as “the triangle of life.” It recommends lying down in a fetal (胎儿的) position not under but next to furniture, as roofs and wall collapse atop those sofas and desks, buffer spaces are created that protect people from     7     (crush).

Over the past decade, an agreement has been reached     8     “drop, cover and hold on” is a more appropriate method for developed countries like the U. S, where improved construction     9     (reduce) the likelihood of structures collapsing greatly. The triangle of life is thought to be more appropriate in developing nations like Haiti, where poor building codes make finding a “survivable void” inside a collapsed building more important than protecting yourself from falling chandeliers. If you’re going to play the odds, drip-and-cover     10     be the best way to go, but a lot of emergency re-sponders might say triangle-of-life because they are the ones who see the fatalities in buildings that do collapse.

2022-03-10更新 | 126次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般