组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 哲理感悟
题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:55 题号:13091937

Life comes in a package. This package includes happiness and sorrow, failure and success, hope and despair. Life is a learning process.     1     With each passing day we learn to handle various situations.

1. Love

Love plays a key role on our life.     2     In the early stage of our life, our parents are the ones who shower us with unconditional love and care, they teach us about what is right and wrong, good and bad. But we always tend to take this for granted. It is only after marriage and having kids that a person understands and becomes sensitive to others' feelings.

2. Happiness and Sorrow

Materialistic happiness is short-lived, but happiness achieved by bringing a smile on others' face gives a certain level of fulfillment. Peace of mind is the main link to happiness.     3     We realize the true worth of happiness when we are in sorrow. Sorrow is basically due to death of a loved one, failure and despair.

3. Failure and Success

    4     It helps us to touch the sky, teaches us to survive and shows us a specific way. Success brings in money, fame, pride and self-respect. Here it becomes very important to keep our head on our shoulder.

4. Hope and Despair

Hope is what keeps life going. Parents always hope their children will do well. Hope makes us dream. Hope builds in patience.     5     Because after every night there is a day. Nothing remains the same.

A.Failure is the path to success.
B.Life teaches us not to despair even in the darkest hour.
C.Life teaches us not to regret over yesterday.
D.Experiences in life teach us new lessons and make us a better person.
E.No mind is happy without peace.
F.Without love a person could become fierce and cruel.
G.The only choice is work hard today so that we will enjoy a better tomorrow.
【知识点】 哲理感悟


阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】There was once a jar(广口瓶) of fresh, clean water. Every drop of water in the jar felt immensely proud of being so clean and pure. Day after day they would congratulate each other on how clean and beautiful they were. That was until one day when one of the drops got bored with his clean existence. He wanted to try what it was like being a dirty drop.

The other drops tried to talk to him out of it, but he stuck to his guns. Hardly realizing, when the drop came back all dirty, he turned all the other drops in the jar into dirty drops, too.

They tried to get clean again, but they couldn’t. They tried everything to shake off the dirtiness. Finally, much later, someone dipped the jar in a fountain, and only when a lot of clean water entered the jar did the drops regain their old transparency and purity. Now they all know that if they all want to be nice clean drops, then each and every one of them has to stay clean, even if they find it difficult. That drop that succeeded in being dirty has realized that correcting the mistake of one single drop needs a lot of work for everyone else.

The same happens to us and our friends. If we want to live in a jar of clean water, each of us will have to be a clean drop. How about you? What are you? A clean drop?

1. One of the drops made a change because he .
A.was less beautiful than other dropsB.got tired of his state of existing
C.was too proud a dropD.wanted to dirty others
2. We can infer from Para. 2 that the drop was .
3. Realizing the trouble he caused, the drop that succeeded in being dirty must have felt very
4. What's the writer's purpose of writing this article?
A.To advise readers to be “a clean drop”.B.To blame the drop for his foolish mistake.
C.To tell readers the way to be “a clean drop”.D.To tell readers how to work together effectively.
2020-08-16更新 | 38次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】When you learn how to set intentions, you may tap into your inner drive and reach your dreams. Just remember that motivation is not a constant. Like the tide, it rises and it falls ,so be prepared for this.    1    

Finish a small task early on.This can be as simple as making your bed.    2    When this becomes a habit,add something that can help you access your inner self and be sure to do it early on in the day. This could be a nature walk, yoga stretches or spiritual practices.

Write a journal.    3    It is also beneficial to make sure you write down three things you feel gratitude for every day. This can help you re-frame and see your situation in a more positive light. Just keeping a gratitude journal can help you think positively,

Be optimistic.    4    A positive attitude can really make dreams come true.Practice gratitude in the journaling tip. If you slip up,tell yourself you will work on this or treat it as an opportunity to learn and to grow. If you feel like you are losing your drive, optimism will get you back on track.

    5    That negative voice is always there, ready to appear. Some call this voice the ego (自尊心). The ego is something that plays out in our head to convince us of our unworthiness. Tell your ego you appreciate it wanting to protect you and care for you.

A.Talk to your negative voice.
B.Optimism is fuel for achieving goals.
C.You can divide your task into small pieces.
D.Optimistic people often have higher goals.
E.Put down your goals in your journal and read them every day.
F.Here are some tips to keep you focused on your meaningful projects.
G.Completing a task right when you get up can set the tone for the rest of the day.
2023-04-14更新 | 203次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐3】When I was young, I wished for a good car and a big house. That was my idea of success. I took all the advanced classes and tried to do well in the exams with my mind set on going to a key school. I just knew that I would somehow become famous and be able to afford the car and the dream house. All the way through junior years, my mind was planning this beautiful future.
Then in the eleventh grade, many losses changed my mind. First, one of my friends died at 16. Soon after, my great-grandmother passed away, followed by my beloved fourth-grade teacher. These events left me not knowing what to do or where to go . Death had never touched me so closely.
After a long period of emptiness, it finally struck me: Life is not promised and neither is future success. Though I was attempting to achieve material success, I was not enjoying my daily life. I realized that finding inner peace, purpose and happiness will stick with me forever and that is real success.
Enjoying life's precious quirks ( 偶发事件) makes an ordinary person more successful than a wealthy person who isn't content and takes everything for granted. The summer before senior years, my attitude changed greatly. Instead of memorizing facts, I began learning skills. Instead of focusing on the future, I focused on today and the many blessings and successes that came with it.
I still get excellent grades, but now I devote weeks to studying instead of struggling for exams, and I think about the future with a deeper sense of meaning. For me, being successful means truly living life each day.
1. The reason why the author changed his idea of success is that ________ .                 .
A.he can't afford his house
B.his beloved teacher was dead
C.he didn't know what to do or where to go
D.he lost a few beloved persons in a short time
2. According to the author which of the following is the real success for a person?
A.Being famous.B.Truly living life each day.
C.Good car and big house.D.Material achievements.
3. What does the author want to tell the readers?
A.The true meaning of the life.B.The true meaning of studying.
C.How to achieve success.D.His opinion about success.
4. According to the passage, which of the following is true?
A.The writer thinks that success is not promised.
B.His teacher died before the death of his grandpa.
C.The writer didn't do well in all the exams.
D.He didn't want to take all the exams.
2017-08-08更新 | 88次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般