组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 环境 > 自然灾害与防范
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:85 题号:13309053

The desert locust (蝗虫) is the most dangerous migratory pest with a huge appetite unmatched in the insect world. In just one day, a swarm of locusts the size of Paris could consume the same amount of food as half the population of France. They annually reproduce, concentrate and then form swarms that can move up to 150 kilometers per day.

To control these swarms, some experts think drone (无人机) technology could provide survey and control teams with an inexpensive and efficient method of searching for these destructive insects.

Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) — also known as drones — could be used to automatically collect high-resolution imagery of green, vegetated areas potentially affected by locusts.

Controlled by a hand-held tablet, the UAV would follow a pre-programmed flight path, covering a 100 kilometer survey radius to collect data. Then the survey teams use the data to identify areas that seem most likely to harbor locusts and travel directly to suspicious locations. Once the team reaches such an area, the UAV could be launched to fly overhead and identify other nearby areas affected by locusts that may require treatment. A separately controlled UAV could then be used to administer pesticides directly onto the locust concentrations. UAVs could also be used to check for locusts in areas that are insecure or cannot be accessed by ground teams.

Pest control operations would become safer, as human operators would no longer be exposed to potentially dangerous pesticides while getting rid of the insects. They would also become more effective, since drones would be able to spray pesticides precisely.

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations is currently working with university researchers and private sector partners in Europe to address challenges of drone technology concerning design, endurance, power, and detection of green vegetation and locusts. The FAO remains hopeful that within five years, UAVs will play an essential role in protecting food supplies and livelihoods from the desert locust, as part of the fight against global hunger and poverty.

1. What does the author try to express by mentioning France in Paragraph 1?
A.Desert locusts are a great threat to food supply.
B.France is one of the disaster areas affected by desert locusts.
C.It’s hard to deal with the problems caused by desert locusts.
D.Desert locusts are a migratory pest that can travel extremely fast.
2. What’s the fundamental purpose of drone technology?
A.To detect desert locusts.B.To locate the affected locations.
C.To kill desert locusts effectively.D.To free operators from chemicals.
3. Which of the following can best describe UAVs?
A.They are convenient but expensive.B.They are creative but time-consuming.
C.They are safe but hard to operate.D.They are smart but still need improving.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Preventing the Spread of Desert Locusts
B.FAO Continues Fighting Against Locusts
C.Massive Locusts Threaten Millions of People
D.Locust Control Throug hout History


阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】As a shift in the polar vortex (极地涡旋) swept across much of the US, many people in the country were hit with a sudden snap of cold. Heavy ice and snow coupled with fallen trees caused the outages in major cities, with companies unable to tell their customers when power will be restored.

Polar vortices were noticed long ago. But the first known use of the term “polar vortex” was in a magazine in 1853. Polar vortices are present year-round, but we don’t hear about them until they cause problems. They maintain freezing temperatures at the North and South poles by moving in tight counter-clockwise patterns. Polar vortices grow stronger in winter and weaken in summer. They are kept in place at the poles by another atmospheric current called the jet stream. However, when the jet streams weaken, the cold winds of the polar vortex are pushed southwards and it is during this time that people begin to pay attention!

In Texas, roads froze over, causing six traffic deaths, and many schools were shut-down. People are not the only Earthlings to struggle with the cold. Crops and animals are also freezing. This could have major consequences, especially if herds of cattle die. If snow blocks cattle, the animals can’t reach basic necessities like food and fresh water.

On a brighter note, some Texas cities were more prepared than others. For instance, Amarillo, which is located in North Texas, so they are more accustomed to colder temperatures. Amarillo is notable because the city was redesigned to stand up to severe winter storms. Officials have spread out fire stations to increase coverage of first responders, employed modified dump trucks for clearing ice, and upgraded civic centers to provide shelter during storms. Hopefully, other Texas cities will follow the good example set by Amarillo!

1. What does the underlined word “outages” refer to?
A.Traffic jams.B.Power struggles.
C.Power cuts.D.Traffic accidents.
2. What can we learn about polar vortices?
A.They grow stronger in summer.B.They are affected by jet streams.
C.They were first observed in 1853.D.They move in a clockwise direction.
3. What is the last but one paragraph mainly about?
A.The definition of the polar vortex.B.The characteristics of the polar vortex.
C.The ways to deal with the polar vortex.D.The serious impact made by the polar vortex.
4. Why is Amarillo striking?
A.Because it is located in the north of Texas.
B.Because it has been upgraded and modernized.
C.Because it has been regarded as an example to other cities.
D.Because it has taken effective measures to resist winter storms.
2023-03-31更新 | 233次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Landslides ( 山体滑坡 ) occur when large amounts of wet debris ( 碎片 ), including rocks, earth, and trees, slide down a slope ( 斜 坡 ). They may occur as a result of fires, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, storms, or human activities. Landslides are particularly dangerous because they strike suddenly, move at extremely high speeds, and travel long distances. Although landslides are often difficult to predict, you can prepare for a landslide by following proper safety rules, ensure that you’re familiar with the warning signs, and making an emergency plan.

Become familiar with the land around where you live and work so that you understand your risk in different situations.

Learn about local emergency response plans.

Stay alert and awake in danger. Many deaths from landslides occur while people are sleeping.

Listen for unusual sounds that might indicate moving debris, such as trees cracking ( 爆裂声 ). If you are near a stream or river, be watchful for any sudden increase or decrease in water flow and notice whether the water changes from clear to muddy. Such changes may mean there is debris flow activity upstream, so be prepared to move quickly.

Listen to local news stations on a battery-powered radio for warnings of heavy rainfall.

Consider leaving if it is safe to do so.

If you suspect a danger, evacuate ( 撤退) immediately. Inform your neighbours if you can, and contact your public works, fire or police department.

Be especially alert when driving-watch for collapsed pavement, mud, fallen rocks and other indications of possible debris flow.

Talk to everyone in your family what to do if a landslide occurs. Create and practise an evacuation plan for your family and your business.

1. Which of the following is true about landslide?
A.It strikes slowly.
B.It can be easily predicted.
C.Too much debris causes damage.
D.You needn’t prepare for it.
2. Which may NOT the sign of landslide?
A.Trees cracking.
B.Heavy rainfall.
C.Sudden increase or decrease in water flow.
D.Water changing from clear to muddy.
3. If you suspect a danger of landslide, what should you do?
A.Listen to local news stations.
B.Create an evacuation plan.
C.Leave at once with your family.
D.Stay in your neighbour’s house.
2021-04-12更新 | 92次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Over the past few months huge groups of locusts(蝗虫), one of which occupied an area more than three times the size of New York City, have eaten up crops across the Home of Africa and the Middle East, leaving an estimated 20 million people at risk of famine(饥荒). The first generation's eggs are starting to hatch, and now even bigger swarms(虫群) are forming threatening. Countries from the Democratic Republic of Congo to Yemen, Iran, Pakistan and India, “representing a threat to food security and livelihoods,” says the U.N.'s Food and Agriculture Organization(FAO).

Desert locusts' populations explode when weather conditions are right. That explosion can create huge swarms that can travel great distance-more than 90 miles in a day-in search of food. Warm weather and unusually heavy rains in the Horn of Africa at the end of 2019 provided the moist(湿润的) soil necessary for hatching eggs. From there, the insects spread rapidly, resulting in one of the worst outbreaks the region has seen in more than 70 years.

A typical swarm numbering 4 billion to 8 billion locusts, can consume in one day the same   amount of food as 35 million people. Some swarms have been so thick in parts of Kenya that they have prevented planes from taking off. Governments have used widespread aerial spraying of pesticides when available; in poorer regions, where aircraft are unavailable, soldiers battle the swarms with handheld spray pump.

The FAO has appealed for $138 million to support affected communities, If the locusts are not stopped before the next generation hatches, the impact could be terrible: the FAO guesses that an additional 25 million people across the region could lose their crops. Scientists in Kenya hope a new computer-assisted tracking program that combines satellite data with weather-mapping software will help predict the swarms next destination, buying-regional authorities enough time to prepare a response. Buy coronavirus- related travel restriction have delayed relief efforts as well as response mechanisms. The locusts have no such travel limitations.

1. The author uses many statistics in the passage to show_____
A.the disastrous consequence of the outbreaks of locusts
B.the serious conditions facing the New York City
C.the speed of swarms of locusts travelling
D.the exact number of crops consumed by locusts
2. What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?
A.The great distances locusts can travel.
B.The explosion of locusts' population.
C.The perfect conditions for hatching their eggs.
D.The result of the unusual outbreaks of locusts.
3. What does the last paragraph imply?
A.The travel restrictions may probably worsen the urgent situation.
B.It is unlikely to predict the swarms' next destination now.
C.A lot of money has been raised after the FAO's appeal
D.It's not difficult for humans to win the battle against the locust
2020-05-29更新 | 32次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般