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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:53 题号:13355310

Earth Day is April 22. It's a day when people around the world work to help the planet, including kids.

Speaking Out

Jaysa Hunter-Mellers, 14, spoke at the City Hall to ask leaders to shut the last coal power plant(发电厂)nearby which brought her a serious trouble that made breathing difficult. She didn't think that people would listen to her, a kid. But the coal plant later said it would close. Jaysa learned to speak to her local government at a young age and now she wants to teach others to speak up too.

Helping Butterflies

When Aiden Wang was 6, he learned that local butterflies were in trouble because they needed milkweed plants to survive. But milkweed was disappearing. So Aiden started growing milkweed at his home, on which the insects lay eggs. Aiden's now 13 and he cares for eggs and lets them go when they turn into butterflies.

Doing Good for Gorillas(大猩猩)

When Addy Barrett was in first grade, she learnt that the mountain gorillas were in danger. She wanted to protect them and set up a program called Gorilla Heroes. So far, Gorilla Heroes has raised more than $11,000 to help mountain gorillas. Addy says, “The feeling of having a fine influence on the world is like no other. It feels so good to know that I am making a difference.”

Educating the Youth

In fourth grade, Jeremy Clark and Charlie Abrams saw a picture of the Statue of Liberty(自由女神像)up to her waist in water. It was meant to show what the statue would look like if all the ice in the world melted(融化). In 2019, they started a group called Affected Generation to encourage young people to become climate activists. The two also want schools to teach about climate change.

1. Why did Jaysa ask the coal power plant to be closed?
A.Because it caused her some health problems.
B.Because she hoped to speak to the government.
C.Because its noise affected the neighborhood.
D.Because she wanted to set an example to other kids.
2. How does Aiden Wang help butterflies?
A.By warming their eggs.B.By feeding milk to them.
C.By planting plants they need.D.By turning eggs into butterflies.
3. Who set up an organization to protect the environment?
A.Aiden Wang.B.Addy Barrett.
C.Jaysa Hunter-Mellers.D.Jeremy Clark and Charlie Abrams.
【知识点】 环境保护 应用文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】In the wild, polar bears spend much of their lives wandering pack ice (浮冰群) in search of food. These bears have adapted to a high fat diet from ocean-going animals: they are rapid and dangerous swimmers, allowing them to easily catch animals as food. Each summer, as the pack ice starts to become smaller, polar bears draw closer to land to give birth to and care for babies. Many give up food during this period, hunting again when the ice returns and living on stored fat.

Pack ice is decreasing globally. When it does form, it disappears more quickly, and tends to be thinner as well. In 2004, several polar bear deaths by drowning were recorded. The bears had been trapped on faraway areas of floating ice, and had tried to swim for land. Due to the disappearance of the ice, they were tired and drowned before reaching shore safely. This problem is likely to grow as the pack ice becomes smaller.

The disappearance of the ice has other impacts for polar bears: they are losing their natural prey (猎物), who are also affected by the loss of habitat. The bears are not very good at catching land animals, and must compete with other species for these food sources. Land animals also don’t provide the high fat diet that polar bears need, which may lead to hunger. Hungry mothers may not be able to provide their babies with the nutrition needed, which will further contribute to the drop in polar bear population.

The deadly factors brought about by global warming put polar bears at risk. Drops in birth and survival rates have already been documented, and biologists are increasingly concerned   about the animals’ odd behavior as a result of the loss of their natural habitat. Environmental organizations believe a global effort is needed to fight against global warming before it is too late for polar bears, as well as many other species that call Earth home.

1. In which season are baby polar bears born?
2. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?
A.The disappearance of the ice has negative effects on polar bears.
B.Polar bears have to compete with other species for food sources.
C.Land animals don’t provide the high fat diet that polar bears need.
D.Hungry bear mothers can’t provide their babies with the nutrition needed.
3. What can be the best title for the text?
A.Why is pack ice becoming smaller?
B.What measures can we take to protect polar bears?
C.Are polar bears in danger from global warming?
D.Is global warming becoming more and more serious?
2022-06-21更新 | 61次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】The deep and dark night sky is filled with wonder. Looking up at the bright stars, mysterious planets and ancient constellations (星座) brings a timeless feeling. Today, populated areas around the globe are enveloped in a type of fog that disconnects people from that amazing night sky, but reducing light pollution can help to restore the wonder.

After the sun sets, cities and suburbs across the globe are lit up with artificial lights. They glow along roads and highways and flood fields in sports stadiums. They also shine light on skyscrapers, malls, and flashing electronic signs. However, these lights negatively impact wildlife.

Artificial lighting has caused the firefly population to completely disappear in some areas, while lighthouse beams (光线) negatively impact marine species. In fact, in the US and Canada, 18 species of firefly are now classified as being threatened with a high risk of extinction in the next ten years.

Just leaving that light on affects the behavior of nocturnal pollinators (夜间传粉者) like moths, causing them to fly towards the light and not the flowers. This, in turn, negatively affects plants’ abilities to bear fruit and reproduce.

Many people are aware of many types of pollution including air, water, and land, but few realize that strong artificial lighting is harmful to all mammals, including humans. In order to make people aware of the importance of darkness, researchers wrote a world atlas (地图册) of artificial night sky brightness, which is published in Science Advances. Their findings reveal that 80 percent of the world populations live under a sky glow, with more than 99 percent of Americans and Europeans living under light-polluted skies.

Although individuals cannot control the highway and city lights, they can make a difference at home. And if everyone were to “turn off the switch”, it could help to bring back natural darkness in some areas. Light areas where light is needed and aim the light beams downwards. Try to use low-level lighting and be aware that some surfaces reflect more light into the sky.

1. What does the author mainly want to say in paragraph 2?
A.Light pollution is actually widespread.
B.Artificial lights bring people convenience.
C.The use of artificial lights should be cut down.
D.The night sky is beautifully lit up with those lights.
2. Why do some plants fail to bear fruit?
A.The light has been too strong.B.The pollinators destroy them.
C.They are not pollinated in time.D.They don’t receive enough light.
3. Why was a world atlas of artificial night sky brightness published?
A.To popularize artificial lighting.
B.To call off environmental protection.
C.To stress the civilizations of human beings.
D.To bring awareness to the meaning of darkness.
4. What can individuals do to help reduce light pollution?
A.Turn off highway lights.B.Use low-level lighting.
C.Let light beams upwards.D.Design energy-efficient lights.
2024-06-04更新 | 22次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】Here are 5 actions you can take to make a difference to our environment.

1. Use fewer napkins.

The next time you’re eating, don’t take a bunch of napkins when you need only one. If every American used an average of one less napkin every day, it would prevent the use of more than a billion pounds of napkins — enough to fill the Empire State Building — from ending up in landfills. Use fewer napkins, and you’ll cut down on waste.

2. Think before flushing.

Don’t flush wastefully. By avoiding just one flush a day, you could save about 4.5 gallons of water. That’s as much water as the average person in Africa uses to bathe, drink, clean, and cook for an entire day.

3. Avoid wasting food.

Eat Thanksgiving leftover-Don’t let them spoil. If every US household reduced food waste by the weight of.one slice of bread, the money saved would be enough to pay for three meals a day for a year for every homeless child in the U.S.

4. Kick off the shoes

Leave your shoes at the door when you come into your home. Unwanted fertilizers, lead, and poisonous cleaners found on outdoor surfaces can hitch a ride on your shoes and track through your house.

5. Save energy

When you go out, try to use public transport. If you close the bathroom door when you take a bath, you will keep the room warmer, Your bath water’s heat stays trapped in the bathroom. The water also stays hotter and longer, so you don’t need to add more hot water. Save energy: Close the door.

1. Suppose you and your parents all reduce one flush a day, how much water will be saved?
A.About 9 gallons of water.B.About 14 gallons of water.
C.About 16 gallons of water.D.About 11 gallons of water.
2. What do the underlined words “hitch a ride” mean in the passage?
A.Be stuck.B.Ride on you.C.Follow you.D.Visit you.
3. What’s the main idea of this passage?
A.Save energy can help to save money.
B.Wasting is shameful.
C.One can use some ways to protect the environment.
D.You may make a bigger difference than others.
2021-02-02更新 | 96次组卷
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