组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 单词辨析 > T > temporarily
题型:单词拼写-根据首字母填空 难度:0.65 引用次数:32 题号:13449195
The office will be closed t_____________ while construction is going on.
【知识点】 temporarily 副词作状语


单词拼写-根据句意填空 | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐1】To make matters worse, the room is rather small, so I have ______ put my books on the floor.
2021-09-14更新 | 32次组卷
单词拼写-根据首字母填空 | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐2】The lecturer t____________ digressed from her subject to deal with a related theory. (根据首字母单词拼写)
2024-05-26更新 | 4次组卷
单词拼写-根据汉语意思填空 | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐3】The store will be __________(临时,暂时) closed for renovations, but will reopen next month with a new look. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
2023-05-17更新 | 80次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般