组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 哲理感悟
题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:99 题号:13759136

When you are waiting in front of a theater or at the train terminals, you will realize how important punctuality is. Punctuality is really a virtue, especially in a busy city.     1     .

Punctuality is the main constituent of good character.     2     On the other hand, a person who is always late shows his selfishness and thoughtlessness and he is not worthy to be friends with.

Some people often say that they cannot always be punctual since traffic is so heavy these days.     3     As everybody knows, we might meet an unexpected jam on the roads, so we should leave a bit earlier for the appointment to ensure that we would not be late.

    4    . When they finally arrive, they keep on saying sorry to their friends and then explain. The excuse is not always traffic jam. Sometimes they complain that they have met a friend on the road or have helped a blind man to cross the road. Some also like to blame their watches, the clocks at home or in the office. To such people, we cannot help but say sorry that we have come too early.

Yet after all, such smart fellows will soon find that gradually their friends become fewer and fewer. Perhaps at that time, they would realize how important punctuality is.

    5    . So when we are young, we should try to be punctual every time and never be late, for it is much more easily acquired in youth than when we are older.

A.To be or not to be punctual is a habit.
B.It is polite to be punctual when you are invited to a party.
C.Some people always have a lot of excuses for coming late.
D.I think traffic jam cannot be an excuse for being late.
E.Here, I will tell you how to be a punctual person step by step.
F.Perhaps if everybody were punctual, there would be less suffering and sorrow.
G.A person who is always on time for his appointment shows real consideration for others.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】On these dark winter evenings, I find myself daydreaming of summer. I think of the one activity and place that quiets my mind: clamming (挖蛤) on Cape Cod.

Before I had kids, it was a much-needed active outing after days of vacation-level eating. But when I went with kids, the experience took a turn from relaxation to devotion. The bay became part of the world I was trying to build for my children. The act of clamming became an unexpected escape,a moment when I wasn't thinking about 20 different things, when I wasn’t really thinking at all.

This year, for the first time, my children joined in the clamming. I kept yelping (尖叫) when my children almost raked (用耙子耙) my feet. But there was joy in having something to teach them, to connect them not only to a generational tradition but also to the history of the land. And when they raised their basket and it wasn’t a rock for the hundredth time, but rather a shining clam, it was a richer moment than if they had struck gold. Seeing a child holding up a clam with an expression of success on his face does more for the heart than any meditation (冥想) ever could.

I hope that one day my children will view clamming as the relaxation that I do. They are not there yet.At this point, it is more adventure than getaway. At the end of our clamming morning, my 6-year-old refused to leave, insisting she needed one more clam. When she finally caught one more clam, she laughed, pride written all over her face. To be fair, perhaps what she needed to get from clamming was not what I needed. Perhaps what she needed was to have a tiny bit of control over this wild world, one in which she has little say. In that moment, she was victorious, if not in calm, then in clam.

1. Why did the author go clamming before having children?
A.To get together with her friends.B.To spend quality time with her family.
C.To escape the responsibility as an adult.D.To enjoy relaxation after overeating.
2. What does paragraph 3 mainly talk about?
A.The experience of clamming.B.The benefits of meditation.
C.The change of a generational tradition.D.The necessity of exploring the land.
3. How do the kids find clamming?
A.Demanding and boring.B.Complicated and tiring.
C.Adventurous and rewarding.D.Painful and disappointing.
4. What can we infer from the last paragraph about the author and her kids?
A.They are successful in removing stress.B.Clamming is the most interesting to them.
C.They refused to leave the bay.D.Clamming has different meanings to them.
7日内更新 | 17次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约420词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】After many years of wearing my favorite denim long-sleeved shirt, I noticed a hole in the elbow.

“You better put a patch or something on it, or it’s going to get worse.” My husband says the second he sees me. I kindly thank him for his advice — and promptly proceed to ignore it.

I continue to get ready for my day. I reach for something at the bottom of my closet. Rip. Was that…I’m sure it’s fine. I stand up and look for something at the top of my closet. Riiiip. Um. I reach for the closet door and slide it shut. Riiiiippp. I look down at my shirt and see paper-thin scraps of fabric flapping around my arms.

This shirt was one of those that got more comfortable the more it was worn, slowly becoming soft as butter against my skin. There were warning signs that it was on its last legs, or arms. Some of the buttons were getting a bit loose. And there were those faint splatters of meals enjoyed that hadn’t quite come out in the wash. People weren’t really wearing this style anymore. But this shirt had seen a lot with me: the ups and downs of dating, saying my vows, the birth of my first child...

There are few material items in life that gain my loyalty. We’re constantly attacked by advertisements, begging us to try the latest and greatest thing. The so-called fast-fashion industry rushes to produce clothes that fit the latest, but in a week those styles are yesterday’s news. But there’s something sweet about reaching for what you know, holding tight to that thing you’re just drawn to, long past when logic tells you it might be time to let go. They represent a life well lived and the joy of being in your element.

“Is it time to let that one go?” My husband asked, as I inspected my blown-out elbows. I paused for a moment, then smiled. I grabbed a pair of scissors and cut the paper-thin fabric right above the rips. Gently, I folded the material past my elbows. I turned toward my husband to show him my new, short-sleeved shirt.

Not yet.

1. What was the author’s initial reaction to her husband’s advice about the hole in her shirt?
A.She immediately started repairing it.B.She thanked him and ignored the advice.
C.She went shopping for a new shirt.D.She argued with her husband.
2. What is the author’s attitude towards fast fashion?
A.She praises its affordability and convenience.
B.She emphasizes sustainability in fashion choices.
C.She criticizes its influence on clothing choices.
D.She expresses concerns about its environmental impact.
3. What’s the possible reason for the author to transform the shirt into a short-sleeved one?
A.A creative way to hold onto sentimental value.B.A desire for a more stylish appearance.
C.A response to her husband’s suggestion.D.An attempt to follow current fashion trends.
4. What could be a suitable title for the article?
A.Fashionable Choices: When to Let Go of Old Clothes.
B.Embracing Nostalgia: The Story of My Denim Shirt.
C.Practical Skills: How to Extend the Life of Your Clothes.
D.Exploring Wardrobe: My Fashion Evolution.
2023-12-05更新 | 59次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Wildfires were rapidly spreading through northern and southern California as powerful winds swept through the state, burning homes and forcing more than 200,000 people to leave their homes. Thousands of structures were destroyed in the massive fires. Firefighters and volunteers worked around the clock, risking their lives to save others, although thick clouds of wildfire smoke hung in the air.

But it's not just humans in danger’s path. A video of a horse running away from the rescue team to find his family of horses from CBS Los Angeles went viral. The public was touched by the horse's heroic act and shared their thoughts on the Internet.

Volunteers were rescuing several horses from the wildfire when one of the horses jumped away from the group. They were trying to help the horse, but he refused. They probably had no idea what was wrong with the horse, who just started running away from them. The horse raced back into danger to lead his family to safety, despite rescuers' best efforts to stop him. He knew he couldn't leave them behind. As the tension increased, several human strangers jumped in to help the animals — they went back to the burning barn where some of the horses remained.

You can watch the horse run back into the smoke-filled area, reconnect with the horses inside the fence, and quickly accompany them out of the fenced-off area. Though it's not clear from the video, CBS Los Angeles reported that all but one of the horses involved were saved. Disastrous as the California wildfires have been, the video and countless other rescue stories — humans and animals alike — are shining light on all acts of goodness taking place.

1. What does the author intend to show by telling the wildfires in detail in Para. 1?
A.What caused the big wildfires.B.How serious the wildfires were.
C.What rescuers did in the wildfires.D.How rapidly the wildfires spread.
2. What does the underlined phrases ''went viral'' mean?
A.Turned bad.B.Got attacked.
C.Became interesting.D.Grew popular.
3. Which words can best describe the horse?
A.Loyal but stubborn.B.Caring and courageous.
C.Responsible and clever.D.Flexible but aggressive.
4. What message does the author want to convey?
A.Fighting disasters needs joint efforts.B.Animals are always friends of man.
C.All good deeds deserve to be praised.D.Animals show goodness to each other.
2020-04-30更新 | 313次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般