组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 短语辨析 > A > adapt to
题型:选词填空-单句选词填空 难度:0.85 引用次数:31 题号:13779747
in addition, on average, as a result, compared to,   adapt to, make the best of, focus on, take it easy
1. The only way to succeed is to ________ and step by step, so don't be so nervous.
2. You are very smart, but if you expect to make great progress, you should try to________ your talents.
3. Time is limited. ________, it is important that you have to read as quickly as possible.
4. You should have a little patience because the newcomers are usually very slow to________ the rules of the company.
5. ________, we should not forget that everyone wants a friendly and peaceful society.
6. -How much do you spend on beauty products________ every month?
-It depends on my extra pay.
7. We are bus drivers. When we are on the way, we are used to________ our job.
8. I was at a disadvantage________ the younger members of the team.


选词填空-单句选词填空 | 较易 (0.85)
rather than, be blind to, be shown in, be preoccupied with, turn one’s back on, adapt to, at one’s own pace, begin with, go through, follow one’s own interestes
1. An exhibition of his life’s works is ________ the garden of his home.
2. I won’t ever forgive my older brother—he ________ me and refused to lend me any money when I lost my job.
3. Online students are able to work ________ and often finish faster than traditional students.
4. This view is especially evident on Kilimanjaro as climbers ________ five ecosystems(生态系统) in the space of a few kilometers.
5. ________ getting caught up in how you could have done better, why not offer yourself a compassionate (有同情心的) response?
6. He ________ his own mistakes.
7. Every major scientific discovery ________ someone imagining the world to look different from the way others saw it.
8. Human beings will continue ________ the changing climate in both ordinary and astonishing ways.
9. He ________ what he is doing and doesn’t notice the stranger enter the hall.
10. Many students believe the choice of their courses and universities should ________.
2023-06-21更新 | 11次组卷
选词填空-单句选词填空 | 较易 (0.85)
be responsible for, give up, take part in, adapt to, die from,
make progress, be decorated with, be made of
1. I am very happy that you have ______________in learning Chinese.
2. I hope you can _____________ the new school life as soon as possible.
3. Even if he is laughed at by many people, he won’t _____________his dreams.
4. The exhibition hall ______________ many traditional Chinese paintings.
5. A teacher should ______________ the conduct of pupils in the classroom.
6. The table, which I bought second-hand yesterday, _____________wood,
7. In African countries every year, many children _____________the disease.
8. You had better _____________ the physical exercise and build up your strength.
2021-09-13更新 | 23次组卷
选词填空-单句选词填空 | 较易 (0.85)
date back to       be made up of       pull off       lead to       drive away       communicate with       
adapt to       pull over work on       reach out       take charge of       free of charge
1. ________ to children who have no permanent home is one important mission of United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund.
2. He________ his gloves, took out his matches, and lighted the fire.
3. The medical team________ 150 doctors and nurses went to Wenchuan to rescue the trapped.
4. Stonehenge is one of the world’s most famous prehistoric monuments which can ________ over 5,000 years ago.
5. The challenge for TikTok is not just how it expands but how it generates enough advertising income without________ its users worldwide.
6. I________ my school project this time tomorrow.
7. When________ exchange   students,   be   sure   to   be   sincere   and   take   their   cultural background into consideration in case misunderstandings arise.
8. The official will make an announcement later this week regarding who________ the team for the match against Oxford.
9. Emerging   technologies   of   genetic   engineering   hold   the   promise   of   helping   species________ climate change.
10. In   recent   years,   industrial   activities________ a   huge   rise   in   various   gas   emissions, completely changing the air we all breathe.
2023-03-31更新 | 53次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般