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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:62 题号:13940061

Do you get lots of reading assignments as part of your homework? You might wish that you could read faster.

    1     But experts have dismissed this claim.

    2    ” said Elizabeth Schotter, a scientist at the University of South Florida, US. Schotter pointed out that people who claim that they can teach others how to speed read are usually doing it to make money by selling courses and books.

In fact, speed reading has been advertised since 1959, when US educator Evelyn Wood introduced a speed reading program. Several US presidents have even asked their staff to take speed reading courses.     3    

Schotter explained that reading is a complicated task. It involves four stages: seeing a word, retrieving its meaning from your memory, relating it to other words in the same sentence, and then moving on to the next word.     4     It can’t be sped up.

Some people who claim to be able to speed read are simply skimming. Skimming involves reading a passage quickly and only looking for certain words or sentences. Skimmers can figure out the main idea of a passage—especially if it’s a topic they’re familiar with—but they will not be able to recall all of the details.

    5     Research suggests that you should try to improve your vocabulary and simply read more.

A.Speed reading is not actually possible.
B.So is there a way to become a faster reader?
C.This is where speed reading comes into play.
D.This process uses many parts of the brain at one time.
E.However, there is no real science behind speed reading.
F.Some people claim that you can learn to read at super-high speeds.
【知识点】 阅读


阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】The years 1347—1351 saw Europe suffer from the worst disease—the Black Death. At least one third of the population in Europe lost their lives. Even the Catholic priests(牧师) with all their influence could not survive either.     1    

Against this background, Giovanni Boccaccio, an Italian writer, decided to collect stories from history to both comfort victims and challenge the church.     2    

In the book,10 people get together at a faraway place to stay away from the disease and share stories there to deal with boredom.     3     After each one finishes their turn, the others then share their ideas on the stories. In this way, we not only enjoy the book’s interesting stories, but also get to know the values held by people at the time.     4     As Chinese President Xi Jinping said, works like The Decameron(《十日谈》) stand against the ignorance of the Middle Ages and reflect the people’s hope for spiritual liberation.

    5     So I could fully understand the characters’feelings of panic when what they used to believe in suddenly fell away. For people in medieval times(中世纪), it was their belief in church. For us today, it might be the certainty of our global systems. But it was from the mess of the Black Death that the Renaissance and humanism were born. In today’s post-pandemic society, new lifestyles, technologies, and other changes have come to life. My most valuable lesson from The Decameron is this: We must learn from the past to better shape our future.

A.Each person prepares a story based on certain themes everyday, including wisdom and love.
B.The Decameron, as a symbol of the Renaissance(文艺复兴) period, has an influence that goes far beyond one specific country or area.
C.It was no surprise, then, that people’s belief in the church began to break down.
D.Everyone can learn a lesson from the book.
E.When I first read this book, the world was fighting against COVID-19.
F.This is what inspired his most famous book, The Decameron.
G.The Decameronis one of the most famous literary work in the Italian Renaissance period.
2023-12-19更新 | 51次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Have you ever felt that reading a good book makes you better able to connect with your fellow human beings? If so, the results of a new scientific study back you up, but only if your reading material is literary fiction (文艺小说).Psychologists David Comer Kidd and Emanuele Castano, at the New School for Social Research in New York, have proved that reading literary fiction improves the ability to sense and understand other people's feelings.

In a series of five experiments, 1,000 participants were given texts to read, either parts of popular fiction, or more literary texts. The pair then used a variety of Theory of Mind methods to measure how accurately (精确的)the participants could identify feelings in others. Scores were higher for those who had read literary fiction than for those with popular fiction or non-fiction texts.

"What great writers do is to turn you into the writer. In literary fiction, the incompleteness of the characters turns your mind to trying to understand the minds of others,” said Kidd. “Some writing is what you call ‘writerly’, you fill in the gaps and participate, and some is “readerly”, and you’re cheered. We tend to see “readerly” more in fictions like adventure and romance, where the author put down your experience as a reader. Writerly fiction or literary fiction lets you go into a new environment and you have to find your own way,’’ Kidd said.

However, although Castano and Kidd proved that literary fiction improves social empathy (共情) , they were not prepared to use the results to determine whether a piece of writing is worthy of being called literary. “These are aesthetic (美学的)and stylistic concerns which as psychologists we can’t and don’t want to give opinions about,” said Kidd. “Neither do we argue that people should only read literary fiction; it’s just that only literary fiction seems to improve Theory of Mind in the short term. There are likely benefits of reading popular fiction — certainly enjoyment. We just did not measure them.”

1. What is paragraph 2 mainly about?
A.The research process.
B.The research subjects.
C.The research purpose.
D.The research approaches.
2. Which of the following book may probably be “writerly”?
A.A book about a love story.
B.A book bringing nothing but enjoyment.
C.A book about an adventure story.
D.A book making you participate in the plot.
3. What’s Kidd’s opinion on popular fictions?
A.They are of great value.
B.They can bring joy to people.
C.They are not worthy of being read.
D.Their benefits can not be measured.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.To Read or Not to Read.
B.Literary Fiction or Popular Fiction.
C.Top Tips on How to Choose a Book.
D.Reading Literary Fiction Improves Empathy.
2021-05-08更新 | 95次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】I feel in love with the little free Library concept years ago on vacation. The concept of free literature-sharing boxes being posted in neighborhoods and public spaces hooked me. For a booklover, this represented great joy. At home, my bedside table sprouts books and from the floor rises mountainous to-be-read pile. My husband wasn’t the least bit surprised when I suggested starting our own Little Free Library.

The following winter, my husband built a copy of our Irish garden shed with a framed glass door on the front and, in the spring, fixed it on a post in front of our house. We filled the shelves with books and since then, visitors have refilled them with literary fiction, romances, mysteries, science fiction, cowboy westerns, young-adult fiction, poetry, self-help and a range of other nonfiction.

For a time after COVID-19 first struck, public libraries shut down and Amazon firstly considered the delivery of essential and high demand items. Books were less easily gained. Traffic to our library increased. I posted reminders about hand washing. and still, readers kept coming.

We wondered if we should close the Little Free Library and revisited our original motivations for hosting it: to promote the exchange of books, to create a sense of community. Reading provides the necessary relief to the emotional stress of life. With this in mind, we added a written reminder on staying safe in the library.

Through my teens, reading transported me to other places and eras. Books taught me about life and how people overcame difficulties. I no longer felt alone in the things I struggled against.

Aside from the entertainment books offer, studies show that reading exposes us to other cultures and perspectives. Literature sheds light on the justice to be found in social inclusion and community focus. Self-esteem and understanding grow in equal measure as we come to understand ourselves and our place in the world.

During this pandemic, the Little Free Library has strengthened the importance of literature and reading to our emotional and mental health. It’s become an alternative means of creating a community of people with mutual regard for humanity and the written word. We are together even when apart.

1. What is the husband’s attitude toward building the Little Free Library?
2. What happened to the author’s Little Free Library during the pandemic?
A.It was no longer allowed to be used.B.The number of books dropped sharply.
C.It was getting more popular than before.D.Hand washing stopped readers coming.
3. How did reading influence the writer?
A.She faced difficulties bravely.B.She knew how to start a library.
C.She managed to live a healthy life.D.She moved from one place to another.
4. Why did the writer start the Little Free Library?
A.To keep away from loneliness.B.To create a sense of community.
C.To stay safe during the pandemic.D.To attract readers to donate books.
2021-06-28更新 | 55次组卷
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