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题型:完成句子-句型转换 难度:0.4 引用次数:153 题号:13953630
Some lectures on labor skills were given on the first day. We benefitted a lot from the lectures.. (用定语从句合并)
2021高三上·全国·专题练习 查看更多[1]


完成句子-根据中文句子补全英文 | 较难 (0.4)
【推荐1】Directions: Complete the following sentences with the help of the Chinese given.
1. Sound political relations __________ between the two countries, to which China pays close attention. (为经贸合作奠定了坚实的基础)
2. Starting March 1, Shanghai will __________ (发布公共场所禁烟令,launch), approved by the city's top legislature.
3. Children have to compete with each other since they are very young, __________. (这给他们带来了日益增加的心理压力)
4. ____________ (更多地接触英国文学,expose )proves to be one of the effective ways to improve one’s command of English.
5. ____________ (人们对于电子产品司空见惯,So)that it is hard to imagine what life would be like without them.
6. Taking up a job that is worth doing __________.(能给人带来精神上的满足感)
7. __________ (终生学习是一项重要的处世哲学),usually fired by curiosity and passion.
8. __________(难怪他取得了这么大的进步),for he has improved the way of analysis.
9. The complex changes in international situations __________.(为中国提供了新的机遇和挑战provide)
10. An educational programme should be launched to teach young people __________ (在面临冲突时如何作出积极的选择)
11. Anne Frank’s Diary is a mirror of history, _________ (提醒我们战争多么残酷,remind)and we should try our best to keep peace.
12. The governments are working hard together _______.(缩小贫富差距)
13. China is now implementing the "Internet Plus" action plan and more and more people are beginning __________. (关注共享经济)
14. When you are weighed down by the problems, please bear in mind that __________.(即使失败也能激发新的想法)
15. The Smart phone has no fault in itself, and ________ (问题在于如何明智地利用好它)
2019-09-29更新 | 147次组卷
完成句子-根据中文句子补全英文 | 较难 (0.4)
For example, America’s most popular Chinese dish is General Tso’s chicken, ____________ ___________ __________ fried chicken covered in a sweet sauce, ______________ with hot red peppers.
2023-05-24更新 | 41次组卷
完成句子-根据中文句子补全英文 | 较难 (0.4)
1. 很多人被活埋了,整个城市也被掩埋。
Many people were _____ ______, and _____ ______ the city .
2. 然而,诺曼征服对英国的影响并不及约600 年前盎格鲁和撒克逊人的胜利对英语的影响,那场胜利导致古英语替代了凯尔特语。
However, the Norman Conquest did not affect English as much as the Angles and the Saxons’ victory about 600 years earlier, ________ led to Old English ________ Celtic.
3. 他将目光转向东方,长驱直入印度,所到之处,战无不胜。
He turned his eyes east, and marched all the way to India, __________ _________ _________ he went.
4. 根据由芝加哥大学做的新调查, 结果证明经常运动的人更快乐。
According to a new survey _______ ______ by Chicago University, it _______ ________ that people who exercise regularly tend to be more happy.
5. 因为两种教育体制有这么多差异,所以中国数学课本是否有益于英国学生有待被证实。
With so many differences in the two education system, it ________ _______ ________ _______ whether Chinese maths books will benefit students in the UK.
6. 正如伊万卡所说,成功属于自律的人。
_______ Ivanka ________ ________, success belongs to those who can discipline themselves well.
2017-07-01更新 | 283次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般