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Last Saturday, tornadoes    1     (strike) some parts of Texas, causing great damage and eight     2    (death).

    3    (fortunate), no one could predict the exact time of the disaster. Severe thunderstorms,     4    (include)unusual winter tornadoes, left damages stretching over a 64-km-long area across the city of Dallas in the    5    (north) part of Texas. Vehicles     6    (destroy) or turned upside down,    7    churches damaged, trees pulled up and debris (残骸) across neighborhoods. The tornadoes resulted in power    8    (fail) across northern Texas. It’s not known    9    power   supply can be restored by this weekend or not. In the meanwhile, the American National Weather Service has issued    10    warning that a snowstorm accompanied by uncertain temperatures will leave up to 40 cm of snow in west Texas on Sunday evening.

【知识点】 自然灾害与防范


语法填空-短文语填(约140词) | 适中 (0.65)

In May 2021, Congo’s Mount Nyiragongo, one of the world’s most dangerous volcanoes, burst to life without warning. Lava erupted from cracks and     1     (stream) down the mountain toward cities below,     2     (leave) hundreds dead, missing or injured.

Now, using data from monitoring stations,     3     were built near the volcano in 2015, researchers have pieced together how that eruption happened so     4     (sudden). The data also suggests the event could have been deadlier and people should     5     (well) understand this volcano’s particular dangers before the next eruption. The mountain sits near     6     eastern border of Congo, threatening both the Congolese city of Goma     7     the Rwandan city of Gisenyi. Nyiragongo’s last two eruptions were both strong enough     8     (feel) by people living nearby.     9    , before the eruption on May 22, 2021, even the sensitive monitoring stations near the volcano didn’t notice clear warning     10     (sign) of lava on the move underground.

2023-03-18更新 | 100次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 适中 (0.65)

Rescue efforts are ongoing after a massive earthquake and     1     (power) aftershocks strike southeastern Turkey and northern Syria. The quake is one of the     2     (deadly) worldwide in over ten years.

Thousands of people have been killed, and the numbers seem certain     3     (rise) as rescue teams are hunting for survivors. In hard-hit Turkey, over 6,000 buildings have been destroyed. Rescuers have been working overnight in cold, wet weather while also     4     (face) the threat of aftershocks since the 7.8 magnitude earthquake rocked     5     region early Monday.

Amid the horror of the natural disaster have been reports of miraculous (奇迹般的) rescues.

Among the survivors, an entire family was rescued     6     the province of Idlib, western Syria on Tuesday. Footage of the rescue showed two girls and a boy pulled from a     7     (damage) building by the group’s volunteer to loud cheers from the large crowd gathered. The     8     (child) were rushed to a hospital. Two adults also appeared to be carried out from the building.

A more bittersweet rescue     9     (occur) in Jindires, Syria, on Tuesday. A baby girl     10     had been born amid the earthquake rubble (废墟) was rescued, though none of her family survived. The baby was transported to a hospital, where she was in an incubator (恒温箱) in good condition.

2023-05-29更新 | 147次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约110词) | 适中 (0.65)

Last Saturday, tornadoes     1     (strike) some parts of Texas, causing great damage and eight     2     (death).

    3     (fortunate), no one could predict the exact time of the disaster. Serious thunderstorms,     4     (include) unusual winter tornadoes, left damages spreading over a 64-km-long area across the city in the     5     (north) part of Texas. Cars     6     (destroy) or turned upside down, with buildings damaged, trees pulled up. After the tornadoes, they discovered that several people had been caught in the     7     (fall) buildings.

It still remains unknown     8     the electricity can be restored or not. At the same time, the American National Weather Service has made     9     warning that a snowstorm will leave up to 40 cm of snow in west Texas     10     Sunday evening.

2024-09-14更新 | 16次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般