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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:53 题号:14804254

Gordon Brown today announced that he will use the law to stop supermarkets giving away free plastic bags within the next 12 months.

Supermarkets that do not voluntarily start charging customers for plastic bags are expected to be punished to pay an extra tax of at least 5p a bag.

Brown made his pledge (保证) as the Guardian revealed that government departments handed out nearly one million special-made plastic bags themselves, mostly in connection with publicity campaigns.

Writing in the Daily Mail, which this week launched a war to cut the use of plastic bags, the prime minister said that "over time we should aim to get rid of the single-use plastic bag altogether".

In a speech last November, Brown urged shopkeepers to cut the use of plastic bags. In his article he praised Ikea, which has cut its bag use by 95% recently, and Marks & Spencer, which this week announced that it would ask for a 5p charge on bags from May.

The prime minister said that he was now willing to use laws to ensure that other stores followed the Marks & Spencer's lead.

"I am convinced we need to act — and the time to act is now. And I want to make it clear that if government law is needed to make the change, we will take the necessary steps. We do not take such steps lightly — but the damage single-use plastic bags inflict (强加于) on the environment is such that strong action must be taken. The important thing is to come up with a scheme that will be of most benefit, most quickly — and ideally at the same time provide funds for organizations that help protect our environment."

Brown said he was reminded of the scale of the problem every week when he saw the number of bags supplied with his family shopping.

"Like many working families with children, Sarah and I often use supermarket deliveries for the weekly shopping. And as millions of others in Britain who do the same, we are left with a bin full of plastic bags in the end, with each bag sometimes just containing a handful of items. This cannot be right."

Brown revealed that the government had been looking at the way other countries were dealing with the problem.

"We are looking at all this international evidence to see what steps we in Britain should take," he said.

1. Where can readers most probably find this passage?
A.Shopping information magazines.B.Business magazines.
C.Professional plastic industry papers.D.Common daily newspapers.
2. What or who is the Ikea?
A.Government officials in charge of the plastic industry.
B.Common people voluntarily avoiding using plastic bags.
C.Department stores supporting the action in this country.
D.Producers making plastic bags.
3. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Marks & Spencer will charge for the plastic bag from this May.
B.Some stores have been punished for not charging for plastic bags.
C.Supermarkets will only charge 5p for each plastic bag.
D.Other countries have been carrying out the action successfully.
4. When people ask for home deliveries, supermarkets will put their goods in ________.
A.few bagsB.too many bags
C.a binD.a wrong bag
【知识点】 环境保护 新闻报道


阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】It could be said that the northernmost part of our planet holds the secrets of our past as well as our future.

The icy land is,in fact,not a place for the weak. This vast land of wilderness is where people can get up close to nature's extremes. The place is “no joke”,US photographer Mark Mahaney told PLAIN Magazine. “When midnight sun is replaced by polar night,everything's different Eyes to the horizon and it's nothing. And then more nothing,in every direction. ”

One of the most harsh,yet most pristine(原始的)places on Earth,the Arctic has been affected by human activities-exploration,booming tourism and most importantly,global warming-in recent decades.

But the impact of these changes is not restricted to the inhabitants of this area alone. In fact, it could be said that the weight of the world relies on this icy region.

The Earth's steady climate depends on the Arctic's sea ice, which acts as a huge white reflector at the top of the planet, bouncing some of the sun's rays back into space. The more Arctic sea ice melts, the less light is reflected, and the more the dark oceans will absorb the sun's radiation. The Arctic also helps circulate ocean currents,   moving cold and warm water around the globe.

With visible changes in the global climate, the Arctic has given us a wake-up call-what happens up in the North doesn't just stay there. It comes with a high cost to the world at large. It's time for us to pay attention to this chilly region and learn more about what's happening there, as well as its past and possible future.

1. What does the underlined sentence "The place is ‘no joke’” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?
A.The weak are unhappy in the Arctic.
B.The natural conditions are poor in the Arctic.
C.Photographers are not allowed to take photos.
D.People are forbidden to make jokes in the Arctic.
2. What has caused the changes in the Arctic?
A.Animals and plants.B.Global warming
C.The activities of human beings.D.The scientists' records.
3. What is the function of the Arctic's sea ice?
A.To regulate climate.B.To keep water clean.
C.To attract the sun's rays.D.To support the living creatures.
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.The Most Harsh LandB.Changes of the Arctic
C.The Arctic Sending Warning SignalsD.Nature's Extremes Attracting Scientists
2021-03-07更新 | 119次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Western Australia may soon be home to the world’s tallest wooden building, after authorities plans for a 191.2-meter-tall tower constructed using mass wood. Perth’s Metro Inner-South Joint Development Assessment Panel (JDAP) approved the developer Grange Development’s proposal for the tall building.

The tall building, currently named the C6 building, would stand nearly twice as high as the current record holder. The developers say 42% of the building will be constructed from wood, with the columns and core made of concrete (混凝土). If completed, the high-rise will go beyond the current world’s tallest wooden building, the Ascent tower in Wisconsin, America, which stands at 25 stories or 86 meters. The structure, located in South Perth, Australia, will also be taller than the coming wood Atlassian Headquarters in Sydney, which is expected to claim the record from Ascent but is yet to be completed.

Like Atlassian Headquarters, the C6 building will combine wood beams (横梁) with a steel supporting structure to support the whole structure. According to Grange Development, the 50-story building will contain more than 200 apartments.

It will be Western Australia’s first carbon-negative residential building. Grange Development’s director, James Dibble, said, “Our desire with the building is to shift the focus towards a more climate-conscious approach.” The building will use 7,400 cubic meters of wood harvested from 600 trees. “We can’t grow concrete,” Dibble said, calling the plan “a new open sourced blueprint that uses construction methods to balance out the CO2 within our built environment, which is the single biggest trigger to climate issues”. “This is our opportunity to show that we genuinely care about the climate crisis we are doing very little about as an industry,” he added.

Philip Oldfield, head of the University of New South Wales’ School of Built Environment, said, “Typically we build tall buildings out of steel and concrete, Concrete is responsible for 8% of all CO release. So by replacing concrete and steel with a biological material such as wood, it is going to reduce the environmental impact of the building quite significantly.”

1. Where will the second tallest wooden building appear?
A.In South Perth, Australia.B.In Sydney, Australia.
C.In New South Wales, Australia.D.In Wisconsin, America.
2. What does the underlined word “trigger” in paragraph 4 mean?
3. How does Philip Oldfield find the construction of the C6 building?
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.The tallest wooden building has been all done in Australia
B.The tallest wooden building causes environmental worries
C.The tallest wooden building highlights more than its height
D.The tallest wooden building fits well the climate in Australia
2023-12-17更新 | 50次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】People representing over 100 countries met virtually in Kunming, China, last week to discuss how to protect Earth’s biodiversity (生物多样性). This CBD Meeting (also known as COP15) ran from October 11 to 15, 2021.

There are so many different species. Sadly, species are disappearing all the time. One recent study suggested that around a million species are in danger of extinction. Like the climate crisis, the world’s loss of biodiversity is caused mainly by humans, who don’t always cooperate. Climate change is playing a part. The biggest way humans are causing biodiversity loss is by taking over the homes that all kinds of plants and animals depend on and using them for things like farming, mining, or cutting down trees for wood. Hu-mans are also harming the oceans by fishing too much, and by severely polluting the seas with plastic, oil, and other chemicals.

In 1992, the world’s countries began signing an agreement called the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). The meeting is being held in two parts. Last week's meeting discussed plans and goals for protecting biodiversity through the year 2030, which led to a plan called the “Kunming Declaration”. An in-person meeting will be held in Kunming next May to formally agree to the plan. One of its big goals announced in Kunming is to cut dangerous chemical pollution from farming. The plan also includes asking governments to cut up to $500 billion of their support for activities that hurt biodiversity, like some methods of farming, and producing fossil fuels.

CBD organizers hope the world’s countries are really ready to work on biodiversity problems this time. In 2010, over 100 countries agreed to a 20-Part Plan to protect biodiversity by 2020. But none of the plan’s 20 goals had been consummated by 2020. Solving the problem doesn’t depend on what countries say they’ll do. It depends on what they actually do.

1. What mainly leads to the world’s biodiversity loss?
A.The disappearance of wild areas.B.Worldwide climate change.
C.The serious ocean pollution.D.Lack of international cooperation.
2. What do we know about the “Kunming Declaration”?
A.It belongs to the 1992 CBD agreement.B.It’ll raise $ 500 billion to protect nature.
C.It advises stopping using chemicals.D.It’ll be approved officially in 2022.
3. What does the underlined word “consummated” in the last paragraph mean?
4. What’s the text mainly about?
A.The new trend of biodiversity.B.The Kunming CBD Meeting.
C.The challenges living things face.D.The different species on the Earth.
2022-02-09更新 | 156次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般