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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:89 题号:14834574

A very dear friend has been experiencing numerous challenges these past few months. She mentioned how it sometimes felt like she was hanging on by a thread with no quick fix in sight.

It reminded me that the monarch caterpillar(毛虫)that I cared for just changed into a butterfly that morning. After eating on milkweed leaves from our garden,the hungry caterpillar bund a comfortable spot at the top of the ner butterfly enclosure and spun a silken thread to attach itself there. The caterpillar hung upside-down in a J shape for a day or so. Then, in less than a-few hours of struggling, the caterpillar was a beautiful green butterfly!

All the research I've done indicates that the change into a butterfly should take between 10-12 days. I can only imagine what is going on there, but I'm sure it's a huge struggle and reforming. Haven't we all been doing the same to some degree lately? These especially challenging times are presenting us with the unavoidable experiences needed for our inner selves to use as food for growth. Not easy? You bet! Worth it? Yes!

Many thanks to our local library tor the loan of the butterfly enclosure. They raised and released painted butterflies as part of their children's summer reading program this year. I had no idea that planting a few milkweed plants would lead to such a fascinating study of caterpillars and butterflies. The caterpillar has kept me mindfully occupied and fascinated during our recent COVID-19 self-isolation.

Hanging on by a thread as we transform, keep in mind the beautiful wings we are growing. We are all somewhere in the midst of that unbelievable process. Trust the process. Have faith. Know that you are becoming the most beautiful person that you can be.

1. What did the author's friend and the caterpillar have in common?
A.They lived comfortably.B.They suffered from hunger.
C.They experienced a hard situation.D.They were well cared by the author.
2. What does the author say about the struggle concerning us in paragraph 3?
A.It is necessary.B.It is dangerous.C.It is avoidable.D.It is meaningless.
3. What does the author mainly want to encourage us to do in the last paragraph?
A.Help friends in need timely.B.Learn from other creatures sincerely.
C.Join in children's experimental projectsD.Face the hardships of life optimistically.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Life Is Hanging on by a ThreadB.Reinvent Yourself as a Butterfly
C.Avoid Challenging ExperiencesD.We Are Fascinated by Butterflies
【知识点】 哲理感悟 夹叙夹议


阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述的是作者深深地受到选修课中“Mr. punk rocker”的影响,让她明白了外表不等于品质的道理。

【推荐1】I still had a few minutes, so I swung into the cafeteria to grab a coffee. That’s when I spotted him: a threatening-looking punk rocker with biker leathers and black leather boots.

Honestly, his look scared me, so I quickly went out trying to avoid a potential encounter.

It was 1988, and I was a “mature” journalism student, heading to my favorite elective: Sociology-Study of Deviance. Our gray-haired professor was a straight shooter. He usually brought in guest speakers who represented “deviance”. Our guest speakers included an outlandish dancer, a tarot-card reader or even an alcohol addict. And when I was curious that day to see who this session’s speaker was, “Mr. punk rocker” walked in.

He started to talk in a soft voice and told us he was a university student, who lived with his grandma who needed help in every aspect. Therefore, he moved in with her and helped with the cooking and shopping, cleaning and laundry. He made sure she took her meds and tried to make her laugh at least once a day. He described it as a “win-win” for both of them, but I suspected that it was a lot tougher than he made it sound.

And then he said: “I just figure it’s normal for you to feel negative about me because of the way I look. But isn’t that the reason for the existence of such a course named Study of Deviance?”

Wow. Just wow.

“It’s hair and clothing,” he said. “I don’t plan to look this way forever, but for now I like it, and do you think it makes me deviant?”

Every so often, I think about that young man. He’d be about fifty now and couldn’t realize how he influenced me. Because of his visit that day, my kids were allowed to wear whatever they wanted, as long as it was relatively clean and not morally abusive. They are upright and kind kids although they sometimes surprise us with red hair or strange trousers. And I am also happy that I do my selective of Sociology-Study of Deviance well.

1. The underlined word deviance in the passage is closest in meaning to ________.
2. According to the passage, which of the following statements about the guest speaker is TRUE?
A.He was dressed in a frightening way on purpose in order to surprise the students.
B.He recognized the author and tried to tutor her during the session.
C.He wasn’t aware that many people misjudged him.
D.His behaviors didn’t match the appearance he presented.
3. Why does the author think she does the course well?
A.Because she has learned to enjoy varied fashion styles.
B.Because she didn’t miss any of the course sessions.
C.Because she knows appearance doesn’t equal one’s quality.
D.Because she understands how to educate her kids.
2022-12-21更新 | 196次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】My dad passed away yesterday and I am processing everything. It's hard to try and find positivity in my pain, but my Dad taught me so much when he was healthy, and when he wasn't, I wanted to share some of the lessons.

Be on the phone less. This one seems strange but in his final moments I was all in, no checking my phone because it really didn't matter.    1    This was a moment I needed to remember and I would have regretted it if I was distracted in this part of his journey.

    2    Sometimes we need people to lean on My mom and dad needed a lot of help. I needed a lot of help. We were surrounded by people willing to help us and instead of shutting them out like we've done in the past, we let them in and it was exactly what we needed.

Not everyone will understand your experience.    3    Just knowing people are here for us means a lot, but I also know that no one will fully understand my experience and that's okay as we are all different.

Family is not necessarily the people who brought you into this world. I am adopted and I know we chose each other.    4     I also loved my father very much.

There's nothing more important than being with the ones you love. I was able to hold my Dad when he took his last breath. My mom and I made sure that my dad knew he was loved through this journey.    5    Everything else is secondary.

A.All that mattered was him.
B.Love is what truly matters.
C.Surround yourself with a support system.
D.And he loved me more than anyone on this Earth.
E.It's okay not to remember the reason for everything
F.Really, we can handle more than we ever thought possible.
G.This was a long and hard journey for my mom and I and all of those who care about us.
2020-10-15更新 | 136次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约470词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:这是一篇议论文,“epic fail”表示“惨败”,它不是正确的语法,但是使用非常频繁,作者通过阿尔弗雷德大帝的事例说明人生难免有惨败,但是只要我们保持幽默和乐观,我们就能战胜失败。

【推荐3】I was watching a kid doing tricks on his skateboard. He was doing pretty well until he tried to skate down a set of steps and lost his balance. The skateboard went one way and he went the other. But, lying on the concrete, he still managed to keep his sense of humor. He looked at me, smiled and said, “Epic fail!”

The term “epic fail” isn’t proper grammatical English (we should use the noun form “failure”), but it is commonly used and perfectly acceptable. People use it to describe small embarrassments as well as serious mistakes. The kid on the skateboard suffered a small embarrassment. An example of a serious epic fail would be Hillary Clinton’s loss to Donald Trump in the U.S. presidential election. The only difference between the two was how they responded to their epic fails. The kid laughed at his embarrassment and got back on his skateboard. Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, could not accept her epic fail but, instead, wrote a bitter book about it in which she blamed everyone but herself for the loss.

All of us can expect to have epic fails in our life. We might fail an exam or not win a prize in some competition. Later in life, we may not get the job we want or be as successful as we hoped we would be. But if we manage to keep our sense of humor and a positive attitude, we can overcome our epic fails. One embarrassing mistake or even a serious disappointment does not mean the end of the world.

Here’s a historical example of what I mean. Alfred the Great (849-899) was an English king in ancient Britain. At the time, his kingdom was being invaded by Vikings and Alfred suffered an epic fail when his army was defeated in a big battle. He managed to escape from the battlefield and found safety many miles away in the hut of a poor peasant woman. The woman didn’t know who he was and when she had to leave the hut to do some chores, she told Alfred to watch some wheat cakes that were cooking on the fire. Alfred, still thinking about his big epic fail, forgot about the cakes and they were burned. When the woman returned, she scolded Alfred, but he didn’t get angry. Her criticism, instead, seemed to help him put his situation into perspective.

Soon after, Alfred left the hut, gathered his scattered army and defeated the Vikings. Epic fails, big and small, can always be overcome with the right attitude.

1. According to the article, which of the following is NOT an epic fail?
A.Be defeated in a basketball match.
B.Slip when dancing in front of your friends.
C.Fail to win a prize in a competition.
D.Get blamed for your friend’s mistake.
2. According to the article, how did Hillary Clinton respond to her epic fail?
A.She wrote a book analyzing her failure.
B.She laughed at her failure with a sense of humor.
C.She failed to recognize her responsibility in the failure.
D.She thought about how she could perform better in the next election.
3. What can we learn from the text?
A.All of us can encounter epic fail in our life.
B.We use the term “epic fail” to describe big mistakes only.
C.If we change our attitude, we may not suffer from epic fail
D.A serious embarrassment can be compared with the end of the world
4. By mentioning the story of Alfred the Great, the author wants to illustrate that ____.
A.even kings may encounter epic fails
B.it is easier for forgetful people to overcome epic fails
C.all epic fails can be overcome with the right attitude
D.criticism plays an important role in overcoming epic fails
2022-03-25更新 | 79次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般