组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 个人情况 > 个人经历
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.65 引用次数:360 题号:14942624

Have you noticed how some lucky people just aren’t the worrying type? Take my friend Olline, for example. Living on the same block, we’ve known each other since we were babies, and I’ve seen him act worried maybe five times total. I, on the other hand, am pretty much the exact opposite.

I could find something to worry about every day.

At my karate(空手道) school, there’s a group of kids that gives karate lessons to younger kids, and I recently tried out to be one of the teachers.

Surprisingly, I wasn’t that nervous for the tryouts(选拔). But when I didn’t get the call saying if I was in or out, I started feeling more and more nervous. Before long, my nervousness turned into worrying, and when it came to thinking about anything else or getting anything done, I was useless! So after lunch yesterday, when my little brother Tex asked me to play basketball with him, I could only say, “I can’t. I’m busy!” “Busy with what?” my little sister, Indi, asked. “Busy waiting for the phone to ring!” I grumbled.

“You’re reminding me of that old saying,” said our mom. “A watched pot never boils!” “The more you focus on the thing you’re waiting for, the longer it seems to take,” she explained when seeing my brother’s puzzling eyes.

Just then, the phone rang, and I raced to grab it. “Hello?” “Hey,” said Ollie. “Oh, it’s just you,”

I said. “Wow, you sure know how to make a friend feel special!” said Ollie. “I’m sorry. It’s just that I’ve been waiting for a call telling me if I made it into this karate group, and it’s stressing me out.” “I get it,” said Ollie. “I remember being so stressed waiting to find out if I’d made it onto the select soccer team last year. The best cure was distracting(使分心) myself.”

I was surprised. “It thought you never worried.” “I’m pretty sure that’s part of being human,” said Ollie. “And I’m also pretty sure I have just the thing to distract you. Want me to bring it over?” he asked.

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“Hmm,” I said suspiciously. “What exactly is this thing?”


By the end of the day, we were all worn out and Daisy the dog even fell sound asleep, when suddenly my mom called from the kitchen, “Zona! Telephone.”

【知识点】 个人经历


书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

Though I cat an apple almost every day, one month ago my doctor came to my house standing in front of me, not being kept away, due to my sudden illness.

“Well Jian, I think I need to have a strong talk with you. You are overweight. Have you ever heard about Body Mass Index (指数), BMI? Well, I’ve weighed you and measured your height and you have a BMI of 28. That is obese (肥胖的),” said the doctor.

I knew I was a little bit overweight but I didn’t think it was that bad. He added that my name means healthy in Chinese and he thought it is time that I should become healthy. There is a direct link between my health and sport. So he asked me, “How much sport do you do every week?”

I told him that I go for a walk every weekend. Then he replied, “Hmm, that’s not a lot. Sport and health go together. They affect your mental, physical and emotional health. For example, sport can improve your mental health, allowing your brain to think better and focus. It will help you to learn more easily. Is that clear, Jian?”

“I think so. I know it would be good to be able to concentrate better at school.” I said.

The doctor explained to me that from a physical point of view, sport makes us tired so helps us to sleep better. At the same time, sport bums off the calories that we have consumed. It builds muscle and improves our circulation. Sport helps to control our cholesterol count (胆固醇指标) and this is important to stop us having a heart attack. Additionally, it also keeps our blood pressure normal and strengthens our bones.

Para 1: The doctor’s words left me lost in thought.


Para 2: “Exercising alone is hard. Why not: try some team sports?” the doctor suggested.

2024-02-10更新 | 177次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

I had been in a bad mood since my new neighbor moved in. I often typed articles on my computer. But no sooner had I become inspired to write than I could hear a girl singing next door.

She always sang this: “However hard the winds blow, you will stray (走失) no more from my company. We watch the meteor shower (流星雨) pouring down together. Your tears drop onto my shoulder. You shall believe that I am brave only for you, my dear. You will see a time of good cheer …”

She didn’t sing well, and she was even out of tune, so it was absolute noise pollution for me. Sometimes, when I was just about to write, she started singing. This happened over and over. So how could I keep my spirits up and go on writing?

One day, I sat down in front of the computer and heard the girl singing again. It was too noisy and disturbed my thoughts. I had my husband go to complain about the noise.

Ten minutes later, my husband came back with a sad look, saying: “That girl is only 17, but she has bone cancer. Her mother said that the more painful it is, the louder her daughter sings. The singing helps her reduce her pain. Her poor mother begs our pardon again and again for her daughter interrupting us,” my husband said.

Immediately I was taken aback by his words. I said to my husband: “Please tell her mother that the girl can sing as much as she likes. We don’t mind it at all.”

From that day on, I no longer thought the girl was doing anything wrong, and even got used to her singing. I felt it was like sniffing (闻到) the smell of sunlight and watching the flowers and plants.

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Afterward I left home on business and one day my husband phoned me.


One month later, I returned home but I could feel that something was missing.

2023-10-20更新 | 62次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

When Sean Tuohy saw the new kid sitting in the high school gym, he saw a boy with nowhere to go but up. Sean had heard about Michael from his daughter, Collins. When she tried to pass the boy in the stairwell (楼梯间) at the Briarcrest Christian School, she had to back up to the top; she could not fit past him.

At 16 years old, Michael Oher was the biggest student anyone at Briarcrest had ever laid eyes on. He was huge. Collins said that everyone was frightened of him until they realized he was far more frightened of them.

Michael Oher had a family background that was apparently a bad deal. And it wasn’t long before several teachers suggested he should be on his way out. He wasn’t just failing tests; he didn’t even start them. Previous records from the schools Michael Oher attended showed a poor academic performance, yet Principal Steve Simpson had agreed to accept him, as long as he could keep up.

There would be no football, no basketball - he couldn’t even join the choir until he proved he could do the schoolwork. Now, even the weightlifting teacher said there were problems: The boy was neglecting to change into his gym clothes.

The situation seemed hopeless, but Sean Tuohy, 43, knew what it meant to be the poor kid in a school - he’d been one himself, more than two decades ago. After that, he’d attended the University of Mississippi on a basketball scholarship. Now, Sean had become a success. He knew how to help kids: Build them up, not tear them down.

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Seeing the big boy seated in one corner of the gym for a while, Sean walked over to him.


Many years later, Sean was amazed to spot a familiar figure at a live state match.

2021-04-14更新 | 441次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般