组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 家庭、朋友与周围的人 > 朋友
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.65 引用次数:191 题号:14997196

The whole class burst out laughing as Mohi rushed into the classroom. He was a strange sight. His half-buttoned white shirt showed a red striped nightclothes underneath, and instead of white school shoes, he wore a pair of bright green sandals (凉鞋) that were two sizes too big. The physics teacher’s hand froze in the middle of writing something on the blackboard. Mohi said in very low voice, “Sorry, teacher,” and went to his seat. Mr. Tan glared at the rest of the students. The laughter quickly faded.

Mohi’s classmates always looked forward to Mondays. Nine times out of ten, they would be entertained by Mohi’s late arrival and his strange appearance which usually included inappropriate clothing.

Mohi lived just a street away from the school. He walked to school daily. Students passing by in buses would call his name together just to see him jump and stop in his tracks. When he spotted the merry bunch in the bus, he would wave good-naturedly. Although Mohi was likable, he was too lost in his own thoughts to make friends. His classmates found him amusing but they ignored him most of the time. Only Hamed, who sat next to Mohi, tried to be his friend.

The following Monday, Mohi did not turn up at school. His classmates were a little disappointed but quickly forgot about him. After school, Hamed decided to walk over to Mohi’s house to check on him. As he approached the gate, he could hear violin music. Mohi must be listening to music, he thought. The gate was not locked. Hamed let himself in. He called Mohi’s name a few times but there was no response. The music played on. Hamed peered (窥视) in through a window. His eyes widened in surprise. In the middle of the living room, Mohi was playing the violin. His eyes were closed in concentration as he drew the bow over the strings expertly. He played so flawlessly that it sounded like a recording. Hamed left quietly.

1. 续写词数应为 150 左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

When Teachers’ Day came around, Hamed had a plan.


Today, Mohi is a student pursuing music and Hamed is still his best friend.

【知识点】 朋友


书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

Seeing the picture of Kelly and I holding teddy bears with great joy, I couldn’t help recalling the sweet memory. A few years ago, before Christmas, my dad placed a large box in his grocery store for people to donate toys for children in need. Kelly, my best friend came over to help with the wrapping. Knowing that our efforts would bring joy to so many children during the holiday season, we thought it was a rewarding experience.

As we worked, we shared moments of laughter and joy. After a short while, we had almost finished wrapping all the toys with just one little teddy bear left. Looking at it, I said, “It is the sweetest! It reminds me of my teddy bear. I sold all my little kid stuff at our garage sale when we moved. But now I’m really missing it!”

Kelly came to see it and shared. “I have a sad teddy bear story too. When my little brother was a baby, I let him play with my Rosy Bear, but he refused to give her back. Ever.” After our chat, we knew both of us had a special story with a teddy bear.

Right then, my dad entered the room and exclaimed. “Wow, great wrapping job! The kids are going to be thrilled when opening these presents.”

“They definitely will. Maybe we both want to be the one who can get the teddy bear. I can just imagine how delighted a kid would be to unwrap this sweet teddy bear.” said Kelly. We laughed, gazing at the perfectly wrapped bears.

My mom, joining in the laughter, suggested, “Why don’t you gather at our house next Saturday for a cookie-decorating party and exchange your Christmas gifts in advance? I’ll prepare the cookies for you.” “Good idea! I will enjoy the great joy of unwrapping the gift.” I said cheerfully. Hearing what we said, Kelly’s eyes lit up, saying, “Count me in!”

“All right, girls,” said my dad. “We need to do the toy-loading work now. We have to drop off all these presents before five o’clock!”

Paragraph 1: The next week, I was trying to figure out a perfect gift for the party.
Paragraph 2: Finally, the day of the party arrived.
2024-05-27更新 | 33次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

People always say that with exercise, putting on your shoes is the hardest part. But for Emma, this was a lie. The real pain always started when all the students were gathered on the track, ready to run. It wasn’t the fatigue she minded, it was the looks others gave her. Emma was bigger than others of her age. Back in primary school, she remembers her classmates asking her why her thighs (大腿) were so big and her chest so wide. On the outside, she looked big, but on the inside, she felt as small as a pea. And PE class was when she felt at her smallest.

Not all her classmates made her feel uncomfortable, though. It was mainly a group of girls and boys—the loud, outspoken, popular kids. Although they could run faster than Emma, they preferred to jog a bit behind her, bursting out in laughter every now and then, commenting on how Emma jogged.

Just one more year, Emma kept telling herself. One more year and I’ll have graduated and won’t have to take this stupid PE class anymore. She just wanted to survive it.

But everything changed when a new girl called Kit joined the class. She had short, jet-black hair, bright eyes, and a long scar across the left side of her face. Her entrance into the classroom that day was met by dozens of curious eyes.

Although their teacher, Ms Hardy, didn’t ask Kit for a personal introduction, upon putting her bag down on her desk, Kit rose, saying, “Hi, everyone, nice to meet you, I’m Kit. I love boxing, animation and fashion. You might be wondering about my scar. I got it when I was young when I fell off my bike. Luckily, I didn’t get hurt more seriously. It’s now like a cool trademark of all the adventures I had as a kid.”

After Kit’s introduction, Emma simply sat there, her heart pounding and mouth wide open. How could someone be so confident? Even the popular kids were sitting there in shock.


At lunchtime, Emma was sitting at her usual table with a few other classmates when Kit walked over to them.


On Friday, it was time for the fearful PE class, but this time, Kit was with her.

2024-05-22更新 | 61次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

Due to my unhealthy eating habits, I became fatter and fatter after college. My good friend Anoush was a running enthusiast. So he advised me to lose weight by running. I didn’t agree at first until he promised to accompany me to run although he was busy with his work.

Seven years later, I got more serious about running. And I dreamed to participate in Boston Marathon. Anoush encouraged me to realize my dream. He also said he enjoyed running too and wanted to attend the same marathon with me. Every day we spared our time to practise hard and did about 2 marathons a year, during which time Anoush gave me much professional guidance and encouragement. And then one day, both of us qualified for the 2017 Boston Marathon. We were excited but unfortunately, several weeks before the marathon, we had a serious quarrel. Even I swore never to talk with him in the future.

The day came. Anoush and I stood at the starting line. He said, “Good luck! You will certainly finish the marathon.” Hearing his words, I looked at him, saying, “It’s none of your business.”

Then we started running. I had strong mental confidence by using positive self-talk when running distances, which has helped me finish 18 marathons. Soon, I passed Anoush.

But I struggled in the heat starting at mile 16. I felt most of my oxygen went to the muscle in my legs and less in my brain, which made me feel a bit lightheaded and fuzzy (迷迷糊糊的). I continually encouraged myself. “Just get to the finish, run bold, and you will win,” all phrases that I say to myself didn’t work any more.

Gradually I felt out of breath and had to slow down my pace. As I ran down the famous last stretch of the Boston Marathon on Boylston Street, I fell down on the ground with my legs moving like jello (果冻).

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Just then, I felt that someone picked me up.


When Anoush and I crossed the finish line, the audience at present applauded.

7日内更新 | 46次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般