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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:215 题号:15262814

Food made from atmospheric carbon could feed the world while helping to fight climate change, according to Solar Foods, a Finnish company founded in 2017.“We can collect CO2 anywhere,” said its CEO Pasi Vainika, whose company has developed a protein powder made using CO2. “That’s a strategic shift where raw materials are in the air. ” The protein powder, called Solein, can be turned into meat and dairy substitutes or added tofoods and shakes.

Solar Foods uses special units to pull CO2 from the atmosphere. To turn it into protein,microbes (微 物),similar to those in the production of wine and yogurt, will be fed on it to grow and reproduce. During the process, water is split into hydrogen and oxygen. Along with a growth medium containing necessary minerals, the three gases are pumped in to feed the microbes. Harvested and dried, that remaining mixture becomes Solein—a yellow powder made up of single-cell protein, with a nutrient composition similar to wheat flour.

Solar Foods claims that Solein removes most of the emissions associated with modern agriculture, which is responsible for almost one-third of all greenhouse gas emissions. “One kilogram of Solein sends out 0.2 kilogram of CO2e(二 氧化碳当量).In comparison.beef herds produce around 100 kilograms and chicken 10 kilograms,” said Vainikka. “ We can rermove the climate impact of modern food systems on the planet, which today account for about 30 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions.” He further stressed that while the company’s factories also require some land used for industrial farming, only about one-tenth of the land is needed compared to photosynthesis (光合作用). “We could free up agricultural land to grow back forests,” he added, “and those remove carbon permanently from the atmosphere.”

Probably optimists are now contenting themselves with the pleasant scene of masses of trees absorbing CO2: on the planet. However, while that may sound great, Vainikka put it right, “It can happen only if we produce enough Solein from CO, to replace meat and dairy at a large scale.”And that still remains a long way to go.

1. What can we say about Solein?
A.It is in the air.B.It can be changed into meat.
C.It can take in CO2.D.It is good for the environment.
2. What are needed to produce Solein according to Paragraph 2?
A.Wine and water.B.Water and minerals.
C.Mierobes and yogurt.D.Wine and microbes.
3. What does Paragraph 3 mainly tell us about Solein?
A.Its present situation.B.Its possible benefits.
C.Its production process.D.Its potential drawbacks.
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.Air Protein Produced, CO, Reduced
B.Collecting Air, Removing CO2
C.Climate Changing, Danger Coming
D.Protect Earth, Save Ourselves
【知识点】 环境保护 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】The Aral Sea was once the world's fourth largest lake. Filled with salt water and at least 24 species of fish, the Aral Sea supported a large fishing industry. In the 1960s, water from the Aral Sea started to be used to irrigate dry fields to produce cotton. Three quarters of the water was pumped from the sea over the next two decades, leaving behind a salt-covered desert. The disappearing Aral Sea split into two separate lakes-the small Northern Sea and a much larger body of water to the south.

By that time, most fish in the Aral Sea were gone. Salty irrigation water soon damaged the soil in the cotton fields, so huge amounts of chemical pesticides(杀虫剂)and fertilizers were used trying to keep the fields productive, which could be found in the groundwater and drinking water although must cotton fields disappeared, And the wind picked up salt from the dried-up lake and carried it to farmland far from the Aral. Besides, people who lived in the area experienced many health problems.

Today, however, there is some hope for the region. In the late 1990s, people in Kazakhstan used sand and soil to build a dam that would prevent the Syr Dar'ya river water that fed the lake from flowing, out of the lake. They also decided to take less water from the river for irrigation. The water level began to rise, and places that had been completely dry for decades began to show signs of life. People who lived nearby began to believe that the Aral Sea might return.

A permanent dam, the Kok-aral dam, was completed in August 2005. By April 2006, the water level had already risen three meters, and the water was less salty. The northern part of the Aral Sea may soon be a much healthier place to live for both fish and people.

1. What aspect of the Aral Sea does paragraph 1 focus on?
A.Description of the landform.B.Protection of the ecosystem.
C.Methods of the development.D.Reasons for the disaster.
2. What measure did Kazakhstan employ to save the Aral Sea in the 1990s?
A.They gave up the cotton fields for it.
B.They reduced its consumption for irrigation.
C.They replaced the earthen dam with a new one.
D.They stopped the Syr Dar'ya river water running into it.
3. What is the writer's attitude towards the future of the Aral Sea?
4. What is the best title of the passage?
A.Bringing Back the Aral Sea
B.Building dams in the Aral Sea area
C.The disappearance of the Aral Sea
D.The development of the Aral Sea
2021-03-17更新 | 109次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】At the age of nine, Felix Finkbeiner set up an organization called “Plant for the Planet”, whose aim is to plant one million trees in each country of the world. It now exists in more than 130 countries and there is a Children Coordination Council made up of young people who organize plantings.   It all started when Felix had to give a presentation at school about climate change. He looked for information on the Internet and was inspired by a woman who had planted 30 million trees in Africa. It gave him the idea that children could do something similar. The talk was so well received that it was suggested he talked to other schools. He started getting calls from students who wanted to join in. The first tree was planted and “Plant for the Planet” was started.

There was a lot to do, so Felix asked his parents if he could employ someone to help if he could find the money to pay them. He contacted (联系) Toyota, the large car manufacturer, asking for support. And they agreed to help.

Six months after the planting of the first tree, Felix gave a talk to business people. In the audience was the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Toyota Germany, who wanted to hear what his money was being spent on. So impressed was he that he gave Felix a chance to talk to German Toyota car dealers (经销商). They were so   interested in the idea that they donated €11,000 to the project. Suddenly it spread nationally.

Felix invited journalists to a press conference to announce that 50,000 trees had been planted in Germany. His parents warned him that very few journalists might come. But it turned out to be packed and his picture was on TV screens around the country.

When he is talking about other topics he sounds like any other young person. But once he gets started on climate issues, a change comes over him. He turns into a confident public speaker. But whatever he does in the rest of his life, he has already achieved more than most of us ever do.

1. Which of the following inspired Felix to organize “Plant for the Planet”?
A.A tree planter in Africa.
B.A Children Coordination Council.
C.The strong wish to give a report online.
D.The harmful effects of environmental pollution.
2. How did Felix’s talk to Toyota car dealers affect him?
A.It assisted him in earning a lot of money.
B.It helped him meet the CEO of Toyota.
C.It benefited his project considerably.
D.It enabled him to plant the first tree.
3. What can we infer from Paragraph 4 about Felix’s plan?
A.It was successful.B.It had to be put off.
C.It met with public opposition.D.It worked well as his parents expected.
4. What is the author’s attitude towards Felix?
A.He has doubts about him.B.He gives him high praise.
C.He is hopeful about his career.D.He is concerned about his future.
2020-04-17更新 | 101次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】When we throw a plastic container away, we usually don’t think about what happens to it after it leaves our sight. It turns out that many plastics we use every day are not able to be recycled. Only some of them can be turned into something else. The rest ends up in landfills, or worse, the ocean.

A startup company, ByFusion, in Los Angeles, was in an effort to solve some of the environmental damage caused by discarded plastic.

“Plastic was not invented to be thrown away. Plastic is strong, flexible, and built to last. This is why plastic isn’t the problem. The problem is that we didn’t have a good plan for its future. So now it is thrown into landfills, burned at the edges of towns, and there are continents of it floating at sea killing precious wildlife,” They state on their website.

Their solution? Creating giant Lego-style building blocks using steam compression machines called Blockers. Raw, unwashed plastic waste is fed into the Blocker and made into ByBlocks, which can be used in place of traditional cement blocks and other building materials. ByBlocks require no glues and are 10 pounds lighter than cement blocks, making installation quicker and easier. They won’t break like concrete blocks would, and there’s no special labor needed to use them. They also create zero waste to make — one ton of plastic equals one ton of ByBlock.

ByFusion is currently able to process 450 tons of plastic a year out of their L. A. production facility, and there are 12 more Blockers arriving in US cities in the coming years. “ Our primary goal is to get a Blocker in every city, to enable every city to process their own recyclable waste, ” said founder Heidi Kujawa.

The company has set a goal to recycle 100 million tons of plastic waste by 2030, and their founder thinks the number is within reach. “If we get 9,000 Blocker systems installed around the world by 2025, together we can hit our 100-million-ton goal,” she said.

1. How does ByFusion recycle plastic waste?
A.By producing recyclable plastics.B.By burning it for heating.
C.By making green building materials.D.By building nature-friendly landfills.
2. What can be inferred about plastic according to paragraph 3?
A.It isn’t good for human beings.B.The demand for it is increasing.
C.Too much plastic has been made.D.Used plastic isn’t taken seriously.
3. What do we know about the use of ByBlocks?
A.It’s economical.B.It needs glues.C.It needs special labor.D.It’s time consuming.
4. What can make ByFusion hit its 100-million-ton goal?
A.Its quality is improved.B.Its ByBlocks are well-designed.
C.Its techniques develop fast.D.Its equipment is used widely.
2022-05-13更新 | 102次组卷
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