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题型:改错-单句改错 难度:0.65 引用次数:119 题号:15274286
1. If I had a enough long holiday, I’d visit London—the capital city of England.
2. That we can’t get seems better than what we have.
3. It’s me who am the winner.
4. Three-fourth of his money has been spent in buying expensive cloths.
5. When he was offered the money, he didn’t know if to accept it or not.


改错-单句改错 | 适中 (0.65)
1. Buses should have its own special lanes to facilitate public transport.
2. John is a taxi driver in London. Last week her mother gave him two tickets for a play.
3. Sometimes it is necessary to read a book more than once in order to absorb it’s full benefit.
4. We Chinese people call us descendants of the dragon, hoping that we are brave and powerful enough to succeed.
5. A man was selling fresh fish and a lot of buyers were crowding around him choosing what he wanted.
6. He had a deep voice, which set himself apart from others in our small town.
7. Last month,I gave some of my clothes to a girl who needed it because her parents didn’t have money to buy her new clothes.
2022-11-01更新 | 162次组卷
改错-单句改错 | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐2】每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加,删除或修改, 请在原句中修改。
增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧), 并在符号下面写出该加的词。
1. Astronauts orbited the Earth even if they were weightless.
2. Francis Galton,born in 1822, he was a remarkable man.
3. In spite our success or defeat, we can learn a great deal from the effort we make.
4. The spacecraft is hurtling around the Earth very fast that it counteracts the effect of gravity.
5. Thinking positive in everyday life will also help in your growth as a human being.
6. At that time, my parents, though sympathetic and sharing my love of music, disapprove of it as a profession.
7. The turning point of my life was my decision to give up a promising business career and studying music.
8. The pressure to make every moment count makes difficult for Americans to relax.
9. Writing stories and articles are what I enjoy most.
10. Grandma said that she had a lot of trouble read your handwriting.
2020-03-16更新 | 153次组卷
改错-单句改错 | 适中 (0.65)
1. (2021全国甲卷)Many students say they will talk to their friend or classmates because they're of the same age and can understand each other.
2. (2021全国甲卷)Only a little choose to deal with the problems on their own.
3.(2021全国甲卷) Only a few choose to deal with the problems on our own.
4. (2021全国乙卷)I always assist my parents in doing the dish after meals.
5. (2021全国乙卷)That’s our view on housework.
6. (2020·全国I)Next I broke the eggs into a bowl and beat them quickly with chopstick.
7. (2020·全国I)Then I put the tomatoes and the beaten eggs into pan together.   
8. (2020·全国I) “Not that way,” my mom tried to stop us but failed.   
9. (2020·全国Ⅱ)Luckily, I will go home in two weeks for summer vacations.
10. (2020·全国Ⅱ)Best of luck with yours learning kung fu in China.
11. (2020·全国III)My mom is really concerned with the health of everyone in our families.
12. (2020·全国III)For example, every morning, my dad has to have the bowl of egg soup while I have to eat an apple.
13. (2020·全国III)But he insists on us eating healthy food.
14. (2019·全国I)Suddenly football fell just in front of me and almost hit me.
15. (2019·全国I)To everyone’s surprising, the ball went into the net.
16. (2019·全国I)All the football player on the playground cheered loudly.
17. (2019·全国Ⅱ)Since I was a kid, I’ve considered different job I would like to do.
18. (2019·全国III)In the cafe, customers will enjoy yourselves in the historical environment which is created for them.
19. (2018·全国III)The classroom is a place for learning and that include learning from textbooks, and mistake as well.
20. (2018·全国II)After supper, we would play card games of all sort in the sitting room.
21. (2018·全国I)They had a big separate house to raise dozens of chicken.
22. (2018•全国Ⅰ)During my last winter holiday, I went to countryside with my father to visit my grandparents.
23. (2018·全国Ⅰ)The first time I went there, they were living in a small house with dogs, ducks, and another animals.
24. (2018·全国Ⅱ)No matter how many times I asked to watch cartoons, my parents would not let me. They would say to us that playing card games would help my brain.
25. (2018·全国Ⅲ)I had done myself homework but I was shy.
26. (2018•全国Ⅱ)As the kid, I loved to watch cartoons.
27. (2017·全国II)They often get some useful informations from the internet.
28. (2017·全国I)The instructor kept repeating the word, “Speed up!” “Slow down!”
29. (2017•全国Ⅲ)Around me in picture are the things that were very important in my life at that time.
30. (2017·全国Ⅰ)In the summer holiday following my eighteenth birthday, I took driving lessons. I still remember how hard first day was.
31. (2017·全国Ⅱ)Mr. and Mrs. Zhang all work in our school.
32. (2017·全国Ⅲ)This picture often brings back to me many happy memories of your high school days.
2020-08-04更新 | 707次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般