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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:142 题号:15413227

When he was fourteen, his ambition was to run a pub, just like his dad.     1     With a chain of restaurants, a number of popular television series and best-selling cookery books, Jamie Oliver is a well-known name in every UK household. I'm a huge “Jamie fan”. I admire his passion for improving the food we eat and helping people change their lives.

    2     He took fifteen unemployed young people, with no previous experience of cooking, and trained them to be top-class chefs (厨师) in his restaurant, also called Fifteen. I remember one trainee, Lloyd Hayes. He left school with no qualifications and started getting into crime.     3     I think it's this kind of success story that makes Jamie and his projects so special.

Another special project is Jamie's Ministry of Food which he started in 2008. There are two aims: firstly, to teach people how to cook healthy, affordable food instead of eating fast food; secondly, to set up the Pass It On scheme: encouraging each person to pass on a recipe they learned to four other people.     4     Thousands of people have changed their cooking habits as a result — and I'm one of them. I've decided I'm not going to eat fast food anymore.

It's not only adults, but children, too. Jamie's School Dinners, one of Jamie's best-known projects, tried to improve food in schools and encourage children to eat well. It was difficult to convince some of the children, but in the end, many schools improved their menus.     5    

So, what's Jamie going to do next? Well, whatever it is, one thing is for sure, I'm not going to miss it!

A.And my children are going to eat their vegetables now.
B.I heard recently that she is going to teach people to cook.
C.Those four people then teach four more people, and so on.
D.I'm going to cook for my friends and take time to eat good food.
E.Jamie's first project, Fifteen, in 2002, aimed to help young people.
F.But in the last twenty years, chef Jamie Oliver has achieved far more.
G.But the project worked and Lloyd got a job as a chef in a top restaurant.
【知识点】 个人经历


阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】I believe that we can use social media for a lot of great things—and it’s important especially for business owners like me. Ever since I started my calligraphy business two years ago, I never went a day without going on social media, especially a kind of social app on my phone, on which I promoted my products and services and got in contact with possible customers.

Later I found it got in the way of more important things. I hate to say I was hooked by it, but I was. Every time I turned on my phone, I would dive into it. For a long time, I had been ignoring other parts of my life, like my family, my friends and my happiness. One day, I was thinking that a break should have happened long before to me.

Then I decided to remove the app off my phone for a month and only use that on my computer to keep track of my business. I wanted a clean break to reflect and plan for the future.

I had believed that if I spent less time on the platform, I would miss out much. Actually, I was so wrong. During this month off, I realized there was much to enjoy in life. I found more time to enjoy my hobbies and contacted my good friends that I had lost touch with. I was refilled with energy in all aspects of my life.

This one month off the app on the phone was healthy for me. If it were not for my business, I would like not to have it on my phone. I downloaded the app again on my phone, but only use it to post my, own content. I didn’t intend to paint social media in a negative light, but now I just don’t think the way I was using it was healthy. It’s difficult to find balance, but I’m going to try to do it anyway. I’m going back, but it’s going to be different.

1. What did the author mainly do on social media?
A.He learned calligraphy on his own.
B.He kept in touch with his friends.
C.He worked on business activities.
D.He shared advice on keeping fit.
2. What do the underlined words “hooked by” in Paragraph 2 mean?
A.Addicted to.B.Impressed by.
C.Injured by.D.Exposed to,
3. What did the author learn after removing the social app from his cellphone?
A.It was meaningless to share on social media.
B.There was lots of fun away from social media.
C.The social app contributed little to his business.
D.The social app in the computer was more practical.
4. Why does the author decide to go back to social media?
A.One month away from social media upsets him.
B.He wants to seek more hobbies on social media.
C.He has confidence in balancing social media and life.
D.His friends ask him to communicate on social media.
2023-07-16更新 | 41次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】In my last semester of college in the US, I struggled with the decision to move to New York to pursue an advertising career, or to stay in Florida to be near my loved ones. While I was leaning toward the latter, everyone kept telling me if I didn’t go to New York, I would never make anything of myself or my career. Those statements made my blood boil, but also made me decide to stay in Florida.

I accepted a marketing coordinator (协调员) position with Coton Colors. I knew the company was growing fast, so it felt like a great place to begin my career. In Coton Colors, I tried to establish myself. I took on basic marketing tasks like helping with small campaigns or simple design. I started undertaking more tasks and discovering things I liked and excelled in. I continued to ask for more responsibilities, and before I knew it, I was leading meetings, directing support staff and taking off in my position.

I started getting in contact with some of my New York classmates. It seemed that most of them were still assistants, running to get coffee and make copies, without getting any useful experience. Those conversations helped me realize that I was in control of my own career. I didn’t need to move to a big city to become an important part of a successful team-I was already part of one. I went to the CEO and asked to create and lead an events team. After only a few months, I worked around the clock to grow this branch while also continuing to maintain my regular job duties. In the end, all of my hard work and devotion paid off.

I have watched myself grow from an entry-level college student to a valued member of a powerful management team. I have overcome many stereotypes (刻板印象) of my generation with my hard work and positive attitude.

1. Why did the author finally decide to start her career in Florida?
A.She knew that the industry in Florida has more potential.
B.She wanted to prove that she could achieve success there.
C.She had gotten an offer from a fast-growing company there.
D.She was advised by many people to stay near her loved ones
2. Which of the following best describes the author’s job in Florida?
3. What contributed most to the author’s success according to the text?
A.Her talent in marketing.B.Her devotion to all her tasks.
C.Her patience with simple designs.D.Her good luck in the work.
4. What does the author intends to tell us with the story?
A.No matter what others say, follow our own heart.
B.We should stay positive despite any difficulties we meet.
C.Small cities are better than bigger ones to begin a career in.
D.We should push ourselves further with hard work and determination.
2023-01-04更新 | 66次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】When my son finally started school around the age of four, I felt as though I’d been promoted to the new position of School Parent. It was an unexpectedly challenging role, one without additional benefits, or a raise for that matter.

As a direct result of starting school, there were the surprisingly unpleasant changes to our schedule. As parents, we were ill-prepared for the troubled time we had trying to get used to the practice of school.

Gone were the carefree days without plans and plenty of time to kill. This included playing imaginary games indoors or hanging around outside whenever the weather turned nice. Getting to school on time meant becoming the ‘hot mess’ mum often seen in movies. I was rushing kids out the door, forgetting lunch boxes and losing car keys.

As a huge morning person, I tried my best to ensure that school mornings remained calm and slow-paced. I prepared as much as possible the night before. But it still felt like we were in a rush, which I really hated.

The trick, I later discovered, was to cover up my feeling of anxiety. I chanted to myself “Do not rush him, no one likes to be rushed” while helping him get through his morning routine and tasks in a timely manner. Whatever frustration (沮丧) I felt about how slow he was moving, I wouldn’t let him know it. I even didn’t allow anyone in our house to say phrases like, “Hurry up, we’re going to be late!” Our common goal, was not just to get our son out the door in time for school, but more importantly prove that mornings can be relaxed and enjoyable, rather than a horrible start to the day.

Of course by the time summer holiday came, our family had grown wise enough. In what felt like the ‘longest shortest time’, we went from anxious and confused, to calm and confident once again. We were far more prepared to have a smoother start to the new school year.

1. What do we know about the author from the first paragraph?
A.She liked her new position.B.She got a promotion at work.
C.She made good preparations.D.She had to face the challenge.
2. Which word is similar in meaning to the underlined words “hot mess” in paragraph 3?
3. What did the author do when her son was slow in school mornings?
A.She sang a song.B.She pushed him hard.
C.She hid her feelings.D.She complained a lot.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.Growth of kids.B.Experience as a school parent.
C.New life in school.D.Advice on lifestyle change.
2023-01-30更新 | 204次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般