组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 语法 > 句法 > 复合句 > 名词性从句 > 宾语从句 > 宾语从句的连接词 > 连接代词和连接副词引导的宾语从句
题型:改错-单句改错 难度:0.65 引用次数:111 题号:15746177
1. My head went blank and I had no idea that to say.
2. Soon, I made progress. Now, I feel confident again and I know what to make good use of my time.
3. Finally, we'd better have a chat with them, so they can exchange ideas with us and know that what is going on in our life.
2022高三下·全国·专题练习 查看更多[1]


改错-单句改错 | 适中 (0.65)
1. My uncle is the owner of a restaurant close to that I live.
2. My classmates and I are talking about how to do during the holiday.
3. After looking at the toy for some time,he turned around and found where his parents were missing.
4. If you notice that when someone is missing or hurt,tell your teacher immediately.
5. That is which other teachers say.
6. The hope he may recover is not gone yet.
7. I didn’t know what one to buy because these books were all useful to me.
8. Yon want to know that everything is going in our school.
9. After arriving at school,I discussed with some classmates that we could do.
10. The problem is what the “Play” doesn’t work at all.
11. Finally,we can predict that may happen in the future and be prepared.
12. I don’t know if she will come or not.
13. What I believe it’s the best way to get close to nature.
14. That depends on if you’re suitable for the job.
15. In our life,we often regret what we did and which we couldn’t do.
16. The question that who should do the job requires consideration.
17. But the salesgirl didn’t understand that the foreigner was saying.
18. Today the world is playing much more attention to that China says and does.
19. It’s a great pity what we won’t be able to finish the task on time.
20. Usually I head straight to what the non-fiction books are.
2019-08-14更新 | 176次组卷
改错-单句改错 | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐2】每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加,删除或修改, 请在原句中修改。
增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧), 并在加词符号下写出该加的词。
删除: 把多余的词用斜线(\)在原句中划掉。
修改: 在错的词下划一横线,并在原句下面写出修改后的词。
注意: 每句只有一处错误,多改不计分。
1. The newly invented digital camera is fascinated.
2. Every living thing in the nature struggles to survive.
3. But just what have the experts discovered about that makes us feel good?
4. The more scientists learn about animals, the more they can do to help protect them and its habitats.
5. Some researchers consider it can be just so valuable as psychotherapy in helping depression, and engendering a more positive outlook.
6. The images storing in a hard drive will never wear out like traditional photos.
7. A few months before, most of the digital cameras were equipped with focus lenses.
8. With all these inventions and technology advancements, the future of the digital camera is brightly.
9. Plants survive by adapting for life in different environments.
10. Even a brisk ten-minute walk every day can help according researchers.
2019-07-22更新 | 135次组卷
改错-单句改错 | 适中 (0.65)
1. Thank you for your letter, what really made me happy.
2. Then I can spare some time to learn it again, such that we can practice together every day.
3. In the café, customers will enjoy themselves in the historical environment what is created for them.
4. From them, we students can always seek support and advice , from that we can benefit a lot.
5. The elders and distinguished guests are often seated in the special seats, what shows great respect for them.
6. After that, you can go to your host family that you can experience the Chinese way of life.
7. ]I consider myself a competent cook so I usually don't consult a recipe book. I just remember which I did last time.
2021-12-31更新 | 201次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般