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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:58 题号:15790392

Durham County will use a combination of recycled tyres and plastic waste to create more long-lasting and environmentally friendly road surfaces.

Concrete and cement (水泥) are responsible for 8% of greenhouse gas emissions (排放) globally and with a lot of the cement produced today used for the surfacing of roads, many organizations are looking for alternative materials that are less costly to the environment.

In a bid to reduce their carbon foot print, Durham has announced that they will be working with the road surfacing builder, Rainton Construction, to create roads that will be resurfaced with plastic and tyre waste.

A typical single truck load of the surfacing material amounts to 1, 064 plastic bags and 51 car tyres. Rubber from tyres was previously an un-recyclable material, but Rainton Construction will combine waste from the tyre recycling process, with plastic and tarmac (柏油路) to create a more long-lasting road surface.

The combination of the rubber and the plastic improves the performance of the road. The materials provide a water-resistance surface that reduces the damage caused by freezing weather and is less likely to break and change shapes in hot weather. The new surface is also expected to last longer than traditional materials and when the road surface needs replacing, the materials can be reprocessed and used again.

Managing director of Rainton Constructions, David Elliot said, “It is great for us as a business to have a partner like Durham County who are as enthusiastic as we are about the re-use of end of life wastes, that would normally be got rid of. We have and will continue to spend money on the development of these products in order to maximize our findings and obtain the best value both economically (经济上) and environmentally.”

In related news, researchers at the University of the West of England, Bristol, stated that recycled waste material could play a major role in the construction of roads in Europe, bringing both environmental and economic benefits.

1. What does the author think of the new road surface?
A.It’s very easy to make.B.It’s made of concrete and cement.
C.It’s less costly to the environment.D.It’s more likely to break in hot weather.
2. What’s the main idea of paragraph 5?
A.The materials of the new road surface.B.The benefits of the new road surface.
C.How to make the new road surface.D.Why to make the new road surface.
3. What’s researchers’ attitude to the new road surface according to the last paragraph?
4. In which section of a newspaper can we find the text?
A.Tech & Science.B.Entertainment.C.Art & Culture.D.Business.
【知识点】 环境保护 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】As environmental concerns continue to increase, many people are left wondering how they can balance the need to travel with the need to protect the planet. One particular dilemma that has received significant attention is air travel.

Air travel is known to be one of the most carbon-intensive forms of travel. According to a report by the European Environment Agency, aviation is responsible for around 3% of the EU’s greenhouse gas emissions, and that number is expected to grow in the coming years. In addition, aircraft contribute to other types of air pollution, such as particulate matter and nitrogen oxides.

For environmentalists who advocate for reducing our carbon footprint, this brings up a difficult question: should we avoid flying altogether?

On one hand, it’s easy to see why environmentalists would want to keep away from air travel. By doing so, they could dramatically reduce their carbon footprint and set an example for others. Additionally, some argue that air travel perpetuates(使永久)a culture of overconsumption, which is contradictory to environmental values.

However, there are also arguments in favor of air travel: For one, air travel enables people to experience different cultures, build relationships, and expand their knowledge in ways that might not be possible otherwise. It can also facilitate business trades and contribute to economic growth. Moreover, some experts believe that technological advancements could make air travel more sustainable in the future. For example, some airlines are experimenting with biofuels and electric planes, which could dramatically reduce the emissions associated with air travel.

So what’s the answer? Ultimately, it’s up to each individual to decide whether the benefits of air travel outweigh the environmental costs. However, there are steps that everyone can take to reduce their impact. For example, travellers can choose to fly less frequently, opt for direct flights, and offset(抵消)their emissions through programs like carbon offsetting. In the end, the key is to remain aware of the environmental impact of our choices and to make informed decisions based on our own values and priorities.

1. What’s the function of paragraph 2?
A.To make a comparison.
B.To present an argument.
C.To clarify the effect of air travel.
D.To describe various greenhouse gases.
2. What may supporters of air travel agree to?
A.It helps avoid economic problems.
B.It promotes globalization in some sense.
C.It will make biofuels popular in the near future.
D.It will accelerate the development of electric planes.
3. What is probably the author’s attitude to air travel?
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.Whether we should travel by air or not.
B.Environmental concerns about air travel.
C.How to reduce the pollution air travel causes.
D.The advantages and disadvantages of air travel.
2023-05-19更新 | 87次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约90词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】If a sixth mass extinction occurs, scientists who have studied the issue believe that up to three quarters of all species on Earth could die out. ...

    1    ? Experts say that it is not yet too late,     2    . This would mean we have to significantly change the way we live. For example, we need to take steps to save endangered species,     3    . We need to change how we work and travel by using cleaner, more natural sources of energy,     4    . We also need to improve our farming methods to reduce water, air and land pollution.     5    .

A.if we take action now
B.such as wind and solar energy
C.What caused the sixth extinction
D.Can a sixth extinction be avoided
E.including setting up special areas where plants and animals can be protected
F.Our world and our lives depend on the balance in nature between animals and plants
G.In short, if we want to survive, we need to stop destroying the planet that we live on and start to protect it.
2022-07-20更新 | 78次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】Oil is essential for modern life. About 64 percent of the world’s oil is located in the Middle East, but the heaviest consumers of oil are Europe, America, and Japan. The problem lies in getting the oil from the countries that produce it to the countries that consume it. This is mainly done using oil tankers. Usually the oil is shipped safely and with no problems, but occasionally there is a disaster.

Every year millions of tons of oil are spilled into the ocean. Although this is only a small percentage of the total amount shipped around the world each year, this spilled oil can have terrible effects on ocean life, including the coastlines where the oil washes up onto shore.

One of the worst oil spills in history occurred along the Alaskan coastline in 1989, when the Exxon Valdez tanker got stuck off the coast of Alaska, spilling 42 million liters of oil. Although it wasn’t the largest oil spill, the disaster was terrible because it occurred in such a sensitive natural area. In this spill, the tanker’s captain, who was tired from overwork and drinking alcohol, had gone to take a rest. He gave control of the ship to another sailor, who was unfamiliar with the route. The ship ran onto Bligh Reef. Damaged by the reef, the ship leaked oil out into the ocean. More than 1,600 kilometers of coastline were affected by the oil spill. Many birds and otters died as a result of the oil covering their skin, and many other sea creatures and the animals that fed on them were also severely affected.

1. Which country is NOT among the largest consumers of oil?
2. What does the underlined “them” refer to?
A.The birds.B.The otters.
C.The sea creatures.D.The birds and the otters.
3. Which of the following statement is true?
A.The oil leak of Alaska is because the captain was unfamiliar with the route.
B.Many birds and otters died from eating the spilled oil.
C.Alaska spill was the most serious spill of all time.
D.Although some oil leak is not serious, it will affect ocean life.
2018-08-16更新 | 268次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般