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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:51 题号:15918771

Tips for job interviews

Whatever you do, don’t lie.

Daniel Space, a human resources consultant, said that if you can’t draw from personal experience to answer a question, it’s alright to say something like, “I haven’t been placed in that situation specifically yet, but here’s how I think I would handle it.”

The biggest mistake he sees is when candidates attempt to lie instead of acknowledging what they don’t know.

Don’t ramble (闲聊) and hope for the best. If you don’t understand what they’re asking, request clarification.

Rambling is the worst mistake a job candidate can make when they don’t know how to answer, according to Mary Abbajay, president of the leadership development consultancy Careerstone Group.

“They think if they talk long enough ... people will think they are answering the questions. Don’t do that,” she said. “When you are rambling, it shows you are a poor communicator.”

Lawrese Brown, the founder of C-Track Training, a workplace education company, pointed out that not all interview questions are clearly worded and it reflects better on you to ask for clarification when you need it.

“It demonstrates a confidence and assertiveness to say, ‘Hey, can you clarify? ... Because I want to share the right insights with you, I want to share the most relevant information,’” she said.

Asking for the question to be repeated might also buy you time to think of an answer, Abbajay added.

Don’t give up and just say “I don’t know,” either. Advocate for the person you are.

It’s OK to admit you have not yet acquired a specific skill or faced a certain problem, said Tejal Wagadia, a recruiter for a major tech company. But don’t just say “I don’t know” when you are stumped. Saying something like, “I don’t know that yet, but I’m willing to learn that skillset,” shows your willingness to learn new things, Wagadia said.

“Redirect your answer and share how the skills you’ve gained in another capacity have prepared for the target opportunity,” said Ashley Watkins, a job search coach.

1. During the interview ,why shouldn’t you lie ?
A.People trust you just tell a white lie
B.No need to clarify yourself with the interviewers.
C.You are so modest during the interview
D.The interviewer will think you are not a reliable person.
2. Rambling is the worst mistake because ________ .
A.it shows you are a poor communicatorB.it represents you excel in communicating
C.it enables interviewers to know you moreD.it helps develop your skills
3. When you can’t answer the interviewers’ questions clearly , ________ ?
A.Just say “ I don’t know ”
B.Tell them you are not willing to learn that skillset
C.You may share your skills you’ve gained in another capacity
D.Just redirect your answer
4. When we go for a job interview ,what attitudes are available ?
①look around ② keep your back straight③cross your arms
④make constant eye contact⑤stare fixedly at the interviewer.⑥a genuine smile


阅读理解-阅读单选(约420词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍的是理查德·费曼(Richard Feynman)开发的能让学生通过教学行为学习的一种学习方法。

【推荐1】“What one fool can understand, another can.”— Richard Feynman

The Feynman Technique, developed by Richard Feynman, is a study method for students to learn through the act of teaching. To use the technique, students choose a topic and then explain it in their own words as if teaching a sixth-grader. Then, they improve their explanations and go through the process again until they have mastered the topic.

Naturally, the average school student in sixth grade is not going to understand complicated terminology (术语), so the person using the Feynman Technique has to emphasize simplicity and conciseness. Effective usage of the method requires the learner to define all unobvious terms, and this means that the Feynman Technique requires considerably more mental energy than other methods, such as rote learning (死记硬背,机械学习). The act of teaching is a cognitively demanding task, but that is also why the technique is so effective.

This study method can be used to memorize, understand difficult topics, and supplement other common study methods like re-reading textbooks or reviewing notes. It’s worth mentioning, though, that re-reading textbooks and notes is considered an ineffective study strategy by most modern learning scientists.

There is a wide range of reasons why the Feynman Technique has remained one of the most etlective study strategies for decades. For one, the Feynman Technique provides an opportunity for continual review and analysis, which can help to ensure understanding at a higher level than just memorizing information. Furthermore, it provides a way for students to engage with information in a meaningful and memorable way by connecting it to personally relevant experiences and simple concepts. Plus, the Feynman Technique is often more effective than traditional study methods because of its emphasis on active engagement. Unlike re-reading textbooks or reviewing notes, which are passive activities, engaging with new material through explaining and continuously simplifying forces the learner to be more actively engaged.

Here are a few more reasons why the Feynman study technique is so effective: It develops knowledge of the topic and also public speaking skills if practiced with another person. Simplifying an explanation can improve the comprehension and memorization of the subject. Using the technique can help students rethink how they approach difficult subjects such as science or mathematics. It works well with already-learned concepts for the purposes of reviewing and reinforcing what’s already learned.

1. Why is the quotation put at the beginning of this article?
A.To introduce the backgroundB.To arouse the readers’ interest
C.To lead in the Feynman TechniqueD.To popularize the Feynman Technique
2. How to use the Feynman Technique to learn something properly?
A.Choose the topic→read text books and take notes→review→teach an 8-12-year-old
B.Identify the topic→teach an 8-12-year-old→review and simplify→teach again
C.Choose the topic→memorize→teach an 8-12-year-old→review and simplify
D.Identify the topic→comprehend→teach an 8-12-year-old→review and simplify
3. Which of the following is NOT the reason why the Feynman Technique is effective?
A.The Feynman Technique can help learn something new quickly.
B.The Feynman Technique requires constant review and analysis.
C.The Feynman Technique emphasizes learners’ active engagement.
D.The teaching part in the Feynman Technique is a high demanding cognitive process.
4. What can we learn from this article?
A.Students should teach a sixth-grader like child to use the Feynman Technique.
B.To use the Feynman Technique, one has to simplify his/her language and explanation.
C.Re-reading textbooks or reviewing notes is an efficient learning strategy.
D.The purpose of this article is to explain why we should use the Feynman Technique.
2023-04-01更新 | 99次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Many candidates pursue an MBA with hopes of altering their career paths. In our current environment with declining economic conditions, this is likely to be an increasingly common strategy.

However, applicants looking to change careers should put in some extra work now to show that your desired career is both authentic and attainable.     1    

Here are some actions you can take while you complete your MBA application essays and interviews.

Do your research. Know the role and industry that you desire to join and understand the skills required for success. Check LinkedIn to see where MBA graduates are going and talk to friends or former classmates who work in the field.    2     The more you know about your future industry, the more authentic your essays will sound as you begin to articulate (清楚说明) your goals.

Look for extracurricular work in your target industry. Volunteering in your future industry or function can be a great way to not only solidify (使……固化) your interest, but also show the reader that you have truly given this future career some serious thought and consideration.     3    

Point out similarities between your current role and future goals. It is important to show admission committee members that you are set up to succeed. Even if you are not able to gain experience in your future industry, there are likely to be past experiences you can draw upon.     4     Besides, point out how you have already developed and shown these skills.

    5     This is particularly important if you are not currently working. It will be crucial to show that you have used time in between jobs effectively. Taking additional coursework can be a great way to improve your competitiveness.

A.Understand the industry’s career path.
B.Make a personal tie to your future career.
C.Consider short-term educational opportunities.
D.This will help add attraction to your overall story.
E.Consider related activities to attract the attention of the reader.
F.Think about the most important criteria for success in your future role.
G.This is even truer for applicants who might have been recently laid off.
2021-12-21更新 | 112次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Writing while traveling can be either professional or personal. Some people travel and write as part of their jobs, while others simply want to make the most out of their travel experience.     1     Luckily, here are some tips for you to make writing while traveling a much easier process for yourself.

    2     For example, if you are waiting for a train, sitting on the plane, or waiting to meet people for lunch, work on your writing. You'll find that you'll have a lot of time while you' re traveling that you can take advantage of.     3     In an average day of traveling, you could possibly spend up to 60 minutes waiting for trains, buses, food, and other people.

Journal every night before you go to bed. If you are writing to keep a diary of your destinations, writing things down in a journal every night is a good way to keep track of each individual day.     4     Even if you're exhausted at the end of the day, force yourself to sit down for just 15 minutes and note all the emotions and excitement of the day you just had.

Avoid spending too much time writing. Set a watch or a timer on your phone and do as much work as you can inside 1 to 3 hours. After that, take a break and enjoy your destination. This is especially important if your writing is task- based rather than time- based. Make sure you’ re writing as efficiently as possible.     5    

A.Establish your writing habit.
B.Take advantage of “dead time”.
C.Make sure you remember all the little things about your trip.
D.However, you may find it difficult to write sometimes during travel.
E.People often forget important details of their travel as soon as the next day.
F.To make the most of this time, carry a pen and notebook everywhere you go.
G.Of course, this will be less of a problem if you plan to set aside one full day each week for writing.
2022-03-29更新 | 134次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般