组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 环境 > 环境保护
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:323 题号:15940162

A rare wild flower is being re-established in Devon fields thanks to some four-legged helpers. A conservation charity called Planflife has employed donkeys as “ecosystem engineers”to encourage the return of the endangered small-flowered catchfly.

The catchfly was once found all across Britain but now it only grows in small areas of Wales and the south and west of England. Experts blame its decline on modern farming practices. The flower flourished around the edges of sandy fields where farmers grew their crops, but because of weedkillers that were used to remove “unwanted” plants, and fertilisers to boost crop yields, its habitat has largely disappeared.

Plantlife teamed up with the Donkey Sanctuary, a charity that looks after donkeys in the UK and around the world. It owns several farms across Devon and the UK, where it takes care of hundreds of rescued donkeys, as well as maintaining habitats for other wildlife. More than 20, 000 seeds have been scattered on fields at the sanctuary’s main Devon farm, and it is hoped that many will grow into plants this summer. They will provide food for threatened bird species such as linnets, yellowhammers and skylarks. Plantlife then aims to get the donkeys themselves involved, testing whether catchfly seeds benefit from being trampled into the ground as the donkeys take their exercise. Many plants have seeds that must be pressed into the soil in order to germinate.

“We’re incredibly grateful to partners like the Donkey Sanctuary who are helping these fantastically rare wild flowers come back from the edge of extinction,” Cath Shellswell of Plantlife told The Guardian newspaper. “We look forward to seeing small-flowered catchfly return and we are working with the sanctuary to ensure that this tiny plant has a thriving future. ”

1. Why are donkeys employed in Devon fields?
A.To work in the fields.B.To restore the catchfly.
C.To avoid extinction.D.To raise crop yields.
2. What caused the decline of the catchfly’s population?
A.Soil loss.B.Water pollution.
C.Climate change.D.Modern agriculture.
3. How do donkeys help the catchfly come back?
A.By pressing its seeds into the soil.B.By working the land.
C.By providing nutrition for it.D.By spreading its seeds.
4. What is the best title of the passage?
A.Donkeys help fields flower again.B.Farmland becomes a natural habitat.
C.The biodiversity forms on Devon farms.D.The catchfly has a thriving future.
【知识点】 环境保护 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】I was only five, but my memories of the serious rainstorm that hit my hometown of Jinan, Shangdong province, on the night of August 26 1987, are still vivid.

My family lived in an apartment in a row of buildings near the Xiao-qing River. Starting from Jinan, the river flows into Bohai Bay. Before the industrialization of the city started in the 1970s, the river served as a lifeline between the city and the coast, along which boats transported coal to the coast, returning with full loads (装) of sea salt. But the river started serving as a channel for industrial wastewater from the factories in the 1980s, as well as house-hold wastewater produced by the city as thousands of people came to work in the factories.

With the water becoming dark and smelly, fish and shrimps soon disappeared. My father said the river had “died”, and people might be punished for it. I had no idea what he meant. But that night I found out what the punishment was.

Flashes of lightning followed by loud thunders (雷声) broke the peace. In a minute, the rain poured down. All the houses were flooded. My mother rushed to wake me. I remember seeing the bed floating off the floor in the floodwater. My mom carried me on her back away from our home to the top of the dam walking waist-deep (齐腰深) in the water.

We were all homeless and were arranged to live in a nearby hotel. After the flood, people were worried and anxious to go home to check what the damage was. In the following twenty years, the houses were hit by similar floods several times until finally the river has been widened and cleared. Whenever I go back to my hometown, I remembered the days when I learned to live with floods.

1. What do we know about Xiao-qing River before the 1970s?
A.It was dark and smelled bad with wastewater from factories.
B.It was clean and served as an important transportation line.
C.It was polluted as there were lots of boats carrying coal.
D.It was lively when thousands of people settled along it.
2. Which of the following shows the correct order of the events?
①A lot of wastewater was sent into the river, making the river no longer what it was.
②They lost their homes and learned an important lesson.
③Heavy rain hit my hometown and a serious flood happened
④People escaped to the top of the dam to stay safe.
A.①③④②B.③②④①C.②①③④D.④③ ②①
3. What does the underlined word “it” refer to in paragraph 3?
A.Killing all the fish in the river.B.Polluting the river with wastewater.
C.Allowing too many people in the factories.D.Ignoring my father’s warnings.
4. The author uses his experience to_________.
A.explain the importance of water in people’s life
B.argue for the best way to live with floods
C.tell that to protect the river is to protect ourselves
D.remind people that floods can cause serious damage
5. What can be the best title for the passage?
A.An unforgettable night.B.Flood control in Jinan.
C.A flood rescue.D.Impression on Xiao-qing River.
2023-06-11更新 | 58次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】The UK Government has announced plans to build eight nuclear power reactors as part of its new energy strategy.

By 2030, the Government wants 95%of the UK’s electricity to come from low-carbon energy sources. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that is released from the burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil and gas). It is a big cause of climate change- long-term shifts in weather patterns, including rising temperatures.

The Government wants to increase renewable energy sources, such as wind turbines and solar panels. The Government hopes that by 2030, 50 gigawatts (亿瓦特) of energy will come from offshore wind farms (ones that stand in the sea). That’s enough to power all the houses in the UK. There are also plans to build eight new nuclear reactors. Nuclear reactors generate (产生) energy through a process called nuclear fission (裂变), when heavy atoms are split into lighter ones. The Government wants to make the UK’s energy cleaner and cheaper, and for the UK to produce its own energy rather than relying on other countries. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has affected the world’s gas and oil supply, making power more expensive.

The UK Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, says the plans will lead to clean and secure energy made in Britain. Some people have said that these plans don’t go far enough and won’t help people who are struggling with high energy bills at the moment.

Labour Party leader Keir Starmer has said that the Government should do more to insulate people’s homes. Insulating homes is when material is put inside a house to stop heat from getting out. It means people would need to use less energy to heat their homes.

1. What does the underlined “It” refer to in the second paragraph?
A.Carbon dioxide.B.A fossil fuel.
C.A renewable energy source.D.The low-carbon energy source.
2. What can we infer from Paragraph 3?
A.The Government wants to be more independent on energy production.
B.Nuclear reactors produce energy through nuclear fission.
C.The UK is unwilling to produce its own energy.
D.In the process of nuclear fission,lighter atoms are split into heavy ones.
3. What is some people’s attitude towards the energy plan?
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Cheaper Energy in the UK
B.Electricity from Low-carbon Energy Sources
C.The UK Government Builds Eight Nuclear Reactors
D.The UK Government Launches Energy Plan
2023-10-13更新 | 56次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】My Day of No Plastic

Since its invention, plastic has affected every aspect of our lives. It has made possible thousands of conveniences, but it has come with downsides, especially for the environment. In a 24-hour experiment, I tried to live without it to see what plastic stuff we can’t do without and what we may be able to give up.

At the start of my no-plastic day, I made my way toward the bathroom, only to stop myself before I went in. “Could you open the door for me?” I asked my wife. “The handle is plastic.” She opened it for me, letting out a “this is going to be a long day” sigh (叹气).

My morning routine was a headache. I couldn’t use my toothpaste, toothbrush, shampoo or soap, all of which were made of plastic or put in plastic containers. Getting dressed was also a challenge, given that so many clothing items include plastic.

When I went out, I brought along two glass containers and cloth bags of various sizes. I walked to a sandwich shop. “Can you make the salad in this glass container?” I asked. The manager said OK but then rejected my request to use my steel spoon.

After lunch, I took the subway to Central Park, which scored me more violations (违规), since I need a MetroCard and the trains themselves have plastic parts. But at least I didn’t sit in one of those plastic seats.

Back home, I recorded some of my impressions. By my count, on my day of no plastic, I had made 164 violations. I felt defeated. And also uncertain. The next day I called Gabby Salazar, a scientist who studies what motivates people to support environmental causes, and asked her for advice.

“You can drive yourself crazy,” she said, “but it’s not about perfection. It’s about progress.” Believe it or not, individual behavior matters. It adds up. “Remember,” she continued, “it’s not about plastic being the enemy. It’s about single-use as the enemy.”

I promised to try, even after my not successful attempt. I’ll start with small things, building up habits. I can take cloth bags to the grocery. I might start packing my glass water bottle and steel spoon. And from there, who knows?

1. The author conducted the 24-hour experiment because ________.
A.he was tired of using plastic stuff in his daily life
B.he tried to call upon people to ban plastic products
C.he wondered how much plastic he consumed each day
D.he wanted to figure out how to use plastic stuff wisely
2. Why did the author’s wife sigh?
A. Because she didn’t know his intention.
B. Because she worried about her husband.
C. Because she thought it hard to avoid using plastic.
D. Because she didn’t realize the downsides of plastic.
2024-03-12更新 | 28次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般