组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 语法 > 词法 > 代词 > it的特殊用法 > it 作形式宾语
题型:改错-单句改错 难度:0.65 引用次数:221 题号:16126941
1. (2021·安徽·淮南第二中学三模)Chatting or laughing, we felt we had never had a more enjoyable time.
2. (2021·安徽·淮南第二中学三模)Two weeks flew by, and it was time for us to say goodbye. Many students came to see ourselves off.
3. (2021·安徽·淮南第二中学三模)Two weeks flew by, and it was time for us to say goodbye. Many students came to see ourselves off.
4. (2021·宁夏·青铜峡市宁朔中学二模)My grandfather was the Chinese traditional literature lover.
5. (2021·宁夏·青铜峡市宁朔中学二模)I used to be take to bookstores, ..... However, I fell in love with books as a little kid and found it very interesting to read stories.
6. (2021·宁夏·青铜峡市宁朔中学二模)Therefore, I fell in love with books as a little kid and found very interesting to read stories.
7. (2021·宁夏·青铜峡市宁朔中学二模)I especial liked Sun Wukong, a romantic figure of bravery and adventure.
8. (2021·宁夏·青铜峡市宁朔中学二模)I especially liked Sun Wukong, a romantic figure of brave and adventure.
9. (2021·宁夏·青铜峡市宁朔中学二模)Now I realized that without my grandfather, I wouldn’t have formed the habit of reading.
10. (2021·宁夏·青铜峡市宁朔中学二模)Long after graduating from high school, I have already decided to choose Chinese literature as my major.
11. (2021·宁夏·青铜峡市宁朔中学二模)Long before graduating from high school, but I have already decided to choose Chinese literature as my major.
2022高三·全国·专题练习 查看更多[1]


改错-短文改错 | 适中 (0.65)


Every high school student wants to get into famous universities and they spend most of their time review lessons. Nowadays, many graduates find hard to be admitted to famous universities. To be honest, only the small number of students can get so golden chances. Therefore, I have a strong desire to enter into Peking University to study. To make my dream come true, I have to know my advantage and disadvantages. Besides, I must work hard or put all my efforts into study. Most important, I must arrange my time properly. I was approaching my dream university now.

2019-01-16更新 | 261次组卷
改错-单句改错 | 适中 (0.65)
1. What puzzles them most is that they can remember more words in such a short time.
2. The Board of Directors has decided to put whomever they think is energetic and clever in the position of Chief Financial Officer.
3. The question now is if it is worth trying.
4. I found necessary that we should spend more time practicing spoken English.
5. It is still under discussion when the old bus station should be replaced with a modern restaurant or not.
6. What team will win the football game is still not certain yet.
7. Whether he didn't get well prepared for the exam resulted in his failure in passing it.
8. He asked her the question if they can be friends.
2019-07-19更新 | 130次组卷
改错-单句改错 | 适中 (0.65)
1. The information is not access to the public .
2. Text messages are much cheaper than talking on a mobile phone, and you can make it even cheap by shortening the words that you use.
3. He designed the first“web browser”, that allowed computer users to access documents from other computers.
4. Berners-Lee made that possible for everyone to use the Internet, not just universities and the army.
5. The Nobel Prize is the highest scientific prize, so we should be very proud in that.
6. It was the third time that she visited the History Museum .
7. The little boy was the only one who survived from the disaster in his village.
8. Up to now, China made great achievements in environmental protection.
9. After a fire broke out in the lab, a lot of equipment were damaged.
10. There were twenty miners trapping underground in the accident.
2021-09-29更新 | 82次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般