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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:103 题号:16195898

Over the last 50 years, the environmental movement has become so closely associated with the color green that it’s almost impossible to see a green poster, label or recycling bag without thinking about our plane’s future. But though that connection is the product of a very recent crisis, its origins go back some way. We have identified green with nature and its processes for thousands of years. Indeed, the very word “green” comes from the ancient Proto-Indo-European word ghre, meaning “grow”.

The human species has a special biological bond with green. Unlike most mammals, which are red-green color blind, we developed a third cone cell. This additional photoreceptor (光感受器) enabled our ancestors to spot ripe red and yellow fruits against the green ones, and to distinguish different green leaves from each other. In daylight conditions, human eyes are more sensitive to green than any other colors.

All over the world, people shared feelings with nature through green materials. Jade, for instance, was used to make objects that would guarantee a successful harvest. The Maya buried their leaders with jade masks for this reason. The ancient Egyptians, who were farming the banks of the Nile from about 8000 BC, identified their crops with green. Their term for the color was wadj, which also meant flourish (繁荣). Egyptian painters often described their god of agriculture, Osiris, as a bright green being.

While the future of our planet remains uncertain, many scientists are convinced that leaves will prove to be a decisive weapon in our battle against climate change. This is as it should be. After all, for early farmers waiting for schools to emerge from the soil and for modern-day activists determined to bring about a sustainable future, green was, and is, a color of hope—after a long cold winter or a drought-ridden summer, the arrival of green will signal a new beginning.

1. What has happened over the past 50 years according to the text?
A.People have been used to buying recycled paper bags.
B.A large number of posters have been designed by artists.
C.Many factories have closed down due to the serious pollution.
D.The environmental movement has greatly affected the Earth’s future.
2. Why are most mammals red-green blind?
A.They have a special bond with red.
B.Their eyes are more sensitive to red.
C.They lack a kind of photoreceptor cell.
D.Their brains have additional photoreceptors.
3. How does the author state his opinion in paragraph 3?
A.By making a comparison.B.By giving examples.
C.By raisin a question.D.By using statistics.
4. What does the underlined word “decisive” in the last paragraph mean?


阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Do you know that forests cover an estimated 38 percent of the total land surface of the European Union(EU)?And that these extensive areas covered with trees and underbrush need to be protected so they can continue to do good for the environment for the next generation? Now the EU has just come up with its ambitious new "Forest Strategy".

Forests can fight against climate change and prevent biodiversity loss. They can reduce the impacts of climate change by cooling down cities, protecting us from heavy flooding, and reducing drought impacts. They are valuable ecosystems that are home to a major part of the world's plants and animals. But forests also improve our health and well-being through functions like water regulation, erosion(侵蚀)control and air purification. And they serve as ideal settings for "recreation, relaxation and learning, as well as securing livelihoods".

This new European-wide forest conservation vision takes in an impressive commitment to plant a minimum of three billion additional trees over the next decade. This is an ambitious plan but a long overdue one because forests have been battered by severe weather and human impacts, particularly the demand for wood over the last ten years. As the EU Observer puts it, "extreme weather events and the increasing demand for forest services and products, driven by wood-based bioenergy and international trade, have accelerated tree cover loss in the last decade."

This EU strategy takes into account the complexity of forest sustainability(可持续性). Observation, knowledge exchange, ongoing monitoring and close cooperation between public and private organizations and individuals are also key elements in this new continent-wide forest protection strategy.

This is a future-focused blueprint, designed to protect these precious green areas, and ensure that the trees and greenery are here to stay!

1. Why are two questions raised in the beginning?
A.To show the EU's forest coverage.B.To call on people to protect forests.
C.To encourage more forest expansion.D.To explain the reason for the strategy.
2. What does the author intend to show in paragraph 2?
A.The importance of forests.B.The environmental role of forests.
C.The background of the strategy.D.The urgency of the strategy.
3. What does the underlined word "battered" in paragraph 3 mean?
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Planting Trees for the WorldB.Taking Forests into the Future
C.EU's Action to Protect the EarthD.Irreplaceable Benefits of Forests
2022-02-25更新 | 213次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了,Malaika Vaz从小热爱冒险,在电影制作中寻求一种既能满足她冒险欲望又能倡导保护她所接触的物种和生态系统的方式,呼吁观众保护自然。

【推荐2】When Malaika Vaz was a kid, living in Goa, India, she was constantly surrounded by nature. Among her childhood experiences, she recalls journeys to the Arctic and Antarctic, climbing mountains, diving, and windsurfing.

At some point in her late teens, Vaz realized adventure didn’t really mean anything if there wasn’t an intention to protect the natural spaces we were exploring in. Motivated by her passion for filmmaking, she began to seek a way that would both satisfy her appetite for adventure and allow her to advocate the protection of the species and ecosystems she interacted with.

Today Vaz wears many hats in the filmmaking world, as a documentary director, producer, and presenter. After falling in love with manta rays (蝠鲼), she discovered they were being hunted illegally and started to dress herself as a seafood trader to get as close as possible to the issue. She traced sellers to figure out why the threatened species were being killed. She shared the shocking details in Peng Yu Sai, her Green Oscar-nominated film on the matter.

The subjects that grab her attention, Vaz admits, run the gamut. When she was asked to define her focus, she replied that she preferred variety. She always argues that the issues she looks into are more interrelated than they may initially appear. “I think that it’s exciting to dive into the different aspects of environmental stories,” she says.

Her work doesn’t stop at recording important stories; she also ensures the message is heard. From Vaz’s viewpoint, real improvement in planetary protection lies in the hands of each of us rather than just those of several environmentalists. “If you’re an engineer and you care about the natural world, you can change the kind of construction materials you use. If you’re a teacher loving nature, you can bring that into the learning for your class.” she says.

As a filmmaker, Vaz believes it’s important to figure out ways that attract the audience who can push for the protection of the natural world.

1. What did Malaika Vaz decide to do in her late teens?
A.Motivate children to get close to nature.
B.Make a film about her childhood experiences.
C.Develop a passion for an adventurous lifestyle.
D.Combine nature exploration with nature conservation.
2. What is the film Peng Yu Sai mainly about?
A.The role of manta rays in the local economy.B.Vaz’s personal life as a seafood trader.
C.The threatened species in India.D.The illegal trade in manta rays.
3. What does the underlined part “run the gamut” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?
A.Are quite popular.B.Cover a wide range.
C.Make little progress.D.Are hard to deal with.
4. What message does the author convey in Paragraph 5?
A.Human beings are closely linked to nature.
B.Stories are effective in changing people’s behavior.
C.Everyone can make a difference to the environment.
D.Environmentalists play a big part in solving environmental issues.
2023-06-21更新 | 309次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章介绍了环保摄影师Cristina Mittermeier通过自身努力致力于海洋保护的经历。

【推荐3】Cristina Mittermeier is a marine biologist, activist and multi-award-winning photographer who has given her life to ocean protection. Recognised as being one of the world’s most influential conservation photographers, Cristina has travelled to 132 countries to achieve her goal — to communicate the immediate need to protect wild places.

She began her career as a marine biologist, but soon realised that she could better work for the interests of the oceans and the planet through her camera than with scientific data. In her eyes, science is basic to understanding what is happening to our planet, but it fails to convey (传递) the emotions that make us care.

According to Cristina, photography allows us to humanise (使人性化) stories and create something meaningful, and she had an urgent need to share the difficult situation of the planet. For her, it’s all about the emotional connections we can establish with the subject matter. She loves creating pictures that engages people in conversations and makes them stop and think. Establishing a successful career as a photographer has not been an easy journey. She worked hard at teaching herself the basics of photography and then she went back to school to learn more about the underpinnings of fine art.

When asked what has inspired her focus on marine life, she replied, “The ocean is barely mentioned but it is the largest ecosystem on our planet and is the ecosystem that has the most influence on Earth. It absorbs at least 25% of all emissions and most of the heat on our planet. I want people to recognise that the ocean isn’t just hurt by climate change — it is our solution. If our oceans die — and they are dying — we will die with them. Life on Earth is not possible without a living ocean.”

1. What goal did Cristina intend to achieve in her travels?
A.To take more wonderful pictures.
B.To urge people to protect the wild places.
C.To work for the non-for-profit organization.
D.To become the world’s most influential photographer.
2. What makes Cristina think she can better work as a photographer?
A.She was bored with her career as a marine biologist.
B.She can’t understand what is happening to our planet.
C.She can convey emotional information through her camera.
D.She wants to establish a successful career as a photographer.
3. Why does Cristina focus on the ocean?
A.Because of the marine life.
B.Because of the great emissions.
C.Because of her love for the ocean.
D.Because of the ocean’s importance.
4. Which of the following can best describe Cristina?
2024-01-16更新 | 40次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般