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题型:阅读理解-阅读表达 难度:0.65 引用次数:108 题号:16277588

Avoiding Procrastination——A Lesson You Shouldn’t Put Off

You sit down to write a report for school, but decide to scroll your phone first. Soon, it’s evening and you still haven’t started that report. You’ve been having procrastination. It is not simple laziness. It’s the habit of avoiding urgent tasks despite negative consequences.

When you’re facing a task, one part of your mind is rational (理性的) and says, “Let’s do it.” Another part is irrational. It says, “Wouldn’t a quick video game be fun?” That part seeks instant satisfaction, while the rational part knows you should do your work. Being procrastinating may relieve pressure in the moment, but it is a force that constantly works against us, in our studies and our personal lives. It often stops us from reaching our potential and students who routinely procrastinate tend to get lower grades. In general, habitual procrastinators have to face high physical costs and the increase of stress and worry. It is something we all need to think about——and think about today, not tomorrow. So how do we beat it?

First, we must understand the emotions behind procrastination. Studies have shown that people are more likely to procrastinate when they feel negative emotions, such as fear of failure or fright about doing boring tasks, toward things that need to be completed. It’s therefore important to ignore your mood, and just dive in and take the first step. For example, if you are writing a report, start by simply putting your name at the top of page one. Then, focus on taking one step at a time until you reach the finish line. When you’re done, reward yourself——maybe by doing something fun that was distracting (使分神) you before.

If you do put things off, make sure to forgive yourself, since guilt makes the urge to procrastinate stronger. Beating procrastination, though, will help you in all aspects of your life, from finishing tasks at school to achieving personal goals. The time to start is now!

1. According to this passage, what’s procrastination?
2. What are the negative effects of procrastination?
3. Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why.
Procrastination is more likely to appear when we have negative emotions, so we should reward ourselves first to delight us.
4. In addition to the tips mentioned in the passage, what other beneficial strategies can you offer to procrastinators? (In about 40 words)
21-22高二下·北京朝阳·期末 查看更多[2]


阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】How to Live Well

At a certain point in life, thoughts may come up. How well have you lived?    1    How well have you treated those you love and care about? Most of all, however, time seems to slip on without too much self-reflection. Maybe it’s time to slow down and think about what it means to live well.

To live means acting.    2    You start action, come up with goals, make plans to help work on the desired outcome, and dive in. Not every action will immediately bring about a successful finish of the project, task or undertaking, but you learn from everything you do.

    3    Being busy is an effective cure to loneliness, helps avoid depression and self-pity, and keeps us in a constant state of movement. Again, doing things often puts us in contact with others and that’s also a good thing for humans to make interaction with other humans.

But what happens when you don’t give a project or task your full effort? Are you still living well? Or are you shortchanging yourself, trying to cheat and still get the reward?    4    Not only learn to face these, but also try to overcome them.

The truth is that everyone cuts corners now and then. Maybe it is because we lack time, energy, financial or other resources. Sometimes we have to make ends meet by shaving off an item or a step. That doesn’t mean we make a habit of it.    5    

A.To live means you participate in life.
B.To have a good life doesn’t mean living well.
C.Keeping busy sometimes is important in life.
D.Sometimes you have to face these in your life.
E.How much have you achieved relative to your goals?
F.What can you do if you suffer from an illness?
G.That really means we should stop and think, in order to live better.
2020-08-08更新 | 26次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约300词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Flash fiction is a name for short stories that are kept within a specific word or character limit, usually up to 1,500 words.    1    . It’s about finding clever ways to keep as much detail as possible about the plot, characters and setting but in the fewest words possible. Use these four top tips to help you write your own fascinating flash fiction.


When planning a flash fiction story you first need to decide what are the important parts of the story that the reader just cannot miss. This might be a few moments from the beginning, middle and end. Once you have these, then any extra detail can either be cutaway or added in—if it makes the story better and the word limit allows.

●Develop characters using adverbs

Good flash fiction has well-developed characters who have personalities and faults. You can takeout long descriptions of your characters and replace them with the occasional adverb to help the reader understand the characters’ movements and behaviour. Adverbs are words that describe verbs.    3    .Examples of adverbs include, “The prince stared angrily and marched awkwardly back to his horse.”

●Use clauses to add colour and detail

Clauses add detail to sentences without adding too many words.    4    .This is a section of a sentence starting with which, who, when, where, etc. For example, “The air, which smelt of oranges...” Be careful not to make sentences too long, though, and takeout any clauses that don’t add anything to the story.

●Combine your sentences

    5    .For example: Mary was upset she had school and took her shoes off. She slumped on the sofa and flicked on the TV. It was going to be a long day and she was nervous about meeting the new head teacher. This becomes; Mary slumped in front of the TV, took off her shoes and decided she was too nervous for school.

A.Practice to make it perfect
B.Plan carefully before writing
C.Writing flash fiction takes skill
D.You could use a relative clause
E.Verbs are words that describe physical or mental actions and states of being
F.Try doing this by picking a few things and putting them into a shorter sentence
G.They have different functions from other words used in flash fiction in English
2024-04-09更新 | 77次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Capture Spirit of Youth

Youth is a relatively brief but vital period in one's life. During his time, habits and interests that will continue for the rest of your life are formed and developed.    1    

It's a time to begin the process of self-reliance and self-motivation. Sure, you might have parents and friends to help you.    2    It builds your character and makes you independent. No one can force you to get good grades or get a perfect job—those responsibilities are yours alone. Only you can be the author of your own life.

    3    Train yourself to be strong. Tell yourself that you can summon the will to overcome whatever difficulties come your way. Anything worth doing isn't easy—it's best to learn that lesson early. In the end, conquering a difficult task is always worth it, and you can thank perseverance for guiding you there.

Work hard. There's nothing better than relaxing at the end of a long day, knowing that you did all you could do for yourself, your family and friends, and your community. Be a person that others admire.    4    The process of working hard will teach you valuable lessons along the way; most importantly, it will teach you that failure is unavoidable but isn't something you should ever allow to hold you back. Change your strategy and try again.

Following these principles will surely bring success in school, work and life in general.    5    Be self-reliant, persevere through hard times and always work hard to achieve your dreams.

A.Learn from failures.
B.But you must rely on yourself.
C.When times get tough, hold on.
D.So it's important to get off to a good start.
E.Do the work that others won't and never complain.
F.And you can turn to your parents and friends for help.
G.Listen to the spirit of youth inside you and follow your instincts.
2022-01-26更新 | 207次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般