组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 单词辨析 > I > impression
题型:翻译-语篇翻译 难度:0.65 引用次数:67 题号:16458284
1. share answers______________ the class与全班同学分享答案
2. ______________ the first day______________   senior high在高中的第一天
3. What do you think of…? ______________
4. ______________对……好奇
5. too nervous to speak a word______________
6. ______________以……为自豪
7. first impression______________
8. ______________ campus在校园里
9. ______________最令人印象深刻的
10. over and over again______________


翻译-整句汉译英 | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐1】这座公园设施陈旧,疏于管理,荒草丛生,经改造后,却让人眼前一亮。(absence) (汉译英)
2023-05-11更新 | 322次组卷
翻译-词汇汉译英 | 适中 (0.65)
1. ________ n.国籍;民族→________ n.国家;民族;国民→________ adj.国家的;民族的
2. ________ n.设计者→________ n.设计;设计方案vt.设计;筹划
3. ________ n.登记;注册;挂号→________ vt. &vi.登记;注册
4. ________ adj.(性)的;雌的n.雌性动(植)物;女子→(反义词)________ adj.男(性)的;雄的n.雄性动(植)物;男子
5. ________ adj.正式的;正规的→(反义词)________ adj.非正式的;非正规的
6. ________ adj.焦虑的;不安的→________ n.焦虑;不安
7. ________ adj.恼怒的;生气的→________ vt.使恼怒;打扰→________ adj.使恼怒的;使生气的
8. ________ adj.惊吓的;害怕的→________ vt.使惊吓;使惊恐→________ adj.引起恐惧的;使惊恐的
9. ________ adj.级别(或地位)高的n.较年长的人→(反义词)________ adj.地位(或职位、级别)低下的n.职位较低者;(体育运动中)青少年
10. ________ n.印象;感想→________ vt.使钦佩;给……留下深刻的好印象vi.留下印象;引人注目
11. ________ adj.自信的;有把握的→________ n.信心;信任
12. ________ vt.组织;筹备;安排;组建vi.组建;成立→________ n.组织;团体;机构
13. ________ n.性格;个性→________ n人;个人→________ adj.个人的
2022-11-02更新 | 163次组卷
翻译-单词释义 | 适中 (0.65)
A. to make a judgement without having the exact details
B. to recognize sb/sth and be able to say who or what they are
C. to have or hold sth/sb within
D. disagreeing strongly with sth and trying to stop it
E. to carefully examine the facts of a situation, an event, a crime, etc. to find out the truth about it or how it happened
F. an idea, a feeling or an opinion that you get about sb/sth, or that sb/sth gives you
1. A balanced menu must contain foods full of taste and nutrition.
2. She was adamantly opposed to her husband taking this trip.
3. I asked three building firms to estimate for the repairs to the house.
4. She wore a little nurse’s hat on her head to identify her.
5. She left me with the impression that she was unhappy with her job.
2023-06-13更新 | 51次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般