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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:60 题号:17104018

Tips for Trying New Foods

If you’re traveling to another country or even another city and are unfamiliar(不熟悉)with the food there, the following can help you have a good food experience.

Talk to people living there. One of the best ways to discover a new favorite is to talk to the people who live there. Ask your hotel workers or a family there which restaurants they would go to, not just which they would recommend (推荐).     1    

Read reviews on the Internet.     2     Mobile apps allow customers of restaurants to upload reviews even before they have paid the check. This can be a useful tool for you if you are heading out to eat in some places you have never visited before.

    3     Thanks to sites like Instagram and Pinterest, it’ s never been easier to find new dishes. Online search is a great way to find actual dishes. Blogs and websites are of course another great way to find unusual dishes.

Be brave to try with new ingredients(配料).Don’t be afraid of unfamiliar ingredients.     4     One way is to choose a dish you are familiar with that has a new ingredient. For example, if you love pizza but have never tried goat cheese, choosing it as a topping can allow you to try a new ingredient without eating a lot of it.

    5     Sometimes you just have to let down your guard and try something that you think you might not like. A good way is to always try everything, just like you encourage children to do when they first start eating and trying new things. You may be surprised how many things you enjoy when trying different food.

A.Just go for it.
B.There are a lot of ways to try them.
C.Look at as many travel guides as possible.
D.Seek out new recipes (食谱)on social media.
E.Few things travel faster than word of mouth online.
F.Generally, those are where they think tourists want to go.
G.New foods can be found as close as just a few towns away.
【知识点】 方法/策略


阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Carbon Footprint

While making visits to national parks or forest preserves, you’ll often be told to leave nothing but foot-prints. However, wherever we go, we actually leave two sets of footprints.     1    , and the other is what is known as your carbon footprint. That refers to the level of greenhouse gases your lifestyle and activity produce and send out.

Often people consider their carbon footprint to be the result of their immediate use of fossil fuels and energy usage, like cooking with natural gas or using petrol to run their automobile.     2    . This may include the fossil fuel used to transport the food that you buy at your local grocery store, or the energy used to deal with the waste produced in your household.

Taking small step to reduce your carbon footprint and saving energy is actually fairly simple.     3     It requires the burning of fossil fuels to make the bottle, transport it, and get rid of it if it’s not recycled. Compared with it, in-house filtration (过滤) systems can reduce your influence and cost for water.

Unplugging appliances that are not frequently in use is another way to reduce your carbon foot-print.     4     , most of them have a standby mode (待机模式) that wastes energy. Cutting off power is the best way to ensure that unnecessary energy is not lost. What is more, new energy efficient light bulbs, filters, and appliances could also help reduce your carbon footprint.

    5    . With easy steps, you are on your way to reducing the size of the carbon footprint left behind.

A.Even when these appliances are not in use
B.For instance, the use of bottled water leaves a rather significant carbon footprint
C.Although fossil fuels may lead to carbon footprints
D.One is you physical footprint
E.We often forget footprints sometimes consequently do harm to the environment
F.However, your carbon footprint consists of many activities that can be far less obvious
G.In a word, less energy used means less greenhouses gas produced
2022-12-06更新 | 106次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约180词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】How to decorate the entrance of your home?

Each house narrates a different story of a person residing there. For most of us, the entryway is an insignificant place where we leave our shoes and keys, so it tends to become disorderly and cluttered.     1     Here, we have three ideas on how to decorate your entryway to make the right impression.

Add greenery

    2     These plants will instantly refresh the look of your home. You can go for potted plants or hang the plants at the entryway. You can either mount artificial plants on the wall or surround it with few pieces of artwork. These are affordable and budget friendly options.


The artwork is the best way to enliven your imagination. It can transport you to a different world. You can opt(选择) for large-scale painting that covers the wall or mini-paintings to enhance the look of the entryway.     4    

Experiment with bold shades

Experiment with bold shades to make the entrance look grand.    5     Since you will not spend much time at the entrance, you will not feel overwhelmed. You can paint the entrance of the home in bold patterns and shades.

A.Add a large artwork
B.Use your imagination
C.However, it is actually the best way to impress the guests.
D.Have a look at the entrance and ask whether this decoration looks impressive.
E.The best way to decorate the entrance of the home is to add leafy plants.
F.This way, your entrance will become a conversation starter for the guests.
G.Neutrals belonging to the past, add a pop of color to the entry of the home.
2020-11-18更新 | 83次组卷
阅读理解-信息匹配(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)

Laptop computers give us easy access to our e-mails, the Internet, or anything else you would use a computer for. laptops have many different sizes and features so you have to focus on what is important to you as a user. Here are some suggestions on how to select a laptop or a notebook computer:


You are looking for a laptop that suits your needs well, so if you are frequently traveling or are going to be transporting your laptop to different locations frequently, you must want to get a laptop that is light and not one that is big and bulky.


If you are performing more simple applications such as surfing the Internet and creating Word documents, you don't need a computer with the most processing power. These lower processing power computers are often referred to as net-books.

Consider how you will be connecting to the Internet

If you'll be using an Ethernet cable to connect to a home network, you will want a notebook with a wired Ethernet port. If you plan on connecting to the Internet from multiple places such as cafes or libraries, choose a computer that is Wi-Fi compatible.


If you will be moving around frequently and need to use your computer in places where you can't plug it in, be sure to get a laptop with a longer battery life.

Consider the security features

Some notebooks come with additional security features. I's possible to require an extra password to gain access to the operating system.

If you will be multi-tasking and using multiple computer programs at the same time be sure to get a notebook with more RAMs and a faster processor than normal.

A.Consider the size of the notebook computer
B.Consider how you plan on using the laptop
C.Consider the battery life
D.Consider upgrades and limitation
2020-06-28更新 | 144次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般