组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 天气与气候 > 描绘天气
题型:听力选择题-短文 难度:0.4 引用次数:53 题号:17108696
1. What is the speaker’s favorite season?
2. What does the speaker say about winter?
A.It is cool and mild.
B.It causes inconvenience.
C.It is a hot topic for people.
3. Where does the speaker probably live?
A.In the countryside.
B.Close to downtown.
C.In the warm south.
【知识点】 描绘天气 季节


听力选择题-短文 | 较难 (0.4)
1. When did it rain last time in Juarez?
A.Three days ago.B.A month ago.C.A year ago.
2. What season is it now?
3. What are the children and old people advised to do?
A.Drink plenty of water.B.Keep their homes cool.C.Take a walk in the afternoon.
4. What is the speaker doing?
A.Holding a meeting.B.Forecasting the weather.C.Hosting a radio program.
2021-01-14更新 | 72次组卷
听力选择题-短文 | 较难 (0.4)
1. What are the highest temperatures in Northern India now?
A.About 35℃.B.Almost 40℃.C.Over 45℃.
2. How many Indian people died in 2016 due to heat-related illnesses?
A.About 200.B.About 1,000.C.About 2,000.
3. What will be done under extremely high temperatures?
A.Government projects will be done at night.
B.Bottles of water will be sold at low prices.
C.School days will be reduced.
4. What will the weather be like late this month in India?
A.Cooler.B.All the same.C.Hotter.
2023-04-22更新 | 254次组卷
听力选择题-长对话 | 较难 (0.4)
1. What kind of place does the man like?
A.Sunny places.B.Rainy places.C.Cold places.
2. What does the man think of the summer in Britain?
A.It is too hot.B.It is quite cold.C.It is nicely warm.
3. What do most British men wear in the office?
4. What are the speakers mainly talking about?
A.Living in Britain.B.Weather around the world.C.The tradition of cloth industry.
2022-05-02更新 | 38次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般