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题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.65 引用次数:153 题号:17193980

Glen James was a homeless man. One day last year, he found     1     bag in the door of a shop while he was walking around a shopping centre     2     the city of Boston.

At first, he didn’t know     3     to do, but when he opened the bag, he saw there     4     (be) a wallet with $40,000 in it. So then he took it to the police. Many people thought that Mr. James did a     5     (wonder) thing. Later, a website     6     (decide) to raise money to help Mr. James because he had no home or job.     7     (final), they raised over $140,000 from people of different     8     (area) all over the world. Mr. James said, “I’m     9     (surprise) and so happy. This is going to change     10     (I) life.”

I’m going to play football tomorrow with him. I’m looking forward to it!


语法填空-短文语填(约220词) | 适中 (0.65)

It happened two years ago. I was getting ready to go to Beijing     1     I fell down the stairs and hurt my leg. I thought nothing     2     (bad) could happen to me, so I decided to go anyway.

I managed to talk my father into giving me a ride to the station, which was five     3     (kilometer) from our house. We planned     4     (set) out very early to catch the 7 a. m. train but the car wouldn’t start. When we finally left, it was already 6:30. My father is     5     very slow driver so I asked him to speed up. When we were doing 120 km/h a policeman stopped us     6     handed out a rather heavy fine to my father for speeding. I was very     7     (worry) — there were only fifteen minutes left and we were nowhere near the station yet.

Much to my annoyance, the car     8     (sudden) started to jerk (颠簸) and it soon turned out that we had run out of petrol. We had to stop at the petrol station to fill up the tank. We finally got to the station at three minutes to seven. I kissed my father goodbye,     9     (jump) on the train and settled down in my seat in relief. But as soon as we reached the next station, I realized that I     10     (get) on the wrong train: I was traveling to Wuhan, not Beijing!

2023-05-29更新 | 39次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约70词) | 适中 (0.65)

On the first day of my first grade, I     1     (stand) by the door with butterflies in my stomach. I voiced my biggest concern to my mother, “How will I make friends?” She     2     (hand) me advice, “Be yourself.” For the past 20 years, I     3     (live) by these words. Soon I will graduate and become part of the real world. Nervously facing     4     (challenge), I know I will whisper to myself the two simple words “Be yourself.”

2023-11-04更新 | 48次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 适中 (0.65)

So this is it — senior high school at last. I’m not outgoing so I’m a little     1     (anxiety) right now. I want to make a good first     2     (impress). Will I make any friends? What if no one     3     (talk) to me? I just had my first maths class at senior high school! The class was difficult,     4     the teacher was kind. He even told us a funny story and everyone laughed so much! I found most of my classmates and teachers friendly and     5     (help).

This afternoon we had our chemistry class in the science lab. The lab is new and the lesson was great, but the guy next to me tried to talk to me the whole time. I couldn’t concentrate     6     the experiment. I really wanted to tell him     7     (be) quiet and leave me alone.

What a day! This morning, I was worried that no one would talk to me. But I was wrong. I didn’t feel awkward or     8     (frighten) at all. I miss my friends from junior high school, but I believe I will make new friends here and there’s a lot     9     (explore) at senior high. I feel much more confident than I felt this morning. I think that tomorrow     10     (be) a great day!

2024-01-02更新 | 32次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般