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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:85 题号:17634913

How to Make the Most of Your Summer Vacation

From taking on a project to discovering a new part of town, summer is the best time to have loads of fun and prepare yourself for the next school year or the world beyond the classroom.

Learn a language to make new friends. There are few things more fun than being able to speak another language.    1    . Then find learning resources online. You can also look for opportunities to experience your new language in your community. For example, if you’re learning French, browse your local free newspaper to find French cultural activities in your area.

    2    . You can learn to create a website from the very beginning with HTML. Or, you can learn to create a website without computer language skills on a publishing platform like WordPress.    3    when your website is up and running. You can share links to your website on social media to build your personal brand, which looks great on college and job applications.

Find a job to earn some money.    4    . To make the most of your vacation and earn enough cash for fun activities, apply for jobs that interest you. If you like animals, for example, consider applying for a part-time job at a pet store.

Research colleges to find out which one suits you. Every college has a website, so start by visiting college websites that have majors that interest you. You can also read college review websites like USA Today and The Princeton Review to get a sense of things like how much colleges cost and what students think about their schools.     5    . If they’re free, they might even organize a fun road trip or two around campus visits.

A.Create a website to learn about web publishing.
B.Sign up to volunteer in local restaurants and stores.
C.Restaurants and stores often hire teens during the summer.
D.Consider asking your parents to take you on campus visits.
E.Consider publishing your photos, videos and original writings.
F.A foreign language is always a useful tool to learn another culture.
G.For maximum fun, choose one you’ve always been interested in learning.
【知识点】 方法/策略 假日活动


阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】How much physical activity do you do in a week? Are you getting enough exercise? Adults who do exercise for just 150 minutes a week can reduce their risk of serious illness by 50%. Regular exercise reduces the risk of early death by 30%.     1     Today, we are much less active than in the past. In fact many adults spend seven hours or more on a chair each day.   

    2     It means that we need to do something extra to burn more calories and use up all our energy. Adults need to do two and a half hours of moderate exercise per week. In addition, you should do exercise to strengthen muscles twice a week.

    3     Team sports such as football, rugby or cricket can be cheap because all the players share the cost of the pitch. Joining a sports club is usually a cheap way of getting exercise and can be very sociable, too.   

Alternatively, if you don't want to spend any money at all, go for a run. The only equipment needed for this is a pair of trainers     4     Go to the park. Try getting a group of friends or family together and have a game of football there.

Although adults should do two and a half hours of exercise a week, you don't have to do it all at one time.     5     If you do ten minutes before work ten minutes during your lunch break and ten minutes after work, five days a week, you've achieved the target! There are many ways of getting fit and we should all recognize the value of doing this, because we will live longer and be more healthy.

A.Divide the time into ten-minute periods!
B.You can do a range of activities to keep fit.
C.Exercise can be expensive, but it doesn't have to be.
D.This lack of regular physical activity is a big concern.
E.It also improves your mood, self-esteem and sleep quality.
F.Besides, booking a court at off- peak times saves money too
G.Similarly, getting off the bus one stop early and walking the extra distance helps.
2021-07-06更新 | 290次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐2】“It takes an entire village to raise a child.” That’s an old proverb(谚语) that is being quoted more and more often these days. And I’m pleased about that.
Today, more and more schools are reaching out to involve parents, community members and businesses to help shape a child’s future.
Parents need to be involved in their children’s education in many ways. Helping children with homework and studying, going on a field trip, teaching a craft or coaching a child’s sports team are all great ways to be involved with your child’s education. And don’t forget to communicate with teachers---they need and respect your input. Studies show that children learn more and schools function better when parents and schools work together. It’s important to stay in touch with your child’s education all through his or her school career.
Communities can help children create and achieve new goals. Help with homework, read to a child, coach a children’s team, or provide emotional support. Help solve problems and build self-esteem. Kids need role models and advisers can be role models by sharing their experiences and wisdom.
Businesses can also help shape our children’s future. Invite a class from your local school to visit your workplace. You may be providing a glimpse that opens a new world of possibilities. Show students what goes on during a typical day. Give a mini course for students: how to use a computer; how products are made; how machinery works. You may have a developing electrician, teacher, nurse, or even a newspaper reporter on your hands.
It really does take an entire village to raise a child. So share the responsibility---and the joy---of bringing a child to his or her full potential.
1. The implied advice in the proverb “It takes an entire village to raise a child.” is that ______.
A.All the people in a village should give food to a child.
B.Schools, parents, and other organizations should share the responsibility of shaping a child’s future.
C.Children’s should be brought up in the village where they were born.
D.Schools should be set up in the village where a child was raised.
2. The text was written mainly for _______________.
A.parents and members in organizations
B.teachers and students
C.newspaper reporters and developing electricians
D.education experts and government officials
3. Students can get developed in practical working skill through ______.
A.parental involvementB.community activities
C.business trainingD.school teaching
4. Which is NOT true according to the passage?
A.Parents play an important part in children’s education.
B.Communities have not a bit effect on the way to new and high ideal.
C.Educating a child well demands of the work not only from school but from other organizations.
D.Businesses may arrange some training courses for students.
2016-11-26更新 | 127次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约390词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Have you ever been labeled a “perfectionist”? Or do you consider yourself to be one? It’s attractive to see perfectionism as a positive quality—it shows that we pay close attention to detail and get things right! And, it is often viewed as a strength that helps people to produce high-quality work.     1     It can damage self-esteem, cause relationship problems, and, in extreme cases, it may even lead to serious health problems. If you think that you have a problem with perfectionism, the following strategies can help you to lessen its negative effects.   

Set realistic goals.     2     Instead, learn to think about your most important life and career goals. Then, break them down into smaller steps. Not only will this make it easier to reach your objectives, but you’ll also experience the thrill of achieving them.

    3     If you’re feeling anxious or unhappy about a task, they may be telling you that you’re trying to achieve the impossible. And adjust your targets accordingly! Perfectionists are often likely to start negative self-talk. If you catch yourself doing this, stop! Try using thought awareness to question your negative thoughts and add some positivity!

Focus on the bigger picture. Perfectionism can cause “tunnel vision”—when you focus on one small part of something but ignore the rest. You might, for instance, focus on getting a minor part of a presentation right, like the special effects, instead of concentrating on the meaning that you are trying to deliver. Remember to keep your focus on the bigger picture.     4    

Relax and go with the flow. The pursuit of perfection can make it extremely difficult to relax. And perfectionists prefer to maintain focus and to stick to their carefully laid plans. But relaxation isn’t just necessary for a healthy life. It can also improve your productivity and well-being. And you’ll be better at keeping perfectionism under control if you’re feeling rested, clear-headed and happy.     5     Get outside, be open to new experiences and new people, make use of relaxation techniques, and recognize when you need to switch off.

Most of all, don’t allow perfectionism or fear of failure to stop you from experiencing new things. Be open to new ways of thinking, new people, and new experiences. You might just find that letting go actually boosts your well-being, your relationships, and your performance.

A.Listen to your emotions.
B.So, take regular breaks at work.
C.Seek advice from qualified health professionals.
D.Your failings will seem less significant and you’ll reduce the urge to be perfect.
E.However, when perfectionism gets out of control, it can do more harm than good.
F.Perfectionists often set objectives so high that there’s little hope of ever achieving them.
G.If you’re afraid to make mistakes, it’s difficult to generate new ideas and seize opportunities.
2021-01-24更新 | 335次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般