组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 居住环境 > 周边环境与场所
题型:改错-短文改错 难度:0.65 引用次数:111 题号:18388713

Last Saturday, I was left alone at home, struggle with my history homework. To seek inspiration, I decided to hang out. I was wandering around the town center while I discovered a museum. Walking in, I saw some ancient fishing equipments on display. Then I went one floor up. That drew my attention were some old tape machines I have never seen before. Fascinated by its mystery, I listened to a lively introduction of their history. On the three floor, there was a unique prehistoric painting. But regretful, I wasn’t allowed take pictures. Anyway, the museum not only offered me with a source of inspiration but a place to relax.


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I grew up in a small town about a hour outside of Chicago. There were only a handful of local shops and cafes, and everyone know their neighbors as there were only twenty thousands people in the whole town! My parents used to let my brother and me walking to and from kindergarten every morning, and we were allowed to do whichever we like before dark. The only thing we had to worry about was getting bite by insects or getting sunburned from staying outdoor for too long! After high school, I went to college in the city. Taking the subway was much faster than riding my bike. People from all over the world spoke languages I never heard before. There were huge department stores where sold everything. The entertainment at all hours was my most favorite thing about the city.

2021-05-09更新 | 49次组卷
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People always say that we lack of the eyes of realizing the beauty in life. I can’t agree much. Last Sunday, I woke up very early and decide to take a walk. I found several elders bury in feeding birds in the square, there many people were dancing. Without many cars, I realized the city looked so clean but beautiful. Some coffee shops were well decorated, which attracted our eyes. The whole city was covered with green trees, making it green city. At this moment, I found the city was pretty well. How I regret ignore its beauty before!

2023-05-27更新 | 17次组卷
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2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

My hometown, that is in the south of Jilin Province, is an very beautiful village. It lies on the east bank of a small river, surrounding by green mountains. In the past, my hometown was poor, and people lead a hard life. They couldn't afford send their children to school. However, great changes have been taken place in my hometown in the past twenty years. Many families have not only color TV set, but also cell phones, fridges or computers. New roads, houses, schools and hospitals have been built recent. People in my hometown is working hard for a better life.

2021-05-17更新 | 30次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般