组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 环境 > 环境保护
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.4 引用次数:85 题号:18675680

In 1985, scientists reported a change in the atmosphere, a hole or thinning of ozone (臭氧) over Antarctica. Scientists were not sure what was causing.

Most scientists believe that man-made chemicals are destroying the ozone. They also have found signs of ozone loss in other parts of the atmosphere.

Ozone is found both in the air we breathe and in the upper atmosphere. Near the earth, ozone in the air is a danger to life. It is a waste product. But ozone found 10 to 50 kilometres up in the atmosphere protects life on earth. Ozone forms in the atmosphere through the action of solar radiation (太阳辐射). Once formed, the ozone blocks harmful radiation from reaching the earth. Scientists say a reduction in ozone and an increase in the harmful radiation will cause many more cases of skin cancer and will harm crops, animals and fishes.

The report said it is about 8 degrees colder 15 kilometres above earth than it was in 1979. Scientists think the first loss of ozone reduces the amount of solar energy the atmosphere can take in. This cools the atmosphere, increases ice cloud production and leads to more ozone loss.

Scientists found signs the ozone problem has spread. The study shows that the loss of ozone over the areas with larger population in North America and Europe was at least three times greater than scientists had thought. The ozone levels reduced much more seriously during winter months than in warmer months. This is not surprising because the amount of ozone in the atmosphere changes with the temperature.

An international effort is being made to stop the loss of ozone in the atmosphere. But many experts fear that the effort will not produce results fast enough to prevent harm to life on the earth.

1. The passage is mainly about ______.
A.a change in atmosphere
B.the solar radiation
C.the ozone problem
D.a hole in Antarctica
2. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.Ozone in the atmosphere is a danger to life.
B.Since ozone in the air is harmful to life, the less ozone in the atmosphere the better.
C.Ozone is a kind of man-made chemical product.
D.The ozone up above us can stop harmful radiation from getting to the earth.
3. From the passage we learn that ______.
A.the scientists have done a great deal to stop the earth getting warm
B.the temperature in 1979 was much colder than it is now
C.ozone holds solar energy and helps atmosphere take it in
D.successful efforts have been made to stop the loss of the ozone
4. This passage mainly wants to ______.
A.draw people’s interest in atmosphere
B.call the public attention to ozone problem
C.help people to know the change in air
D.tell people some information about atmosphere
【知识点】 环境保护 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐1】Amazon’s chief executive officer, Jeff Bezos, refused to address employees’ demands that the company take action on the climate crisis at its annual shareholder meeting.

About 50 members of the group Amazon Employees for Climate Justice attended the event, representing 7,700 staffers who signed a letter publicly urging Amazon to change its climate policy. Employees put forth a proposal (提议) at the meeting requesting a public report on climate change from Amazon’s board (董事会) of directors. The board suggested shareholders vote against it, and it was not passed.

After the proposal failed to pass, employees attempted to meet Jeff Bezos, who refused to meet with them.

“Jeff remained off-stage, ignored the employees and would not speak to them. Jeff’s inaction and lack of meaningful response indicated his dismissal of the climate crisis,” the group said in a statement after the event.

At a press conference following the shareholder meeting, the employees suggested Amazon should put forth a timeline for reaching a zero emission (排放) goal.

“Amazon has the scale and resources to spark the world’s imagination and lead the way on addressing the climate crisis. What we’re missing is the leadership from the very top of the company,” said Jamie Kowalski, a software engineer who co-filed the resolution and attended the shareholder meeting.

The proposal noted that other tech giants have released reports on their contributions to climate change and have committed to addressing concerns. Microsoft has been carbon neutral (碳中和), meaning it balances its carbon emissions with carbon removal. Google has been carbon neutral since 2007.

A spokesman from Amazon confirmed that none of the shareholder proposals outlined ahead of the vote were passed, including the request for a report on climate change. The employee group said in the press conference that the board’s standpoint on the proposal made it difficult to pass. They said they would continue to pressure Amazon.

1. Why wasn’t the proposal from employees passed?
A.The board wasn’t in favour of it.
B.They didn’t provide all the details.
C.Some workers didn’t sign their names.
D.They didn’t seek Jeff Bezos’ approval first.
2. What does the underlined word “dismissal” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?
A.Having curiosity.B.Having confidence.
C.Lack of attention.D.Lack of experience.
3. What’s Jamie Kowalski’s attitude to Jeff Bezos?
4. Why did the proposal mention Microsoft and Google?
A.To show other companies have taken action.
B.To show Amazon will follow other companies.
C.To show all companies are facing great pressure.
D.To show big companies care less about the environment.
2020-10-25更新 | 73次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐2】Researcher Ruijia Hu said wildlife habitat in crowded places like south went Ohio is becoming increasingly fragmented (分散) as forests give way to new construction. Eventually, this could make trouble to an animal with specific habitat needs like Ohio’s pileated (红冠) woodpecker.

Pileated woodpeckers have the nickname carpenter birds for their never-ending natural woodworking. They peck out holes in trees for their nests every year, creating lots of valuable homes for animals like fox squirrels and owls. “They make new nests every year. They won’t reuse old ones,” Hu said. “Other animals depend on them.”

Pileated woodpeckers are private birds that are more often heard than seen. Studying them can be especially difficult. So Hu turned to citizen science for help. To identify where woodpeckers have been seen, she used eight years of sightings collected by birders and logged into the website eBird, a free online tool and app that anyone can use to record their observations and locations. She overlaid these sightings with remote sensing data and found that corridors along rivers and creeks with abundant mature trees and deadwood helped the birds adjust to their increasingly fragmented urban landscape.

“With fragmented forests, many habitats that were once suitable for wildlife are broken up,” Hu sa id. “Wildlife is unable to find habitat big enough to meet their survival needs. And even if there are suitable habitats, the distance between them can be too great. Wildlife corridors link up these habitat patches. Since wildlife can travel and migrate from one patch to another, the probability of finding food and shelter is higher.”

“There are so many species in urban areas that we don’t pay attention to, especially when they’re not considered vulnerable,” Hu said. “With development chipping away at more forest in this crowded county, the tipping point (临界点) could come quickly and unexpectedly. You can’t fix it overnight. It’s not just about planting more trees. The birds need mature forest, so it could take 30 to 50 years to replace their habitat. At least we can protect these riverside forest corridors and see that existing trees reach maturity.”

1. What can we infer from the second paragraph?
A.The magpie’s nest is occupied by the dove.
B.Birds abandon the old for the new easily.
C.Friendship really exists among animals.
D.One’s trash is another treasure.
2. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?
A.The effect of   Hu’s study on birds.
B.The process of   Hu’s   research.
C.The difficulty Hu had in his study.
D.The application of technology.
3. What role do wildlife corridors play for birds?
A.Helping them survive in the fragmented landscape.
B.Making them adjust to deadwood quickly.
C.Providing them with enough food for survival.
D.Ensuring them a stable and safe habitat.
4. What does Hu imply in the last paragraph?
A.One tree doesn’t make a forest.
B.Be wise after the event.
C.Prepare for a rainy day.
D.Take things as they come.
2023-05-26更新 | 577次组卷
阅读理解-阅读表达(约510词) | 较难 (0.4)

Your Food Choices Affect the Earth’s Climate

Every action has a cost, even for growing food and delivering it to your dinner plate. A team of researchers has found that meat production releases more climate-warming pollution than it does when producing fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains. Their calculations suggest that people could do a lot to slow global warming if they limited how much meat they eat.

There are plenty of “costs” of food. As to the visible costs, people pay money for the food as well as the fuel needed to get groceries to the store or restaurant. However, producing foods also takes resources,for example,the water used to irritate (灌溉)crop fields or the fertilizer and chemicals used to promote plant growth and fight pests.

Peter Scarborough at the University of Oxford in England decided to calculate some of the less-visible pollution created by food production. His team focused on greenhouse gases emitted through the production of our food, including carbon dioxide(CO2),methane(甲烷) and the nitrous oxide. All three gases are important. While CO2 is the greenhouse gas released in the highest volume, methane and nitrous oxide stay in the atmosphere far longer than CO2 does. As such, they are more powerful in warm the earth’s atmosphere.

They used a computer to change the methane and nitrous-oxide emissions for each person’s diet into its carbon dioxide “equivalent.”That’s the amount of CO2 needed to warm Earth’s atmosphere by the same amount as the methane or nitrous oxide would.

As for the calculations of the carbon dioxide “equivalent(等量)”, in the 1990s, a survey asked65,000 adults what they typically had eaten throughout the past year. Scarborough’s team fed those data into a computer and then included the amount of green house gases linked with producing nearly100 common foods. Then the computer matched those green house-gas amounts to the mix of foods each person had reported eating.

It shows that the diet of someone whose meals included an average of 50 to 99 grams of meat each day would be responsible for the daily release of 5.6 kilograms of CO2 equivalent while those vegans had the lowest diet-linked greenhouse-gas emissions (2.9 kg of CO2 equivalent).

Its authors conclude that reducing the intake of meat and other animal-based products can make a valuable contribution to climate change reduction. And compared to meat, more plant-based food calories can be grown on more lands with less water and other resources. In places where many people are going hungry, raising meat may make it harder to ensure that everyone gets enough to eat.

1. What are the visible costs of food mentioned in the article?
2. According to the author, why can our food choices affect the earth’s climate?
3. Please underline the inappropriate part in the following statement and explain why.
Plant-based food can adapt to more types of lands than meat, but they may have a higher requirement of water and other resources, which can be a disadvantage of such food.
4. Apart from food choices, are there any other ways for you to protect the environment? List two or more.
2021-05-02更新 | 240次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般