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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:203 题号:18681570

How to Teach Your Child to Be a Good Friend

Your child who struggles with making friends and maintaining friendships may exhibit some behavioral issues. Physical aggression and name-calling often arise. A quiet character and social anxiety can also lead to difficulty making friends    1    

Instill self-esteem(灌输自尊思想). The first step in teaching your child to be a good friend is to teach them to take pride in themselves.    2    Additionally, a child with a strong sense of self will build healthier friendships down the road.

Teach social skills.    3    Role-play with your child to teach them how to have polite conversations with others. Practise taking turns, sharing, respecting other people’s boundaries, and showing care for their feelings. Your child also needs to know how to apologize, argue with a friend respectfully and listen to others.

    4    From Frog and Toad to Winnie the Pooh and Christopher Robin, children’s literature is filled with strong friendships. Use books as an opportunity to talk about what makes those friendships work, and what qualities the characters displayed to develop their friendships.

Find teachable moments. As a parent, you may run into situations where your child doesn’t act like the best friend they could be. Your child may have moments of conflict, drama and fights with their friends. Try to turn these moments into teachable moments.    5    Eventually, they’ll get the hang of it. With your guidance and a little practice, your child will turn into a caring, kind and trustworthy friend.

A.Read books about friendship to your child.
B.Encourage your child to share their favorite books.
C.Fortunately, it’s not difficult for you to be a good friend.
D.Appropriate social behavior isn’t what a person is born with.
E.Ask them how a good friend would have acted in the situations.
F.However,there are many ways to help your child develop friendship skills.
G.When a child has a strong sense of self, they won’t join in mean behaviors to fit in.
【知识点】 方法/策略 朋友


阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Is it difficult for you to fall asleep at night, and almost impossible to get up in the morning? Oversleeping is often caused by a lack of sleep or a restless nighttime routine.    1     Luckily, we can do something with oversleeping.


Hitting the snooze (打盹) button on the alarm in the morning for five more minutes sleep can be a lot of people’s choice. However, when you hit snooze, your brain goes even deeper into your sleep cycle. By the time you hit “snooze” several more times, and finally wake up, you will feel even more tired than if you got up with your alarm. So, if possible, instead of having your alarm close to your bed, put your alarm clock somewhere that forces you to get out of bed. Besides, make morning routine positive.     3     Treat the morning like a positive experience and look forward to your day.

Adjust sleep habits

Do a relaxing activity before bed.     4     Then, keep your bedroom dark. Put up heavy curtains or shades to block the light from windows. You can also use a sleep mask to cover your eyes to help you sleep.

Talk to your doctor

When everything is tried but in vain, then speak to your doctor about problems with oversleeping. Your doctor may get you tested for sleep disorders.     5     You may also need to let him know if you are having chronic (慢性的)issues with sleep. It is a serious issue. You should tell him if you suffer from headaches or back pain.

A.Change morning routine
B.Adjust your daily arrangements
C.Stretch, get up, and let the morning light in
D.It can lead to many oversleeping symptoms
E.You may try sleeping pills to get yourselves calm when necessary
F.You need to describe your specific symptoms or sleeping problems
G.This could be a warm bath, a good book, or a quiet conversation with your partner
2020-09-07更新 | 119次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】As a parent, you want your kids to do their best in school. You already know plenty of sleep, healthy food and some school supplies are necessary. However, what else do children need to be successful without a professional homework helper?     1    

Avoid delaying tasks.

One mistake students usually make is postponing unpleasant work and deliberately looking for distraction. Teach your children that the workload isn't going to get smaller if they wait longer.     2    

Break projects down.

Many children get stressed out when they have big assignments due.     3     Often people get frightened by the difficulty of tasks without understanding that the large task is actually just made up of smaller ones. Another solution is to use a project proposal to help keep them on track with homework and projects.


There are a growing number of online references and homework resources. Not only will your children be better prepared for class the next day, but they’ll also learn a valuable lesson about how to research and find information online. From them you can also find ideas for educational activities that you can do with your children.   

Keep it ordered.

    5     Hence, have your kids keep ahead of their homework with an organized system. For example, they could use a scheduling application like Asana or Trello to manage projects with arranged dates, or they might stick to an old-fashioned pen and a paper planner. See what works best for them and go from there.

A.Get help online.
B.Focus on homework.
C.Online learning is becoming more and more popular.
D.Teach them to break larger projects into smaller pieces.
E.Organization is the key to success, because it can maximize efficiency.
F.Here are some tips from professionals for helping your children with it.
G.Instead, it will only become larger and seem more difficult to get started.
2023-12-07更新 | 32次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】If you can’t get your hands off your cell-phone, you have unknowingly become a slave to this device. Being addicted to a cellphone can be potentially harmful. Here are some reasons why you should use your cellphone less.

    1     Very often you forget the world outside your cellphone. Just leave the phone at home, take a walk, and get to know what you really want in life. Discover what sparks your interest and pursue it with all your heart.

You should focus more on personal interactions in real life. Can you hug your dad and feel his strength through the phone?     2     These are small gestures that play a big role in life. Cellphones just take these precious things away from you.

Your grades will go up. Leave your phone behind when going to school. Once you get home, don’t lie on the bed and text your friends.     3     Your grades will improve.

You need to give your mind a break. Constantly chatting on the phone puts too much pressure on your brain, which does great harm to both your physical and mental health.     4    

You need to keep away from anxiety. Research has shown that people who use cellphones all day long are more anxious and restless. They seem to look for recognition and acceptance through the device.     5     Therefore, keep the phone away to keep anxiety at bay.

A.Get through your homework first.
B.Do you often care about your mom?
C.You should develop your true interests.
D.You should continuously learn new things.
E.Can you kiss your mom good-night over the phone?
F.When they don’t get that, they will become depressed.
G.So make your mind rest so that you can think and function well the next day.
2024-02-25更新 | 109次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般