组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 个人情况 > 个人经历
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.65 引用次数:74 题号:18870149

It was an early Saturday morning, about 5:30 am. My mom called to me, “Austin, get up! Time to go and serve the homeless!” I dragged myself out of bed.

I started serving the homeless when I was eight years old. I didn’t know these people would make such a big difference in my life.

Two Saturdays a month I go to the church and help get things ready for breakfast. When the gate is opened, people come rushing in to get coffee, juice or milk. They take their seats while breakfast is prepared, and then we begin to serve. We each grab two plates and carry them down the line as the plates are filled. Each person receives two pancakes, a scoop of eggs, hashbrowns, and two sausages. I walk to the tables where the people are sitting and set the plates before them. I always make sure that I smile. After I’ve served them, I ask if they need anything else and bring them whatever they ask for. Some say thank you, some don’t, but I don’t care. I’m there to serve them.

When I first started serving, I was a little scared. Some of the people were wearing clothes with patches on them and shoes with holes in them. They were not that clean and their teeth were yellow or missing. At first I stayed close to my mom most of the time, but after I got to know these strangers I realized that they were nice, friendly people. And the inside of them was often nicer than the outside. I started talking to my new friends and realized that there was no reason to be scared. After serving for a few months, I started to look forward to seeing the same people each week.

Take Cowboy. He always puts me in a good mood. When I see him, he always says, “Austin! How are you?” I’ve often heard him say that I am a really hard worker. This makes me feel really good inside because I know I’m making a difference in someone’s life.


Then there’s Curtis. He’s a really big guy.


All of these people make my day much better.



书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)


Mitzvah is a word my grandmother often said to me since my childhood. It’s a Hebrew word that means “to do a good deed”. But according to my grandmother, it also had another meaning. This was the one she was always pointing out to me because she’d noticed how shy I was about letting people do things for me. “Linda, it’s a blessing to do a mitzvah for someone else, but sometimes it’s a blessing to let another person do something for you.” I never really understood what she meant until recently.

It was three months ago, and I'd just moved into an apartment for college in Brooklyn, New York, Several of my friends had offered to help me settle in after the moving men left, but I'd said I could manage. Letting them help did not fit my image of myself as a capable and independent woman of 21.

As December arrived, getting to school became more difficult. One day, snowflakes had been falling past my window for several hours when it came time to leave for class. I put on two sweaters, a coat, a wool hat and boots making for the bus stop. In this December storm it was a hard journey. As I tied around my neck the blue scarf that Grandma had knitted(编织) for me, I could almost hear her voice: “Why don't you see if you can find a lift?” A thousand reasons came into my mind: I don't know my neighbours; I feel funny asking for favours. Pride(自尊心) would not let me ask even though I came across three neighbours at the door of the apartment building. One of them was the woman living upstairs, and in her hand there was an obvious car key.

Result? An hour of waiting in the bitter cold before the bus finally arrived, followed by another half-hou journey. When I sneaked into the classroom, the class was almost over. If only I had taken the chance and asked for help! It would have been a 10-minute ride by car, Grandma would be shaking her head at my stubbornness(固执).

Paragraph 1:

On the day of my final exam, I again walked to the bus stop through heavy snow.

Paragraph 2:

As I pushed open the door of my apartment building, I found myself face to face with the woman from upstairs.

7日内更新 | 27次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

The last race of the day was over. My breathing gradually stilled along with the ripples (波纹) in the pool, but I stayed in the water, watching sadly as the winners gathered for the medals ceremony.

“Don’t look so sad,” I heard a voice say behind me. I turned around to see a tall, blond, blue-eyed man standing on the edge of the pool. “You came in fourth, but you are the best in your country.” he said smiling,“I’m Ken Schafer, and you?”

“Rima Datta.”

“And how old are you, Rima?”

“Fourteen, Sir.”I replied lifting myself out of the water. Ken was a swimming coach from California and asked me about my life as a swimmer until then.

My eldest brother, Anil, had taught me how to swim, but I had no real training until I was nine when a coach from the National Institute of Sports came for just three months a year to train the boys at Mayo College, where our father taught. She set aside a couple of hours a week for the daughters of the staff. It was she who had corrected my mistakes and encouraged me to take part in competitions.

Surprised to hear how little steady training I had had, Ken introduced me to the National Institute of Sports in Patiala to be trained in this summer. The train was hard, and I felt quite lonely away from my parents and all that was familiar. But it was Ken,with his tireless enthusiasm, his passion for swimming, and his faith in me that kept me focused.

I won my first gold medal at the national championship that year, a fact that filled me with immense joy and Ken with a sense of satisfaction that his work with me was paying off. Yet he realized that what I really needed was a team to train with and steady coaching year-round.

Then he persuaded my parents to allow me to go to California and train there for a year. He even helped find out a host family for me.

Alone on the long flight to Los Angeles, I was filled with doubts, as I had never lived with a strange family.
2023-03-07更新 | 53次组卷
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My husband was out of town for work last week. When he travels, he typically is only gone for a day or two, but this time it was a few days longer. He was supposed to come home the next night, but as he was boarding the plane, his flight had been canceled(取消)and he had to return to the hotel to wait for the next flight. He learned very quickly that the city was struggling against a high crime rate. He was not able to get a Uber or taxi at 4:30 am to get to the airport for his flight due to workers being fearful of their lives. When I told my kids that their dad was not going to be home that night, they were both upset.

My husband was the head coach of my children’s baseball team. They had a game the next morning and my husband was trying so badly to make it home in time. The thought of possibly missing our son’s game really made him mad. He wanted to be there because this was their thing and he didn’t want to let him or the other boys down.

A young man by the name of Asher, who worked at the hotel my husband stayed at, overheard my husband’s dilemma(窘境). He realized my husband was not able to take a vehicle to the airport. This young man offered to wake up and get my husband to the airport at 4:30 am. My husband was in shock—a complete stranger would offer to do such a big act of kindness. When he called to tell me the possible ride, he was so hopeful. This young man honored his word and brought my husband to the airport safely.

I didn’t want to get my sons to have too high expectation, so I told him, “Dad is trying to get home for your game but I am not sure whether he will make it.” That morning, on the way to the baseball field, both my kids looked up in the sky during the entire ride to the field and pointed at the planes in the sky saying, “Maybe that’s Dad’s plane.”


We saw some children and their parents at the entrance when arriving at the stadium.


Just then, I received a call from my husband.

2023-06-21更新 | 122次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般