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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:83 题号:18974957

Flash fiction is a fictional short story. If you are willing to write flash fiction on your own, here are some tips.

Select a genre(体裁)for your writing.

To begin with, decide your genre first.    1    Your genre can be science fiction, horror,thriller(惊险小说), or romance, depending on what you like and on readers’demand.

Choose an interesting name for your title.

A title is something that attracts readers.    2    Therefore, as a writer, you should know how to play with words and create unique titles. The title should hold the attention of a more significant number of people.


With flash fiction, you don’t have time for lengthy explanations, character introductions, and setting descriptions. You need to go straight into what is happening in order to get everything you want in the story.

Be closely related.

When writing flash fiction, you should know what you’re writing about. Understand what your characters are feeling and experiencing. Pretend you’re a director and see each of your scenes slowly.

Focus on one moment at a time.

Describing one moment at a time. Don’t rush into a new character or scene.    4    This way, with the limited word count, you get to bring light to every aspect of flash fiction.

Use strong imagery.

Using strong imagery can help readers better form a picture in their minds. It’ll bring alive the scenes and the characters.    5    Good flash fiction has vivid(逼真的)imagery described in every part of the story

Create a surprise.

Ending the story with a surprise leaves readers thinking about the story. Your purpose for writing is halfway done when you leave readers guessing what else could have happened.

A.Jump into the action.
B.Explore the scenes fully.
C.Concentrate on a particular part of the story.
D.A wide variety of genres are quite popular these days.
E.It should increase curiosity and make more readers want to read.
F.Through the actions, readers can pull some ideas about the characters.
G.Therefore,having a picturesque description makes the writing feel realistic.
【知识点】 方法/策略 小说


阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Get Comfortable Giving Honest Feedback

Should you cautiously tell a coworker she’s been mispronouncing a client’s name? Or would you tell someone about the piece of vegetable left in his teeth?     1     Recent research finds that a common cognitive error may help explain why—and that a simple approach could help overcome it.

In five experiments, study participants took part in real-time interactions in which they gave or received feedback. Those who gave feedback estimated how much the other person wanted to hear a well-intentioned criticism; receivers reported their actual desire for constructive critiques.

    2     The miscalculation was particularly obvious when the feedback was considered rather essential for the result, as well as when those offering the information predicted that doing so would be socially uncomfortable, either for themselves or for the receiver.

The underestimation is likely due to a human tendency to ascribe (归因) different motives and desires to others than we do to ourselves, says Harvard doctoral student Nicole Abi-Esber, who authored the study. People tend to want feedback for themselves, but they underestimate how much others want it, too.     3    

Skipping offering constructive criticism could have consequences. In one study, the subjects were asked to engage in a public-speaking contest. The feedback-givers, again, underestimated the speakers’ desire for constructive criticism.     4     Yet it was the speakers who heard more critical feedback that showed the most improvement.

Is it possible to overcome this and get better at giving feedback when it’s most needed?     5    “Take a second and imagine you are the other person,” Abi-Esber suggests. If you’d want feedback, it’s likely the other person feels the same—and might even be grateful that you took the time to speak up.

A.They chose to give them praises instead.
B.A quick role-exchanging exercise could move the needle.
C.It can also help identify potential problems before they occur.
D.The reason is that they’re not putting themselves in the other person’s shoes.
E.How you ask for feedback may stop you from hearing what you need to hear.
F.Many people hesitate to offer such honest criticism even when the benefits seem obvious.
G.Feedback-givers always underestimated how much others wanted to hear helpful criticism.
2024-01-24更新 | 114次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Competition is all around us and it makes the strong stronger and weak weaker. It can also teach us how to survive in a fast-paced and stressful world.     1     How many of us have seen young boys weeping because their teams didn’t win inter-school tournament? How many of us have seen young teenagers cheat just to win?     2    . So it’s important to develop healthy competition among children.

When it comes to encouraging healthy competition among children, the first thing to do is set goals for them to stick to.     3    .

Since children may be easily affected by wrong ideas from popular media and the Internet, it’s up to you to develop the right kind of spirit in them. Team spirit will help them grow into human beings who aren’t easily annoyed by small losses or too excited by victors.     4     So give them examples where family members refused to cheat to win.

    5     When they take an exam, don’t ask about how much they expect to score. Instead, ask what they wrote about. If your son played a cricket match at school, don’t ask him whether his team won or lost; ask him how many runs he scored and encourage him to score higher next time instead. When you let you children know that you’re more interested in how they performed rather than whether they lost or won, they will surely try to better themselves.

A.However children can be hit by competition.
B.These are the effects of unhealthy competition.
C.Sending your children the right signals is also important.
D.We should also encourage healthy communication among children.
E.Care more about children’s mood rather than then results in a sports match.
F.However, you mustn’t push them too hard and burden them with too high a goal.
G.In addition, they may also not want to adopt any method to win, like cheating or lying.
2022-05-06更新 | 67次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Helpful Pet Tips

Selecting the Right Pet

Keep the following questions in mind before bringing home a new companion:

    1     A large dog will need lots of room to exercise, so if you live in a small apartment, you may prefer the company of a cat.

◇ How much attention can you give? You don’t want your new pet to be lonely if you frequently work late or travel. A fish is a wise choice.

◇ Do you have children or will children frequently visit your home? Some animals are just better with kids due to their nature.     2    

Are there any tasks you would like the animal to perform? If you’re looking for a guard dog, you’ll want different qualities than if you’re purely seeking companionship.

Keeping Pets Healthy and Happy

One of the top pet lips for potential owners is making .sure you’re feeding your new friend properly. Ask your veterinarian about the nutritional needs of an animal of its age, size and breeding,     3     In addition, owners must safeguard the health of their pets. This means staying up-to-date on immunizations(防疫针) and check-ups.     4     In this way, you can help you notice the first signs of potential illness. Timely treatment can prevent any unnecessary suffering or ill effects.

    5     This helps keep animals at a healthy weight while also providing opportunities for pets and owners to bond. In the end, attention and affection will go a long way toward keeping your new family member happy and contented.

A.How much space do you have?
B.Some families want a puppy for hours of play.
C.Buy top-quality food or seek out natural food.
D.How much energy do you expect from your pet?
E.Keep an eye out for changes in appearance or behavior.
F.Make sure you’re also devoting proper time to your companion’s exercise.
G.You want a pet that will accept your child’s attention, not get nervous or bite.
2018-08-05更新 | 89次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般