组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 环境 > 自然灾害与防范
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:428 题号:19073077

As an intense heat wave sweeps through China, residents are seeking relief in air raid shelters and swimming pools to stay cool, and dozens of cities, including Shanghai, Chongqing and Hangzhou, have issued their highest-level red alert warnings. Shanghai has issued three red alerts this year, with the temperature hitting 40.9 Celsius on July 13, matching the record set in 2017 since 1873. The fact that Shanghai has experienced only 16 days of 40°C-plus temperatures since the city began keeping records in 1873 should give us an idea about the seriousness of the situation.

Medical experts say extreme heat could cause nausea (恶心), fatigue, sunstroke and even death, with senior citizens and people with long-term illnesses particularly vulnerable to heat waves.

Extreme heat events, which began a month ago, have affected the lives of more than 900 million people in China. Between June 1 and July 12, the average number of days with temperatures above 35°Cwas 5.3, up 2.4 days over normal years, breaking the national record set in 1961, according to the National Climate Center.

Parts of Europe are also in the grip of heat waves and experiencing extreme weather events after the western part of North America faced extreme heat waves last year. In response to the exceptionally high temperatures, the United Kingdom has declared a national emergency and issued the highest-level red alert warning for Monday and Tuesday for the first time. More alarmingly, the average global temperature in June this year was 0.4°C higher than normal years and the highest since 1979, with temperatures in countries such as Spain, France and Italy exceeding 40°C.

Unfortunately, extreme heat, which is directly related to climate change, will become more frequent and intense in the next 30 years, setting new records for high temperatures. As global warming intensifies, losses and devastation will increase, forcing natural and human systems to raise their adaptation limits.

1. What can we know about the heat waves this year?
A.It may cause more harm to the old and people with long-term illnesses.
B.The number of days above 35°Cin June breaks the national record.
C.Shanghai has experienced a higher temperature than that in 2017.
D.The whole Europe as well as America are suffering from the heat waves.
2. How does the author develop the text?
A.By analyzing and concluding.B.By explaining and contrasting.
C.By giving examples and quoting.D.By giving figures and comparing.
3. According to the writer, what is the trend of extreme heat?
A.Becoming more serious.B.Remaining stable.
C.Staying unpredictable.D.Getting controllable.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.The solutions to the climate change.B.The economic losses from heat waves.
C.The increase of severe heat waves.D.The destructive effect of global warming.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】The United States has more tornadoes (龙卷风) than any other country in the world. In a normal year there are 800 to 1,000 tornadoes. Most happen in the middle part of the country. Tornadoes form when warm and cool air meet. In the Midwest, the warm air from the Gulf of Mexico often meets the cold air from Canada.

The usual tornado season is March through May. Tornadoes form most often in the afternoon and early evening. There is often no warning of a tornado. People who live in the Midwest know the signs (征兆) of tornado activity. The sky becomes dark, often a greenish color. Dark clouds appear in the sky and there is often large hail (冰雹). Suddenly, there is a loud sound, like a train or a jet plane. Sometimes, two, three, five, ten or more tornadoes can form over a large area.

This type of tornado activity hit Oklahoma and Kansas in May 1999. The day was stormy, with heavy thunderstorms in the afternoon. As the storms continued, tornadoes began to form. Dozens of tornadoes hit towns and neighborhoods in Oklahoma, then in Kansas. Some stayed on the ground for several hours, destroying everything they touched. The tornadoes killed 43 people and injured 600 others. They destroyed thousands of homes and businesses. In some areas, not one home stood. In other areas, the tornadoes destroyed every home on the left side of the street, but didn't touch any homes on the right side. The tornadoes lifted people and cars into the air and then threw them back down to earth. So it is important to know where to hide and how to protect yourself in the face of a tornado.

1. What can we learn about tornadoes in America?
A.There are more tornadoes in the Eastern States.
B.They usually happen in the summer.
C.They may appear in groups.
D.There are more than 1,000 tornadoes every year.
2. The tornadoes that hit Oklahoma and Kansas in May 1999 _____.
A.took place at the same time
B.brought death and serious damage
C.came and went quickly
D.were the biggest in history
3. What will the author most probably talk about next?
A.Tornado dangers and warning signs.
B.How a tornado forms.
C.Different kinds of tornadoes.
D.How to stay safe during a tornado.
2020-03-05更新 | 30次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】We should all have at least one fire extinguisher somewhere in our home, but it’s not enough to simply keep one under the kitchen sink. If there is a fire, your safety — and the safety of your home — depends on knowing how to use that fire extinguisher correctly. In case your fire extinguisher has been sitting around collecting dust, here’s everything you need to know before brushing it off and fighting a fire in your home the right way.

Steps for proper extinguisher use

Once you understand the different types of fire extinguishers and their uses, you need to be able to properly operate one.

Step 1: Identify a clear exit/escape route

Before operating the fire extinguisher, make sure you have a clear evacuation path. If you cannot put out the fire, you’ll need to make a safe exit. Also, make sure everyone else is being evacuated from the building.

Step 2: Call the fire department

Even if the fire appears manageable, you should always have the fire department on the way. Once firefighters arrive, they can double-check whether the fire has been completely extinguished.

Step 3: Stand back

Face the fire and keep your back to the clear exit. You should stay between 1.8 and 2.5 meters away from the flames as you prepare to operate the fire extinguisher.

Step 4: Operate the extinguisher

It can be difficult to think clearly during an emergency. Thankfully, there is a long-standing acronym (首字母缩略词) — PASS — to help you recall the steps involved in operating your fire extinguisher.

P: Pull the pin (保险销) on the fire extinguisher.

A: Aim low. Point the nozzle at the base of the fire instead of the flames.

S: Squeeze the handle or lever to discharge the extinguisher.

S: Sweep the nozzle back and forth until the flames are extinguished.

Step 5: Keep an eye on things

After the flames appear to be out, continue to watch the fire area to make sure it doesn’t reignite. If the fire does start up again, repeat the “PASS” process.

Step 6: Get to a safe place

Once the fire is out, or if you are unable to put it out, leave the scene. Find a place out of reach of the fire.

1. According to the passage, what is the top priority in a fire emergency?
A.Find out how to escape.
B.Operate a fire extinguisher.
C.Call the fire department.
D.Escape and leave everything behind.
2. The following pictures show the four steps of the “PASS” process. According to the passage, what is their correct order?

3. According to the passage, after a fire appears to have been extinguished, we should _________.
A.leave the fire area at once
B.repeat the “PASS” process
C.inspect the fire area carefully
D.have the fire department on the way
2024-04-17更新 | 28次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】In November 2020, Hurricane Eta made landfall in Central America. The storm caused huge damage from Panama to Florida. Two weeks later, Hurricane lota arrived. It was even more powerful. Heavy rain fell on places that were already flooded. President Juan Orlando Hernandez, of Honduras, said lota would leave the area in tatters.

Scientists say climate change is to blame. They don't know if it' s causing more storms, but data seems to show it's causing storms to be stronger and more harmful. James P. Kossin is a climate scientist with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration(NOAA).He says the increase in greenhouse gas emissions (排放) is changing how storms behave. “These storms have a human fingerprint on them," he told TIME for Kids.

As the planet warms, so do its oceans. That' s where hurricanes begin. A storm draws its energy from ocean air. Warmer water provides more energy, which means higher winds. It also means heavier rain. Increased energy is also causing hurricanes to get stronger and faster. In August, Laura changed from a tropical storm to a strong hurricane in about a day. It hit Texas and Louisiana with winds of up to 150 miles per hour. Laura's storm surge ---- a wall of ocean water mainly caused by a strong wind --- reached 17 feet in places. It was among the highest ever recorded in Louisiana.

Hurricanes are also sticking around longer to do more damage. Rising temperatures are slowing down westerly winds, which blow around the planet. That makes storms move more slowly. In 2017, Hurricane Harvey hung around for days, flooding parts of Texas. “That storm was damaging because it didn't move.” Kossin says. “It just sat there. And it rained and rained."

Reducing greenhouse gases is the first step. Kossin says. "we can stop making it worse. Then we can try our best to adapt to the new climate we' re in."

1. What do the underlined words “in tatters” in the first paragraph mean?
2. How do scientists think climate change has influenced storms?
A.It's led to storms destroying more.
B.It' s made storms difficult to read.
C.It' s increased the number of storms.
D.It's made storms happen in more places.
3. Why did the author give the example of Laura?
A.To prove that increased energy is causing storms to get stronger.
B.To show that storms are causing more and more damage.
C.To introduce different types of storms.
D.To explain how storms form.
4. What happened in Texas in 2017?
A.A wall of ocean water broke the record in history.
B.A girl named Laura was lost in a storm.
C.Greenhouse gases increased rapidly.
D.Floods hit some places there.
2021-05-20更新 | 65次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般