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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:413 题号:19081754

As a doctor, I can give you a lot of useful advice about how to get healthy and stay that way, but you don’t need me to tell you that exercise is good for you. Staying active can benefit the heart, the waistline, even the mind.     1     More than 60% of American adults don’t exercise regularly, and many say they don’t exercise at all. More than 72 million are overweight, and almost all of them would like to lose the extra pounds. So, if exercise is such a good idea, why don’t more people do it?

    2     Even as I write this, I am watching my two-year-old run around in circles. Kids seem to be born in constant motion, but along the way that behavior changes.

The slowdown occurs for most at the beginning of college. Academic pressure and lack of organized sports are certainly part of the problem. A bigger part may be looking at life changes as an occasion to blow up old rules and not create new ones in their place.     3     The demands of a new job usually mean less time at the gym. How about a new marriage? How many times have we seen just-married couples looking a lot heavier in first-anniversary photos than they did in the wedding pictures?

    4     People who set general goals, like “I will exercise in my free time,” did a far worse job of sticking to that plan than did people who made a firm commitment, like “I will walk to my friend’s house and back every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.”

The good news is, there are solutions to all these. We can begin with exercises as simple as remembering to sit straighter or drink enough water. Specific workout plans can turn a general desire to exercise into a firm commitment.     5    

We may never again have the energy of a two-year-old, but getting back even a little of our early-life energy can make our later lives a whole lot healthier.

A.Being in college is certainly part of the problem.
B.This is especially so when it comes to staying fit.
C.Not having a clearly defined exercise plan can hurt.
D.We often wish to go back to our two-year-old selves.
E.For instance, you can schedule a weekly gym visit with friends.
F.Still, there’s a real disconnect between what we know and what we do.
G.The most puzzling part of our inactive nature is that we don’t start out that way.


阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Many people may feel puzzled when viewing art, for it is generally thought to be too abstract and professional. However, it doesn’t mean you can’t view art if you’ re not an art expert.     1    

Spend time on art. If you only take a moment to consider a work of art, you’ll only generate a moment’s opinion.     2    Art lets you put life on pause. That’s one of its greatest aspects. Even if it’s just for a few moments, stop worrying about what you need to do next or where you need to be and really dive into the artwork.

Determine the basics. When you’re first encountering an artwork, identify the basic information about it.     3    When possible, identify the artist, when they created it, and whether it is a still life or a landscape. These simple observations can help you gain a better understanding of the artwork.

Recognize your feelings. Recognize your feelings as you first view the art.     4    Is it natural and unintentional? How does it affect your feelings? This subjective(主观的) response is a more immediate reaction, but it is worth regarding, because art is about the artist communicating and expressing ideas.

    5    Art is subjective, so finding what you like and don’t like about a work of art is a key factor to better understanding it. If you don’t like a certain style, don’t worry—there is something out there for everyone, from Abstract Expressionism to Photorealism.

A.Do some homework.
B.Find your likes and dislikes.
C.Is the artwork forceful and dramatic?
D.Is there a right or a wrong way on how to view art?
E.If it’s a painting, see if you can figure out the type of paint used.
F.The most enriching and fascinating artwork requires plenty of time to fully appreciate.
G.Try these tips next time you’re viewing art and see if you can transform your experience.
2023-04-30更新 | 100次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】How to Write a Free Verse Poem

Let’s say you are working on homework or an assignment about writing a free verse poem and you’re all set to start.     1     Fortunately, the following steps can solve your problem.

Choose a subject. Maybe you can write a poem about a person or your favorite pet.    2     If you have trouble choosing a subject, try closing your eyes and visualizing what is meaningful to you. Then select one that you have an emotional connection to.

Think about how to approach the subject.    3     Are you focusing on the specific scene or are you going to write more generally about a certain theme? Are you considering how you can choose certain words to describe the subject? It can be helpful to decide ahead of time what you want to say about the topic.

    4     Not being too worried about rhyming, you can feel free to explore your topic. Write down as many details as you can think of. For example, if you are describing your last birthday party, you may start by describing who was at the party, the gifts you received, and how you felt during the party.

Create a draft and improve it. Use the list of keywords to help you draft a poem.    5     These will help you to create a stronger free verse poem. Then, read your draft loudly and take note of any lines or sections that have a certain rhythm, as well as any lines where a word or phrase sounds off or flat.

A.Focus on using devices like metaphor, simile, etc.
B.You can also focus on a theme like love or sorrow.
C.Write down the key words that relate to your subject.
D.Look at the place where you could improve on a description.
E.Are you planning to write a perfect draft or write your poem directly?
F.However, there’s one problem: you don’t know how to write a free verse poem!
G.Are you going to write from a certain point of view, like the first person or the third person?
7日内更新 | 31次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】There are times in life when the going becomes so tough that it feels like the end of your story.

    1     But we eventually overcome the adversities(逆境) in our path and emerge out of the other end. Here are some of the most practical ways of dealing with adversities.

Remind yourself of past victories(胜利)

    2     We have all gone through seemingly unbeatable challenges and emerged out of the other end. And yet, each time a new adversity surfaces, we completely forget about the above truth. It is this that makes the going tougher than it needs to be. Therefore, when you are faced with a tough situation, simply remind yourself of your past victories.     3    

Give yourself time to process

When a challenge suddenly shows up, you might feel like the ground has disappeared from underneath your feet. Obviously, in times like these, you are bound to feel confused, terrified and a whole host of other emotions. This is completely normal.     4     In times like these, you should give yourself time to process the events. Once you have gathered yourself, you can then try and find solutions. If you need to take a break from your regular routine, that’s completely okay!

Be disciplined

I can’t stress enough how important discipline is in life in general. And when it comes to dealing with challenges, it becomes even more relevant. Discipline will keep you going forward even when you want to quit.     5     If you are wondering what that looks like, well, study the lives of soldiers. Learn about how they keep going in the midst of a war. That should open up your eyes to the significance of this must-have quality.

A.Every adversity comes with an opportunity.
B.In fact, you shouldn’t hold back your feelings.
C.That will give you some ideas and motivation to keep going on.
D.It is the single most effective quality to deal with difficult times.
E.It might seem like there is no getting out in such difficult periods.
F.A wise person once said, “Even the darkest night gives way to dawn.”
G.This point is about preparing yourself before an adversity event shows up.
2023-04-19更新 | 64次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般