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题型:书面表达-开放性作文 难度:0.65 引用次数:44 题号:19107548

The Enlightenment from Olympic Champions

As we all know, Chinese athletes got remarkable achievements in the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics.



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My dad worked in construction. His day started early and ended late. All he wanted to do was crash on the couch and relax when he got home. For the most part that was what he did. No one complained; we were just happy when he was home.

But one hot and muggy summer, when my parents’ nineteenth anniversary was coming up, they made plans to go out, just the two of them. The big day finally arrived and Dad got home at seven. Mom had fed me early. She was dressed in her finest and wearing her favorite pair of high heels when he came in. He came through the kitchen and headed for the family room. It was obvious he was hot and tired.

“Honey, I just need a thirty-minute nap and then we will go out to eat,” he said as he sat down on the couch. Mom was already on her way over to the couch to give him a fresh cup of hot coffee. She bent over and kissed him on the head and said, “I’ll be ready whenever you are.”

I knew how important this evening was to my mother, but before long Dad was fast asleep. Then I watched my mother do the strangest thing. She reached into the refrigerator and took out eggs and bacon. Soon she had a batch of biscuits baking in the oven.

Before my eyes she piled a plate full of his favorite foods. As she set another fresh cup of coffee on the end table she bent down and kissed him while whispering in his ear. “It’s time to wake up.”

He sat up on the edge of the couch. As he looked up he found my mom standing in front of him with his dinner. “Honey, I promised you I would take you out to dinner and I meant it.” he said sincerely.

Mom sat down beside him on the couch as he took the plate of food. She said, “I know you would, but I also know you’ve had a hard day and you’re tired. What’s important is that we are together. We can go out any time for dinner.”

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My dad sat there, holding the plate of dinner prepared by my mom.
Suddenly, the doorbell rang and I knew my special package for them came.
2024-03-08更新 | 34次组卷
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Sara, my neighbor, and I were sitting in our yard, chatting, and frowning at the wooden house across the street.

Nobody in the neighborhood had met these two young men there yet. The two men had long hair and beards and dressed strangely. They kept to themselves. When they came outside, they never made eye contact with anyone. “They sure don’t fit into the neighborhood,” Sara said, the corners of her mouth turning down as she stared at that house.

Sara said, “What about our street parties? We’ve always included everyone. Should we invite them?” I sighed, “Try being nice, Sara.” Suddenly, Sara sat up straight and her eyes grew wide with curiosity when a government car pulled up before Mrs Swain’s house next door. We hurried over. Mrs Swain was recovering from cancer and lived alone. Sara and I tried to keep an eye on her.

The man from the car put a piece of paper on Mrs Swain’s door and hurriedly left. Mrs Swain looked old, thin, and very tired when she opened the door. We three looked at the paper. It read: “Someone complained your grass’ length is against city rules. Please cut it in five days, or you’ll be fined.”

It was a shame that nobody had cut her grass for her. However, Sara and I lived alone, and we were both pregnant. What was worse, we were on a tight budget, and the other families here were on vacation.

Sara and I comforted Mrs Swain, telling her we’d figure out a way. Mrs Swain blinked in confusion, “Who would complain? Everyone knows that my old lawn mower is broken. And I’ve been sick too.” “It may be those two guys across the street,” Sara whispered, angrily staring at that wooden house.

Just then, a voice that seemed too gentle to be coming from the strange young man behind me said, “What is going on? Is she alright?” He nodded toward Mrs Swain. Sara looked at him coldly and said, “Some guys reported her because her grass is too high.” Her eyes ran over him disapprovingly, but he didn’t seem to notice.

The young man and his friend quickly made eye contact and nodded seriously.
After they finished the work, Sara and I walked in shame to apologize for judging them.
2023-06-05更新 | 139次组卷
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I have a brother and a sister named Tex and Indi, who are five‑year-old twins. One day, Tex was playing with his friend Sammy. They were building a space station out of Legos, and I was sitting nearby, so I could hear their conversation.

“I'm putting a jetpack on this guy,” said Sammy, “so he can fly from the space station to the spaceship.”

“You know, my grandfather invented jetpacks,” said Tex.

“Really?” said Sammy.

Tex nodded, “And, my grandpa lets me use a jetpack whenever we visit him.”

I could hardly believe my ears. I knew that Tex had a great imagination, but I'd never heard him tell a lie before. Then I realized I'd better talk to him privately, so I asked him to meet me in the kitchen.   

“Why would you lie to your friend?” I asked.

Tex said, “Sammy always gets to do cool stuff that I wish I could do. I wanted to be the one talking about cool stuff for a change.”

“Well, you should apologize to Sammy,” I said. “And from now on, always tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. OK?”

“OK,” Tex replied.

He went to apologize to Sammy while I patted myself on the back for being the world's best big sister. But it wasn't long before I realized that my helpful advice wasn't actually that helpful.

The next morning, while I was singing along to my favorite song on the radio, Tex popped his head into my room and said, “I don't think your voice sounds very good with that song.”

“Nobody asked your opinion,” I said.

“I was just telling the truth!” said Tex.

That afternoon, Indi ran into the house after her art class and said, “What do you think of the horse I made out of clay?”

“It's ugly,” said Tex.   

“That wasn't nice,” said Indi, crying and leaving the room.

“But it's true,” Tex said.

Then, at dinner, our mom said, “I tried a new recipe for buckwheat noodles. It took me forever to make. I hope you like it.”

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Tex put one forkful in his mouth and said it tasted terrible directly.


Throughout the rest of dinner, we had a big family conversation.

2022-03-28更新 | 55次组卷
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