组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 哲理感悟
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:107 题号:19147525

Joy is an emotion experienced by many but understood by few. It often refers to a broad sense of being satisfied with life that appears after experiencing a sense of awe or wonder. It also relates to accomplishing something we’ve wanted for a long time. It’s usually mistaken for happiness, but joy is experienced naturally, while happiness is often pursued.

Joy triggers (引发) a series of physical and psychological changes that can improve our health. When joyous, our breathing becomes faster, our heartbeat increases, and our chest and entire body feel warmer. These changes make our body prepared for movement and also make us feel more mentally prepared to take on life’s challenges. These changes in body and mind are also associated with improved mood.

Interestingly, joy is both a state and a trait (特质). This means that while some of us only experience it as a result of a joyful situation, others have a capacity for it, that is to say, they’re able to experience joy regardless of whether they’ve encountered something joyful. Some research suggests that this capacity is genetic, with estimates that about 30% of people have this “gift for joy”. This means they’re hardly influenced by their external environment and may find it easier to experience joy.

But just because some people may find it easier to experience joy, that doesn’t mean we can do nothing to help boost our experience of it. Sharing and preparing food with others can help us experience more joy, as it can enhance what’s known as psychological flourishing — the highest level of wellbeing. Researchers also find that doing exercise in company with other people or accomplishing an exercise-related goal we never thought we were capable of can lead to joy. Another simple way to boost feelings of joy is by writing down how you feel. In one experiment, participants who spent 20 minutes a day writing about positive experiences for three months reported better moods compared with participants who wrote about different topics.

However, while joy is wonderful to experience, it isn’t the only emotion we’ll feel in our life. It’s important to embrace all the emotions we experience — be that sadness, anger, happiness or joy.

1. What does the underlined word “It” in Paragraph 1 refer to?
2. The changes triggered by joy can ________.
A.make our breath fasterB.increase our heartbeat
C.prepare our body for movementD.make us feel challenged
3. Why is joy a trait?
A.Because it’s a result of a joyful situation.
B.Because it’s an experience of few people.
C.Because it’s a general capacity.
D.Because it’s a genetic talent.
4. Which of the following statements does the author agree with?
A.Food is an important source of joy.
B.It’s joyful to exercise with other people.
C.Being a writer makes you have better moods.
D.Joy should be valued more than other emotions.
【知识点】 哲理感悟 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约430词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Should we focus on our goal, or on the process?

What happened to Brenda Martinez, a US Olympic runner, may provide us with the answer. She lost her balance in the 800-meter run and failed to qualify for the Olympics. Instead of focusing on her failure, she prepared to win in the next race. “I just quickly let go of what happened in the 800m and got back to my routine, focusing on all the little things I could do to give me the best chance of running well later in the week,” she told New York Magazine. She said it was this mindset that led to her winning third place in the 1500-meter race about a week later to qualify for the Olympics in Rio. Instead of devoting herself to the goal of participating in the Olympics, she concentrated on the process.

There is a problem with setting goals. Researchers from Harvard, the University of Pennsylvania and Northwestern, found that overemphasizing goals based on measurable outcomes often leads to risk-taking, unethical (不道德的) behavior and reduced motivation. Their results were published in a Harvard Business School report titled “Goals Gone Wild: The Systematic Side Effects of Over-Prescribing Goal Setting.”

When you become overly focused on achieving the goal, you may lose sight of your original purpose for accomplishing the goal in the first place. Another danger is actually completing the goal without setting a plan for what’s next. For example, some marathon runners experience what’s called the “post-race blues”. Achieving your goal may cause you to drop the good habits that got you there in the first place. Dieters often experience this in what’s called “yo-yo dieting” when they drop down to a desired weight, but then gain all the weight back when they resume (重新开始) their bad habits.

“After you set a goal, it’s best to shift your focus from the goal itself to the process that gives you the best chance of achieving it and to judge yourself based on how well you complete that process, ” columnist Brad Stulberg wrote on the website The Cut.

Ultimately, changing your attention from goals to the process will cause you to achieve little victories on your way to accomplishing long-term goals. Amy Cuddy, a Harvard Business School psychology professor, wrote that focusing on this process left you with a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment, regardless of the measurable outcome.

1. Why is Brenda Martinez’s experience mentioned in Paragraph 2?
A.To show opportunity favors the prepared mind.
B.To describe how important it is to set big goals.
C.To suggest learning from failure can bring success.
D.To show how focusing on the process can lead to success.
2. According to Paragraph 3, what could overemphasizing goals bring about?
A.The use of unfair means.B.Ignoring the whole picture.
C.Overestimating the setbacks.D.Being stressed by the risks involved.
3. With the examples in Paragraph 4, the author intends to show that___________.
A.we can’t focus on the goal too much.
B.we must keep in mind why we set the goal
C.we should resume our habits when completing the goal
D.we should accept it is normal to feel down after success
4. What are the last two paragraphs mainly about?
A.Ways of judging a goal.B.Ways to set long-term goals.
C.The best chance of achieving goals.D.Benefits of focusing on the process.
2024-01-14更新 | 38次组卷
阅读理解-阅读表达(约450词) | 适中 (0.65)

It was a hot July day. The five boys and I wanted to find some new tricks to play. “Hey!” Ned said, “We haven’t climbed the cliff for a long while.” “Let’s go!” said someone else. And off they went. I hesitated. I longed to be brave and active, like them, but I’d been a sickly child most of my eight years and my mother often told me not to adventure.

“Come on!” called Jerry, my best friend. “Just because you’ve been sick is no reason to be timid.” “I’m coming!” I yelled, and ran along after them.

Through the park and into the woods, we finally approached the cliff, which was only about 60 feet high, but to me it just seemed impossible because it was almost vertical (垂直的).

One by one, the other boys began to climb upward. Then trembling and sweating, I began to climb, my heart beating widely in my skinny chest. At some point, I looked back and was horrified. The ground at the base of the cliff seemed very far below; one slip and I would fall. Soon, the boys were u to the top. Then they left, leaving me clinging (紧握) to the rock alone.

I looked down and was overcome by dizziness: I could never climb back down. It was much too far to go and I would fall and die. But the way up to the top was even worse — higher, steeper and more dangerous; I would never make it.

Time passed and it was getting dark. I began to sob.

After what seemed one hundred years, I heard my father’s comforting voice: “Come on down, boy.”

“No, I can’t,” I howl. “It’s too far, it is too hard, I can’t do it.”

“Listen to me,” my father said. “Don’t think about how far it is and all you have to think about is taking one little step.” I inched backward. Eventually I took the last step down onto rocks at the bottom.

Now whenever I’m faced with a frightening situation, I’ll remind myself not to look at the rocks far below, but at the first small and relatively easy step, feeling a sense of accomplishment with each move, until I have done what I wanted to do.

1. Why did the writer hesitate to climb the cliff at first?(no more than 10 words)
2. What does the underlined word in Paragraph 2 probably mean? (no more than 2 words)
3. How does the writer like the cliff?(no more than 10 words)
4. What is the embarrassing situation the writer have to face in Paragraph 5? (no more than 15 words)
5. What’s your attitude towards “fear” in life? Please explain.(no more than 20 words)
2020-05-26更新 | 172次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】The day I first came across a harp (竖琴) is a memory stored by all my senses. In contrast to the vivid color in which I recall this first encounter, I still remember my parents faces turning pale when I announced “I’m going to play the harp!” My parents’ faces reflected then financial fears. But they still rented me a little harp and hired a man to teach me.

I felt complete every time I played the harp. Then something happened: sheet music. Suddenly I had to learn this foreign language in order to continue to play. What was once an effortless pleasure turned into a constant struggle. My dyslexic (诵读困难的) brain fed on the beauty of the music but fought with the way it was taught. I soon found myself stuck in a love-hate relationship.

For my 16th birthday, my parents used their savings to buy me a harp, in the hope that it might settle my relationship with it. But in the weeks that followed the harp exploded.

The remains of the harp sat at the bottom of our stairs for several weeks. Eventually, my father and I built a fire to burn it. It felt strange to burn something that once represented so much, and we both sat there staring in silence. My father said “I know you find it hard to read music. But have you ever thought about just playing?” What he said changed everything for me, “Yeah, but I don’t have a harp anymore.”

Two weeks later, an old and small harp turned up. I threw away all my music books and started playing by ear and from the heart. All the passion came back. Music is so much more than dots (小圆点) on a page. If you feel it and are excited by it, stick to it. Had I let traditional music teaching techniques put me off playing the harp, I would have lost a part of myself.

1. What was the author’s parents’ reaction to her decision?
A.They were excited and hopeful about itB.They purchased her a harp immediately
C.They showed concern but agreed to itD.They hesitated over it for a long time
2. What did the author find out about sheet music?
A.It took away her enjoyment of playing the harpB.It was beneficial to foreign language learning
C.It led to her encountering difficulty in readingD.It was an effective way of appreciating music
3. How did the author feel when the harp was burnt?
4. What lesson did the author’s experience give her?
A.Hard work pays offB.Strike while the iron is hot
C.The simplest way is the best wayD.Never give up on what you really want to do
2023-08-01更新 | 70次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般