组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 环境 > 环境保护
题型:其他 难度:0.85 引用次数:22 题号:19233431

Hello, everyone! I have just come back from a wonderful trip to Tibet. It was so beautiful there that I felt I was in a fairyland. The scenery was so impressive and the air was pretty fresh and clean.     1     游客们正在被告知去细心地保护它 . However,     2     这种自然美景正在受到粗心大意的游客破坏 . Cans, plastic bags and     3     废纸依然还(正) 在被很多旅游团丢弃 as they pass through Tibet. I worry about the effect this will have on the local wildlife. How can we     4     使游客更加意识到正在对环境造成的破坏呢? We must all think about this.

【知识点】 环境保护


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A. Finally, “green” houses are built largely from used materials. This way, they can reduce the burden on the environment for raw materials.
B. Imagine getting paid by the power company instead of paying the company. Most importantly, solar energy or wind power is clean energy.
C. How do you make your home eco-friendly? The answer might be to build a “green” house. “Green ” houses look similar to the houses we live in today, with a few noticeable differences.
D. Additionally, the appliances used inside our houses must also be “green” to limit the energy they use and the waste heat they send out.
E. First, they have solar panels on the roofs or have some kind of wind power to produce their own electricity. On sunny or windy days when the house is not used, power is produced and stored in batteries for later use at night, while extra power is fed back into the power grid to make money.
2022-08-11更新 | 56次组卷
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【推荐2】But, it doesn’t have to be all bad news. “One major motivation in studying the link between climate change and human-wildlife conflicts is finding solutions,” said Abrahms. “As we learn about specific incidents, we can identify patterns and tends-and come up with interventions(干预) to try to address these conflicts.”

Some interventions maybe as simple as public-awareness campaigns. Governments can also plan forties when extreme climate events will bring people and wild if e into closer contact. “Once you know the root causes of a conflict, you can design interventions to help both people and wildlife,” said Abrahms. “We can change.”

What does Abrahms think of interventions?
A.They are too simple.B.They are out-of-date.
C.They are changeable.D.They are beneficial.
2024-04-18更新 | 44次组卷
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【推荐3】“If you look at where hydrogen is going to be produced in Europe in the next million years, it’s in two countries, Spain and Portugal,” said Thierry Lepercq, the founder and president of HyDeal Ambition, an industry platform bringing together 30 companies. “Hydrogen is the new oil.”

Lepercq is working with companies like Spanish gas pipeline corporation Enagas and global steel giant ArcelorMittal to design an end-to-end model for hydrogen production, distribution and supply at a competitive price. Criticism has centered on green hydrogen’s higher cost compared with highly-polluting “gray hydrogen” drawn from natural gas. Lepercq argues that solar energy produced in Spain is priced low enough to compete.

Globally, Lepercq said, “Electricity is 20% of energy consumption. What about the 80% that is not electrified? ... You need to replace those fossil fuels. Not in 50 years’ time. You need to replace them now.”

What can be inferred about green hydrogen in Spain according to Lepercq?
A.It is highly priced.B.It is easy to store.
C.It is competitive.D.It is highly-polluting.
2024-04-18更新 | 46次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般