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题型:选词填空-单句选词填空 难度:0.65 引用次数:25 题号:19761707
odd; cell; sufficient; periodically; worldwide; acquire;
in one way or another; curve; soccer; honour; classic;
as a result; helicopter; context; input
1. He was rushed to the hospital by _____.
2. All animals and plants are composed of _____.
3. Middle school students should be encouraged to read more _____literature.
4. Teachers meet _____to discuss the progress of the students.
5. The falling star described a long _____in the sky.
6. The money I have saved is _____for buying a car.
7. The boy who is speaking to Helen enjoys playing _____.
8. We’ve all have experienced static electricity _____.
9. His books have sold more than 20 million copies _____.
10. I don’t think he is mad but he is certainly very _____.
11. It is usually easier to pick out the meaning of a phrase in a given _____.
12. We were deeply _____to have dinner with the president.
13. But when I believe I can, then I _____the ability to do it even if I didn’t have it in the beginning.
14. There has been a big _____of resources into the project from industry.
15. The computer was used in teaching._____, not only was teachers’ energy saved, but students became more interested in the lessons.


选词填空-单句选词填空 | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐1】根据各句句意和所给词汇,选出并填入相应单词的正确形式, 使句子意思通顺。其中划线词汇、短语需要根据意义在句子填出其同义词的正确形式。(有三个多余选项)
instinct   mention   consider   direct   drama   announce   possess   walk
       visible   hesitate   at the same time   combine   essence

1. Those who are overweight should take effective measures without __________ to lose weight.
2. Lego bricks are small and colorful plastic blocks, which can be _________ together to make any number of objects into different shapes.
3. When the old man appeared in the yard, these naughty boys quickly ran away in all _________.
4. The _________ of a university degree does not guarantee you a job but good education is essential to a successful life.
5. With the efforts of the government and the residents, the environment of the city has improved __________ in the past three years.
6. If no effective measures are taken, the number of rare animals on the brink of _________ will be on the increase.
7. The doctor will come to see you again next Monday. _________, you must follow his advice and rest as much as possible.
8. As is _________ above, the number of the students signing up for evening classes in increasing.
9. Susan, as well as her parents, spent the whole afternoon _________ in the ancient town, appreciating the beautiful historical architecture.
10. In a word, Sara is a confident and _________ girl who is always ready to help others. All her classmates are fond of her.
2019-01-22更新 | 60次组卷
选词填空-单句选词填空 | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐2】用happen, occur, take place的适当形式填空
1. I’m afraid that this would ________ during my absence.
2. Did it ever ________ to you that I would give up the plan to go abroad.
3. Great changes have ________ in China since then.
4. It ________ that I had no money on me.
2023-04-16更新 | 11次组卷
选词填空-单句选词填空 | 适中 (0.65)
adapt to, die out, in danger, make progress, make out, on average, remind...of, watch over
1. Seeing the film, everyone who was watching it _______ his own childhood.
2. _______, men still earn more than women.
3. I’m glad that you _______ in English in the last two months.
4. The policemen believe that their lives are _______, so they are rushing to their rescue.
5. I heard the voices, but couldn’t _______ what they were saying.
6. The wild population of koalas is faced with _______.
7. The guards were originally hired to _______ the houses as they were being built.
8. The world will be different, and we will have to be prepared to _______ the changes.
2023-03-18更新 | 13次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般